Question for the Gents About Eccie vs P411 Handles

pyramider's Avatar
Yeah right.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ it's true. Most time I go to them for advice. ;-)
My P411 handle is Feldstan.
My P411 handle is Feldstan. Originally Posted by Stanfeld
LOL! ... Mine's FingersStinky
Guest100116's Avatar
Mine's not cctex
But the 25 okays didn't seem to mind
Pistolero's Avatar
You ask this question like it somehow gives you some additional knowledge.

Let me tell you of a fairytale I once heard...

There once was a whore who got pissy after being turned down by a fucktard she had never laid eyes upon

There was then some trolling. Things were said, and it would be safe to say, that the fucktard would be about the last client she would ever want to see.

Said fucktard over the next month then set up an additional hobby number and additional 411 account

Soon after, there was a very pleasant and respectful appointment

At the end of this appointment, the whore knelt before the fucktard until he sprayed his seed into her pretty little mouth. While in the process of swallowing his load, the whore looked up and saw that the fucktard had about the biggest Cheshire cat shit eating grin that she had ever beheld. Believing herself to be be a BJ queen, she actually grinned and said "That must have felt pretty good". The simple fucktard just smiled and replied "You have no idea".

Fucktard then politely thanked the whore and went on his merry way, while the whore pocketed her 300, none the wiser and none the worse for wear.

So the moral of the story would be that when you think you know something, some times you actually don't Originally Posted by citizen44
Didn't you leave out the part where the guy got banned on the second handle?
  • iquit
  • 09-18-2016, 08:45 AM
I have a p411 that's totally different. Screening for me is a two way street. You do your part and I do mine. My only advantage is that by the time I contact u, my screening is done. However, just like you, some info I will never provide. For instance, you don't provide me with your home address, real name e.t.c. because it's not necessary for what our objectives are, but you do give me an address to go to since that is necessary. Similarly, I don't give out my eccie or p411 handle unless it's necessary, if u expect both, then I would give both, unfortunately, you will fail my screening in that case and never get to the part where I contact u. I join p411 so I don't have to provide any additional info coz it's all in there. Any additional requests means u r not comfy with seeing me which = failing my screening.
citizen44's Avatar
Didn't you leave out the part where the guy got banned on the second handle? Originally Posted by Pistolero
Try harder. The failure of your Hooked on Phonics course is showing

My P411 handle is Feldstan. Originally Posted by Stanfeld
LOL! ... Mine's FingersStinky Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Now that is some super funny shit ... Can't keep track of which account he's logged in to

I've seen people posting on here when they forgot which account they were logged into and gave themselves away ... TFF! ... Back to Remedial Troll School Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
He has never slipped up with his eccie accounts that I'm aware of.
But using the same phone number with both accounts raised suspicion. The suspicion is confirmed when the same pleasantly nerdy gent shows up two years later.
Perhaps he thought it would go unnoticed since it was two years ago that he used the phone number via his troll account and then this year booking an entirely different provider via the other account.

It was noticed.
spear89's Avatar
I put both my old and new eccie handles onto my p411 profile
He has never slipped up with his eccie accounts that I'm aware of.
But using the same phone number with both accounts raised suspicion. The suspicion is confirmed when the same pleasantly nerdy gent shows up two years later. Originally Posted by Eden Courtesans

How many times have you "seen him in person?"
Perhaps he thought it would go unnoticed since it was two years ago that he used the phone number via his troll account and then this year booking an entirely different provider via the other account.

It was noticed. Originally Posted by Eden Courtesans

So did he use you as a "reference" for the screening by this "entirely different provider?"
I only request appointments through P411, but I also "screen" them on ECCIE via their reviews and posts. I give the providers the same opportunity by giving them my ECCIE handle in the request—I figure it makes us both more comfortable. What I don't know is how many of you gals actually look. Occasionally I will make contact through P411 and they won't even look at my 411 profile.
whores chasing shadows........take the money and run Originally Posted by dearhunter
The only good piece of advice in the whole thread.

To the OP:

This place is these guys playground.
Trolling is the sport, at times.
Does it matter what kind of trolling a guy does as a past-time?
Sure, maybe it is a part of his character, but you aren't marrying him. All you need to know:
Is he safe for _____(allotted time)?
Does he pay?
Is he cleanly?

^The only shit relevant.

How a man posts, is certainly not relevant. Unless he is making you miserable on board, again, if you ALLOW him to do so...
If he circumnavigates your screening, and you successfully play with his weenie, and he pays you... And you both walk away...
Who is really losing?

Worrying over "who's handle is this anyways" is nothing but drama and headaches.

Let a troll come circumnavigate my screening and pay me to play with him.... If I invest little to no effort advertising, and he is doing the pursuing, and I get paid and walk away safe... Did I really lose? Or should I be LMAO that someone wanted to grudge-fuck me so badly that they came off of a short stack?

It's gonna happen to every provider eventually, whether they realize it or not, whether they acknowledge it or not... As long as you are on board.
It's just the way the game is played... Especially if you participate on the boards, you are in the game.

I didn't make the rules, I just know the way it's played.

Suck it up, buttercup. Take the money, and walk away smiling because you won; And they think they've won.
Kind of win/win... actually.
