we have been here before: to mask or not to mask

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
push ups? they have to be bullshitting you.
OTC ibuprofen? hmm interesting. their flu must've been mild. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yup. At first I thought only 25, what a pu*ssy. Then I thought, hmm, must not be so bad. They reminded me that 99.8% of people survive it and it wasn't even as bad as the flue by comparison. (obviously no comorbidities) But yeah, Ibuprofen for 2 days. I was hoping to get info into so many other options. I am meeting them next week for lunch. Couldn't this week because of my own schedule. So stay tuned...

In the meantime, stay tuned the WHO fear-porn engine about the dreaded and predicted child maiming disease that maybe, might be coming his fall - just in case we all actually survive this B.S. on a slim 99.8% likelihood.

Pump up the volume. Pump up the volume. Dance. Dance. Dance.
Like good little Comrades...
sportfisherman's Avatar
Do you Know this ?

Or do you Dunno this ?

I think you mostly Dunno.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Yes oeb , I'm not trying to give you a hard time on this.

But doctor offices and hospitals would not disappear and us be herded into VA clinics with Medicare for all.

They would continue to exist and operate just as they do now.
Costs would actually go down due to relieving providers and hospitals from egregious protocols interjected into the process by the Insurance and Pharmaceutical Companies.

If you look at a pie graph of all the premiums paid in by the private sector plus all the federal dollars paid into the system, some of those dollars are disbursed to the ones who actually provide or deliver the care.The ones who do the work.

There is then a Huge piece of pie left for the Ins Co. and Pharmaceutical Co.

The intimation that our system would turn to shit is a scare tactic ruse by Big Ins if we were not to keep them.

Most more advanced countries (although way smaller than us) have it where all Healthcare dollars go to actual care.
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2020, 09:21 AM
That won't happen with Bernie and no care fo rnobody.

you parrot DPST fantasies adn Lies about the reality
Ever worked in a VAH ???
It will be many times worse for Amerika of the DPST party.

Free stuff for everybody

Nobody works- and No taxes available to pay for the fantasies.

A socialist Dream fantasy world.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I'm sorry. I didn't know that if you had Medicare you have to go to a VA clinic.

Thanks for the info.

Did any of you other guys know that ?

We should thank oeb.

Could you kindly explain in a succinct manner what DPST is ?

Not an article or reference please , I'm more interested in what your understanding of it is ?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Could you kindly explain in a succinct manner what DPST is ?... Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Allow moi. Go stand in front of a mirror and gaze into it.
If you do not see anything, then you are already dead from the neck up at least (most likely scenario)
If you do, that's a DPST. (still highly likely scenario)
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
post #1: more things change, more things stay the same...
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2020, 09:04 AM
I'm sorry. I didn't know that if you had Medicare you have to go to a VA clinic.

Thanks for the info.

Did any of you other guys know that ?

We should thank oeb.

Could you kindly explain in a succinct manner what DPST is ?

Not an article or reference please , I'm more interested in what your understanding of it is ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Thank u for the usual deflection and denial.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey I checked up on that Medicare / VA thing myself.

According to my sources you are incorrect.With Medicare ; you can go to any doctor,clinic,or hospital that accepts it.

I think you are the one in denial.
I think you are the one guilty of deflection.

And I don't think you guys can articulate what DPST is or means.
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2020, 06:22 PM
usual deflection and denial from the DPST marxists.

Thank you.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
How Would You Feel About A Nationwide Mask Mandate That Forced You To Wear A Mask In Public At All Times?

I think that this headline is going to upset a lot of people, and it should.

Personally, I believe that if you want to wear a mask you should be able to wear a mask, but if you don’t want to wear a mask you should not be forced to wear one.

And I also believe that we should be respectful of the choices that others have made...

...On Thursday, Joe Biden stated that he supports “mandatory mask wearing” in every U.S. state…

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, called for a nationwide mask mandate on Thursday, drawing a sharp contrast with President Donald Trump, who rarely wears a mask himself and opposes such mandates.

“Every single American should be wearing a mask when they’re outside for the next three months at a minimum,” Biden said at a press appearance in Wilmington, Delaware. “Every governor should mandate mandatory mask wearing. The estimates by the experts are that it will save over 40,000 lives in the next three months. Forty thousand lives, if people act responsibly.”...

44 sec, Two men, not wearing masks, talk about wearing masks

2 min; Awesome demonstration by a board certified Doctor demonstrating the effects on aerosols with most common types of masks on the market. Probably need to watch it soon, before the NOT board certified Doctors at YouTub censor it.

Oops, too late. Well... it basically shows how foolish one is to believe the idiocy of wearing a mask to protect others from aerosols. But you have been protected from seeing it, for your own good and of course, for the children...
Yes oeb , I'm not trying to give you a hard time on this.

But doctor offices and hospitals would not disappear and us be herded into VA clinics with Medicare for all.

They would continue to exist and operate just as they do now.
Costs would actually go down due to relieving providers and hospitals from egregious protocols interjected into the process by the Insurance and Pharmaceutical Companies.

If you look at a pie graph of all the premiums paid in by the private sector plus all the federal dollars paid into the system, some of those dollars are disbursed to the ones who actually provide or deliver the care.The ones who do the work.

There is then a Huge piece of pie left for the Ins Co. and Pharmaceutical Co.

The intimation that our system would turn to shit is a scare tactic ruse by Big Ins if we were not to keep them.

Most more advanced countries (although way smaller than us) have it where all Healthcare dollars go to actual care. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Obama said on national TV twice that there was $200 BILLION in Medicare fraud a year. That's a lot of money, even for govt waste. I've been told by two friends of relative doctors who spent time in jail for medicare fraud. Neither had their licenses pulled.

Nobody knows what medicare for all entails. I smell an election bait n switch.

How Would You Feel About A Nationwide Mask Mandate That Forced You To Wear A Mask In Public At All Times?

I think that this headline is going to upset a lot of people, and it should.

Personally, I believe that if you want to wear a mask you should be able to wear a mask, but if you don’t want to wear a mask you should not be forced to wear one.

And I also believe that we should be respectful of the choices that others have made...

...On Thursday, Joe Biden stated that he supports “mandatory mask wearing” in every U.S. state…

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, called for a nationwide mask mandate on Thursday, drawing a sharp contrast with President Donald Trump, who rarely wears a mask himself and opposes such mandates.

“Every single American should be wearing a mask when they’re outside for the next three months at a minimum,” Biden said at a press appearance in Wilmington, Delaware. “Every governor should mandate mandatory mask wearing. The estimates by the experts are that it will save over 40,000 lives in the next three months. Forty thousand lives, if people act responsibly.”...

... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Again, if masks are so effective, yours should do just fine.
rexdutchman's Avatar
OP just look at Hawaii , 2000 miles from nowhere mask orders from April (24) indoors now outdoors no travel and there numbers are skyrocketing LSM mostly ignoring sooo masks destroying the economy not working ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????

So no mask
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
more things change, more things stay the same.
I agree Dilbert. "Again, if masks are so effective, yours should do just fine.", obviously indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of use of masks. I won't rehash other threads, but basically YOUR mask protects OTHERS....OTHER people's mask protect YOU. It's not that hard to understand, but some people don't understand the concept. Now, if you don't want to accept the responsibility to protect others with minimal effort, then that's your problem. But please don't confuse others with erroneous statements.