Trump melts down for over 2 hours at CPAC. Faithful jizz in their pants.

lustylad's Avatar
No. I want to make sure everyone understands your acronyms correctly.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Take a shot at it, LL.

Make a guess.

bambino's Avatar
Take a shot at it, LL.

Make a guess.

HAHAHAHAHSHAHSHSH!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why? It doesn’t mean anything to anyone here but you. It can be your little secret.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or don’t.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Don't really use that much anymore, LL. And you know it.

I prefer DOTUS. Orange Sphincter also seems appropriate. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Much better. More respectful. Less unhinged.

D = Distinguished President.

Why did you drop the "P"? It's only one more letter. Originally Posted by lustylad
No. I want to make sure everyone understands your acronyms correctly. Originally Posted by lustylad

from YR. its Dumbass of the United States or Dumbo of the United States. I forget which. YR told me in another thread when I asked about his acronym.
lustylad's Avatar
Naaah.... he's just showing respect for the office for a change.

It's D = Distinguished (President)
O = Of
T = The
U = United
S = States

He's too lazy to include the "P" and DPOTUS would be hard to pronounce.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I beg to differ. The so-called fact checkers exercise great discretion in deciding what is significant and worth calling out the POTUS on. They invite laughter and ridicule when they are so desperate to discredit trumpy that they over-reach, scrape the bottom of the barrel, and hype the trivial trying to find and expose his "lies".

They're acting like pompous, earnest little fly speckers.

FAKE NEWS doesn't only mean making up stories. It can also mean attributing significance to non-stories. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes, we differ.

Trump is a different breed of POTUS. He ran on that theme and he has delivered. You like him for it and I dislike him for it.

At no time has any POTUS, in my opinion, distorted the truth like Donald Trump. That's what makes the fact checking so much fun. You never know what will come out of his mouth. Most are not lies. Just ridiculous over-statements to impress his loyal followers. A perfect example is his statements on attendance at his rally and O'Rourke's rally in El Paso:

"Trump compared his rally to the countermarch happening down the street at Acosta Park, “A young man who has very little going for himself except he has a great first name He challenged us, so we have, let’s say, 35,000 people tonight and he has 200 people, 300 people – not too good.”"

A lie? Probably not. A ridiculous over-statement? Yes. Reliable estimates of Trump's crowd was about 13,000, and about 7,000 for O'Rourke. Important in the overall scheme of things. No. Just another never-ending ridiculous statement attributed to the POTUS, the most powerful person in the world.

Such statements are made by Trump on an almost daily basis. Unfortunately for him, even when he speaks the truth people question his statements because of his past history.
themystic's Avatar
Yes, we differ.

Trump is a different breed of POTUS. He ran on that theme and he has delivered. You like him for it and I dislike him for it.

At no time has any POTUS, in my opinion, distorted the truth like Donald Trump. That's what makes the fact checking so much fun. You never know what will come out of his mouth. Most are not lies. Just ridiculous over-statements to impress his loyal followers. A perfect example is his statements on attendance at his rally and O'Rourke's rally in El Paso:

"Trump compared his rally to the countermarch happening down the street at Acosta Park, “A young man who has very little going for himself except he has a great first name He challenged us, so we have, let’s say, 35,000 people tonight and he has 200 people, 300 people – not too good.”"

A lie? Probably not. A ridiculous over-statement? Yes. Reliable estimates of Trump's crowd was about 13,000, and about 7,000 for O'Rourke. Important in the overall scheme of things. No. Just another never-ending ridiculous statement attributed to the POTUS, the most powerful person in the world.

Such statements are made by Trump on an almost daily basis. Unfortunately for him, even when he speaks the truth people question his statements because of his past history. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Saying you have 35,000 people in an arena that hold 6,500 people is a lie. The El Paso fire department would know about that sort of thing. They estimated that maybe 3,500 people were outside the arena. Saying Beto had 200-400 people is a lie. Trump is a pathological Liar by any standard
lustylad's Avatar
At no time has any POTUS, in my opinion, distorted the truth like Donald Trump.... You never know what will come out of his mouth. Most are not lies. Just ridiculous over-statements to impress his loyal followers....

A lie? Probably not. A ridiculous over-statement? Yes.

Such statements are made by Trump on an almost daily basis. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
When you put it that way, I have to agree! Of course trumpy overstates and exaggerates. People saw that over and over during the 2016 campaign and voted for him anyway. After a while they became inured to it. The media gave him 24/7 campaign coverage because everyone wanted to see what would come out of his mouth next.

The problem is the left (and the MSM) can't stop over-reacting. Any initial outrage at Trump's latest utterance is quickly overshadowed by dismay at the left's over-reaction. The pundits on MSNBC and CNN love to jump up and down screaming indignantly about the newest "lie". Most people not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome can tell the difference between a lie, a white lie, and an exaggeration. Trump understands the whole dynamic and plays it constantly.

A few weeks after he was elected, Trump hosted Chinese Premier Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago. They had chocolate cake for desert one night. Trump described it as the "most beautiful piece of chocolate cake you've ever seen". Afterwards I put on MSNBC and watched incredulously as Lawrence O'Donnell spent 20 minutes explaining how this proved Trump was a pathological liar who can't be trusted to tell the truth about anything! All I could think was - what kind of pathologically unhinged dingbat gets all worked up over a fucking piece of chocolate cake? This cycle of exaggeration/ridiculous over-reaction repeats itself on a daily basis.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When you put it that way, I have to agree! Of course trumpy overstates and exaggerates. People saw that over and over during the 2016 campaign and voted for him anyway. After a while they became inured to it. The media gave him 24/7 campaign coverage because everyone wanted to see what would come out of his mouth next.

The problem is the left (and the MSM) can't stop over-reacting. Any initial outrage at Trump's latest utterance is quickly overshadowed by dismay at the left's over-reaction. The pundits on MSNBC and CNN love to jump up and down screaming indignantly about the newest "lie". Most people not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome can tell the difference between a lie, a white lie, and an exaggeration. Trump understands the whole dynamic and plays it constantly.

A few weeks after he was elected, Trump hosted Chinese Premier Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago. They had chocolate cake for desert one night. Trump described it as the "most beautiful piece of chocolate cake you've ever seen". Afterwards I put on MSNBC and watched incredulously as Lawrence O'Donnell spent 20 minutes explaining how this proved Trump was a pathological liar who can't be trusted to tell the truth about anything! All I could think was - what kind of pathologically unhinged dingbat gets all worked up over a fucking piece of chocolate cake? This cycle of exaggeration/ridiculous over-reaction repeats itself on a daily basis. Originally Posted by lustylad

I most certainly don't disagree with you on your over-reaction statements. Many times I've thought the same way. Like I said, Trump is different. It helped get him elected in 2016. It may help, or hurt, his re-election chances in 2020. If Trump would disable his twitter account, his election chances would increase dramatically in my opinion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Exponentially! But that’s not going to happen because he is every bit the bellicose, vulgar asshole he appears to be, only crookeder.