You are a contradiction in terms. A poet in a hardass Lord Vader. Niiiiice.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Did you know that Ivan the terrible was once Ivan the great?
Rudyard K's Avatar

I would tend to think if the OP or his other sith lord that mentored him banned anybody in the next few days, the appeal strategy would be simply to point the admins and owners to this thread.

As a casual observer, it looks to me as though both John Bull and Marcus came spoiling for a fight. This thread is downright inflammatory.

I always thought a mod's best role was to put out fires, not kindle them. Originally Posted by phatdaty
Or I can express my opinion and hope the people who derive revenue from the performance of this site and their mostly volunteer staff make changes in that staff if that revenue is impacted by negativity caused by that volunteer staff.

Who would want to advertise on a site where their prospective clients are treated poorly by that site's volunteer staff?

Here is odd idea, and maybe it hasn't occurred to the leadership of a board that is still in its infancy: Moderators should serve, not antagonize. They definitely should not pick fights; finishing them is seen as a good thing, as long as they didn't start them. In this case, these two clearly attempted to stir up fighting. Happily most saw that for what it was and ignored them.

The D&T crowd is a fairly enlightened bunch. Folks trying to hard sell crazy should peddle their goods down the road, we aren't buying here. Originally Posted by phatdaty
This board itself may be in its infancy...but the leadership is far from neophytes in running a board. I think the board...and the moderation...is being run exactly like the leadership wants it to run. And I know some of the D&T crowd seems to think they are more enlightened than the rest of the crowd...but they're not...and most of the rest are happy as a pig in sh*t.

Take a whirl at the leadership if you like. I have a feeling they'll remind you to not let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
phatdaty's Avatar
I think the board...and the moderation...is being run exactly like the leadership wants it to run. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Agreed, only a change in revenue would concern the ownership of this board. Mods that go off half-cocked never know when they might be messing with a potential large advertiser on the board. Nothing worse than a volunteer costing you money.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
"If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all."
MA, you really made the Darth Vader avatar come to life there...nice!!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Actually I did let someone get under my skin.
That's not the way to do things here.
Is this the kinder gentler MA?
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Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

The uniform is in the shop.
I come here, like I did to HDH, to learn.


There are a LOT of very intelligent people that hang out here.

I am formally uneducated (only as far as HS), chose to ignore any kind of polictical education over the course of my life and have never traveled out of the immediate Midwest. Most of anything I've learned over the years, I learned from reading.

This forum is a great place to learn.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

Gir does have a dark side though.

Gir does have a dark side though. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
phatdaty's Avatar
Agreed, only a change in revenue would concern the ownership of this board. Mods that go off half-cocked never know when they might be messing with a potential large advertiser on the board. Nothing worse than a volunteer costing you money. Originally Posted by phatdaty
"If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all." Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I am not sure how what was stated could be "nice" or "not nice." It is merely conjecture based on facts as I know them. I think nearly every SHMB board owner would openly admit that while they do open such boards to serve the hobby community that they are usually a part of, this is not a wholly philanthropic endeavor. They derive revenue through the selling of banner advertisements. It pays for the operational costs of the board, and hopefully a bit more than that. No matter how you slice it, the banner advertisers are the lifeblood of most boards.

Now I presented a hypothetical. If a moderator, for instance, or some other volunteer staff member were to say, takes things too personal that may have never even been directed at them, or perhaps overstepped their role, or, and I know this only happens on very rare occasions and certainly never on ECCIE, slightly abused their powers as a moderator to get a little post revenge in a forum that is pretty much known as a place were heated discussion is not just the norm, such discussions are valued highly by the participants, well can you follow that my hypothetical is just suggesting this could impact revenue?

Picture for instance if that moderator, having a bad day, stepped on the wrong toes. What if that new member they alienated was actually also a prospective advertiser? What if that member had been merely test driving the site to decide if he or she, or them were going to spend a few hundred dollars a month on this site for various advertising for their SP related business? One wrong impression by a volunteer staff member could cost the board owner a pretty penny, and even sadder, they might not even learn of this, because if this moderator, having a bad day upset the member enough, they might just fade into lurking on the board and never spend a dime, or explain why they decided not to spend a dime.

I was simply pointing out a possible scenario. I am not sure how that could be quantified, or even qualified as being nice. It was merely something to ponder. The sort thing I thought was the norm in D&T.

I could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time and it most likely won't be the last.