the military ramps up for global warming....

A little dramatic don't you think? He's "good," but not that "good."

The Europeans, Russians, African countries, Middle Eastern countries, Asian countries, and the Canadians with the Central and South American countries have drawn their lines "in the sand" and rebuffed his efforts.

Fortunately for them, they have more sense than he does. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Oh, he's "That good." The Europeans, Russians, African countries, et. al. are just "racists."

There you have it folks, a National Security team that gets meaningful results.

This team did not feel the need to hold a "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" press conference on an American Aircraft Carrier.

Instead, this group threw the dead body overboard! MISSION FINALLY ACCOMPLISHED!

It's all in a days work! Originally Posted by bigtex
Yep, you are having "Mission NOT Accomplished" carved into the tombstone!

If Bush would have ordered Saddam killed in his Spiderhole instead of having a trial you Socialist Dems would have been screaming about "the rule of law" and "war crimes."
I B Hankering's Avatar
The duly assigned United Nations Weapons Inspector, Hans Blix, did the math and he said to give him a few more months to complete his assignment and the world would then know definitively whether there were still WMD's in Iraq. Unfortunately the Shrubya Administration would not listen and not 4 but 4500+ Americans lost their lives due to GW's lack of patience and gross incompetence.

Live with it LL Idiot, you're one of those who supported those efforts throughout the entire fiasco.

JUST DO THE MATH, ASSHOLE! Originally Posted by bigtex
You're the one not doing the math, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.

"To take an example, a document, which Iraq provided, suggested to us that some 1,000 tonnes of chemical agent were "unaccounted for". One must not jump to the conclusion that they exist. However, that possibility is also not excluded. If they exist, they should be presented for destruction. If they do not exist, credible evidence to that effect should be presented.

"Without evidence, confidence cannot arise."

"The United Nations' chief weapons inspector, Dr Hans Blix, warned Saddam Hussein last night that there must be no "cat and mouse" games on the ground in Iraq....

"There must be no repeat of the Iraqis' past antics, such as denying access, refusing to escort inspectors to key sites or out and out deception, he insisted:'Cat and mouse is something that I am sure will not be tolerated in the future.'

"His mission has already been undermined by Iraq's brazen denial that it has ever embarked on such programmes, a claim contradicted by the historical record.

"Having accepted a draconian UN resolution authorising "serious consequences" if Iraq continues its defiance of the rest of the world..."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't have time to read everything in between so I'm going to respond to the OP.

The military does not think about anything except their jobs. Policies come from the political side meaning the White House and the Congressional committees for the military. It is wrong to say that the military cares about "global warming". They don't. They care about killing people and breaking things in the most expeditious way possible with the smallest loss of American life. They did not decide to pay $150 a gallon for environmental friendly jet fuel. That decision was made by other people. They just want to know that they have plenty of it.

However, straying from the topic slightly, why are our police forces arming themselves with military grade equipment? Global Warming?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously you miss the point JdIdiot. This thread was begun about the military and global warming ... Silly for sure, but the OP.

But the large majority of it has been one poster shrieking, squealing and regurgitating the same old shit with which he's hijacked most every thread in which he's posted.

Do do you support that?
LexusLover's Avatar
You do realize, don't you, that BigTits actually believes that if keeps repeating the same bullshit over and over again, that someone else will also believe what he says while attempting to rewrite history. Since he plays "what if" .... (he doesn't know there were no WMDs), would he be posting his bullshit if freighter carrying WMD's from Iraq parked itself on the bottom of the Houston ship channel in 2003 near beltway 8 bridge prior to being "lit up"?
I was more concerned the Pentagon had provisions for Zombies than global warming. I was concerned for our right wing friends here on the board.
LexusLover's Avatar
I was more concerned the Pentagon had provisions for Zombies ..... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Please don't be "concerned" .... it will be okay.
I was more concerned the Pentagon had provisions for Zombies than global warming. I was concerned for our right wing friends here on the board. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

ur'a mitten...
ur'a mitten... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
And ur'a Hanoi COG's ATF "Sweet Ass" IIFFY!

Please don't be "concerned" .... it will be okay. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Was hating to lose you dipshits.

ur'a mitten... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Speak English.
ChatW's Avatar
  • ChatW
  • 05-19-2014, 06:59 PM
Staff edit, Spam. CC

Speak English. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

ur'a mitten...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
"Man-Made" global warming after the extinction of the dinosaurs:

During recent ice ages, glaciers expanded from the poles and covered nearly a third of the continents. And in the distant past there were episodes known as Snowball Earth, when the entire planet froze over. At the other extreme, a warm period near the end of the age of dinosaurs may have left the earth ice-free. Today the amount of ice is modest — 10 percent of land areas, nearly all of that in Greenland and Antarctica.

From the New York Times!!!
Staff edit, Spam. CC Originally Posted by ChatW
While on the subject............

ur'a mitten... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Whatever mumbles.