Putting folks on ignore

*sigh* Can't we all just kiss an makeup?

For me, I did have a few people on my ignore list but every time they'd post I'd get curious and unignore them lmbo. I'm too nosy for the ignore button.. so the damn thing doesn't work for me. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Lol you're so funny!...Well I'm not in a bad mood at all thanks to the ignore button, I am nosey as well, but not nosey enough to care what my ignore list has to say anymore!
First and foremost, thank you for your honest opinions on this, and for taking my questions as they were meant to be... just questions...... My

Now for a little counter-point if you will so indulge me....

First to clarify things: There is a common misconception in that if a hobbyist does not have a lot of reviews, they don't hobby. That is a false statement, in the same respect that I have hobbied more than the number of reviews I personally have.... and in those cases where some do not "Currently" hobby...... they can prove to be a greater wealth of knowledge than you can possibly imagine thanks in part to their "outsiders" perspective.... but that is just MHO.....

While I see several very valid points, and still others I can understand your feelings on.... there is still much of which I don't agree or understand....... I COMPLETELY understand the theraputic reasonings for blogging on certain things..... You are right... you are not censoring them (for the most part) by your putting them on ignore...... but to some extent it seems a point of pride that you have member "A" on ignore "so I can't read what he said"...... There is a bit of counter-productiveness in placing someone on ignore if that is a means of dispersing drama........ and I must strongly disagree with this and your blog being a means of "avoiding drama".... the fact that your blog site is in clear view on your sig line and certain aspects seem to find their way onto these boards...... While I am all in favor of venting and getting things off of your chest (clothing first and foremost).... I think there is still a certain amount of self-responsibility for those actions when they come to roost over here from there...... name calling is still name calling, and insulting and disrespectful behavior is still insulting and disrespecful behavior........ and for the same crimes you place at the feet of some here, aren't you guilty of the same on your blog in some form or another? The problem is, IMHO, that everyone handles things differently....... while you have a medium to express your opinions and perspective on happenings that is clearly visable to the masses here, there should still be a certain amount of responsability and accountability for that even if it happens to be here........ so while you have that area to voice your views, isn't there a sever amount of Shit Stirring being done as a result of it? The problem I see there is that the spoon is stirring, and yet the people who feel offended have no means of defending themselves other than to comment on this board when another member quotes or elludes to your blog...... and if you genuinely do not care what they have to say, then why the continued blog posts on the subject? For the same reason i ask them, if they don't care about you or what you say, why the constant backlash from her posts?

Why I commend you on your ability to not care about those who insult you and do not wish to read their comments/posts.... others do not necessarily feel the same way at the same time as you do..... I still feel that if someone you had on ignore posted such things on their own blog that other members here quote, ellude to ect.... it would become more of a point of interest to you......

I just feel that simply putting people on ignore in THIS PARTICULAR case simply adds fodder to the drama that is already in exsistance......... which would be counter to your intent of having them on ignore......... and again.... a wealth of information gets masked behind the blank post space.......

One of these days I would love to get into a discussion of the happenings you experienced from some of the Houston people....... Sadly I think a sever case of misunderstandings have escallated this thing into a hurricain sized Crap-Storm....... and it is very unfortunate for both parties....... And the sooner we can all get past it all the better....... I know for a fact that Houston is not as bad a place that is being portrayed in certain places of the Interwebs...... and I am also pretty sure that you are not nearly as bad as others want to believe either........

Again...... simply observations and honest questions..... please do not take any of the above statements as an inquisistion or attack....... trying to get both sides to see the err in their ways is all.....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
We still thinck this is a valid topic and even though it may have wandered a little, not to harp on the wanders they should get to have fun to, but by page 5 if somebody does pull back a little on the reins we'll have another locked threAD that never had a chance to blossom. I thinck this question is about being open minded and being able to respect folks that may disagree with you. It's also about learning, if you are only going to let the opinions you already have be reinforced then learning stops and that saddens me for anyone that chooses that path.

There is a real point here we can often learn the most from the folks we disagree with. Maybe you can't walk in another's shoes, but you can listen to what they have to say and give it a chance to be more than just something you don't agree with.

This threAD isn't about Valerie if I had wanted to do that would have written a blog entry of my own and those that know me have some idea what that would have been like. I might still do that at some point, just because it would be funny and it's almost expected of me. We are all in the end slaves to our nature, which begs the question and this last line is directed at Valerie since she has chosen to be a prolific poster in this threAD:

Is it wise to go into a death spiral with someone that lives for such things? Originally Posted by Wayward
Naomi4u's Avatar
Lol you're so funny!...Well I'm not in a bad mood at all thanks to the ignore button, I am nosey as well, but not nosey enough to care what my ignore list has to say anymore! Originally Posted by Valerie
Seriously I just don't get it. I guess people get off on making others miserable by attacking, name calling, spreading rumors.. etc. It's not me. I just don't give a flying fuck. I make a lot of jokes and Yeah sometimes I come across as a biaatch BUT I am not an angry individual. I don't come here to pick fights and try to ruin people's business or board stalk. If I have to threadjack a thread to get away from all the insults .. I will. I don't think the hobbyists come to eccie to read about a provider insulting a hobbyist or a provider insulting another provider. It gets a bit old after awhile reading insults after insults and just for the fucking record I have alot of Houston friends and I hate no one. Justanotherdude and Wayward, drinks on me on my Houston tour .
dearhunter's Avatar
I tried to put myself on ignore.......now, I can't read anything deerhunter posts.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I tried to put myself on ignore.......now, I can't read anything deerhunter posts. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I want to.. lol.
dearhunter's Avatar
I have that effect on some people.
Thanks for not reading my drivel and for being funny, beautiful and witty. Originally Posted by Wayward
Your drivel is my favorite not to read!

To stay on topic, I don't use the ignore function, ignore is for the weak. Cucumber girl strong like bull! Hell, I ate a bull for breakfast and shat out a new set of luggage. I'd like to see you spinners try THAT! It's just one of the many benefits to being a lard ass.

looks like that doggie is going to need a new pink panther toy soon.
. Justanotherdude and Wayward, drinks on me on my Houston tour . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Naomi, I'm on you New England tour!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi, I'm on you New England tour!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Yes you are honey.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I'm happy to read what you have to say, I do understand all of your points, they are all valid...

Before I explain some things you need to understand a bit more about my personality, and mind you, some of this will sound harsh, but I'm not afraid to admit that. I am a good & fun person, I am also at times quite harsh, abrasive, and insensitive, while I am certainly not bragging about some of these traits I possess, I recognize that I have them, and when provoked those traits will surface. Now, while of course it's normal to feel defensive or get a bit bitchy when one is being attacked, most people will later on regret things they've said or done in the heat of the moment......just so we're clear, I'm not one of those people....

You are much nicer than me, because while you are thinking it isn't fair to all the people I put on ignore because they don't get to say what they want to me, I could care less what they think is fair at this point, completely uninterested....Maybe that sounds bad to some, but I'm being honest.

You say "continued blog posts"...I've posted a total of 2 in something like 2 weeks, about the people I care not for....So take a moment, step back and think of all the numerous threads and posts that have been started about me that were nothing more than to be rude in the past two weeks, think of all the posts that have been written about me....Now if I was writing a blog everyday, then yea, I would categorize them as being continued posts....but the ratio of horrible posts about me to my 2 blogs....well you to the math...There were days I went without posting on those boards, but even then the people continued to post about me, that's obsessive behaviour. When I feel something is wrong or people are being disrespectful I tend to get extremely passionate on the matter, and since I am not allowed to post what I really think on this board, then I don't see a damn thing wrong with me posting a total of 2 blogs about what I think on my personal site...

You're right, name calling is name calling, insults are insults regardless if on this board or any other place, but what you're not understanding about me is that I don't care...now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't care about people's feelings in general, I can be the most compassionate person, but once someone has crossed a line with me, I'll be completely honest with you, I could care less if they feel sad, mad, or insulted, I become completely numb to them at that point, and there's not an ounce of me that feels bad or guilty about it.

My blog link is not the only thing in my sig line, there are 4 other links as well, so I wouldn't read into that so much, and as I said earlier, I'm not forcing anyone to read it. Honestly if someone I didn't like had a blog, I wouldn't read it, why would I want to? People continued to provoke and harass me, then when I write a blog about it they all act shocked ?...So what I will say is, if you're not prepared to have my opinions written about you on my blog, then don't provoke me... And if you don't like what I have to say, then don't read it....that's pretty straight forward advice, I mean it's not difficult at all for me to put them all on ignore, I don't even give it a second thought.

Bottom line:
I was treated with disrespect from my first post on the Houston board.
I was threatened (via email- you prob didn't know that, but a mod does..)
My intellect was consistently questioned.
My heritage/accent was constantly being made fun of.
I was harassed & bullied to the point that even such topics as the death of my daughter were being thrown in my face.

I write the above list NOT because I want sympathy from anyone, sympathy doesn't get you anywhere...I am letting you know those are the reasons I wrote what I have written...

I don't write insulting material unless I feel it's justifiable, ( unlike some, I am not a sadist.)

It's funny, after I cancelled my trip and emailed the guys explaining why, all the replies I received were apologies from them, for the behaviour of my "ignore list".... Originally Posted by Valerie
Excellent points..... However some things in particular stick out to me......

I will disagree in the fact that you with your consistant "I do not care what they say" in that you do in some form or another..... which is completely understandable..... but if you don't care what is "fair" to them, then is it acceptable to you if they are not "fair" to you in return? The type of person you are notwithstanding, there is a certain level of double standards that you seem to be seeking in this particular instance...... at least it seems that way to me and others I have talked to about this....... and while the phrase "continued blog posts" may seem out done by the number of posts here to the contrary... the fact is that your blog posts are in a forum that can not be challenged, whereas they can be here, so it is only natural in a post-counter-post scenario and the depth to which you are able to post on your blog will naturally explain the disparaty of the number of entries........ Again, your avenue of response has been your blog, and theirs has been here when in direct response to quotes from that blog......

Bottom line:
I was treated with disrespect from my first post on the Houston board.
I was threatened (via email- you prob didn't know that, but a mod does..)
My intellect was consistently questioned.
My heritage/accent was constantly being made fun of.
I was harassed & bullied to the point that even such topics as the death of my daughter were being thrown in my face. Originally Posted by Valerie
Ok, here is another instance that out of complete respect I must disagree (to most of this anyway).... you're right.... I have NO IDEA of the email, and that is inexcusable and simply absurd for someone to threaten another over the content discussed on a SHMB...... But that being said..... I have a little different recallection of those events (the death of a child issue should not be touched or revisited IMHO)..... in addition I think that certain misunderstandings are responsible for these issues escallating beyond repair...... part of which perhaps ignore could be a contributing problem........ Not to get on a point by point dispute of those listed events, but I think that if given a chance, and re-visited with a calmer frame of mind, things will look differently...... the MAJOR problem that happens (and what looked to me what HAPPENED here) is that it is so very hard to read intent, tone and inflection from the written word....... people's sense of humors do not exactly mesh up and what is a joke to one, could be considered HIGHLY offensive to another..... without question things in Houston for you escellated much further than it should have....... fact of the matter is that there is plenty of blame to go around there for all parties.......

My contention is that the end of this conflict is crippled by the ignore button.... by simply tuning certain persons out without giving them a chance to perhaps explain themselves, or even appologies when wrong, only makes those situations fester even further......

And only writing insulting remarks when its justifiable? That is a dangerous statement in its own right from my perspective...... who is the person who deems when being insulting is justifiable? Again, if it is good for you to do, does that make it acceptable for them to do the same? I think no on both accounts....

The problem I run into for both sides here is the lack of respect for the other side.... that is the truely deplorable crime in all of this....... accountability for one's own actions and a shared respect for one another should be of the utmost importance of anyone participating here..... the moment you lose site of that is the moment you should seriously re-evaluate you situation in life.... (and by "you" in this regard I am speaking to no one in particular but everyone)

But what does happen on ignore is when those you ignore DO in fact have concise words of wisdom, and could inevitably hold out an olive branch........ For example of wisdom missed:
I thinck this question is about being open minded and being able to respect folks that may disagree with you. It's also about learning, if you are only going to let the opinions you already have be reinforced then learning stops and that saddens me for anyone that chooses that path.

There is a real point here we can often learn the most from the folks we disagree with. Maybe you can't walk in another's shoes, but you can listen to what they have to say and give it a chance to be more than just something you don't agree with.
Originally Posted by Wayward

Again... while you are well within your rights to ignore, and dislike whomever you like..... I just do not see the advantages of the ignore option to a great extent......

Naomi, I'm on you New England tour!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Yes you are honey. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
For the umpteenth time

#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.

This isn't about dates or locations. Use the PM function.
Naomi4u's Avatar

What else is there to know about this freaking ignore function?

If someone is bothering you, You hit IGNORE. If not, keep reading their "drivel" and STFU.

Gosh It's so amazing how simple the ignore button works.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
*sigh* Can't we all just kiss and makeup?
. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Echoing my underlying agenda here........ can't makeup if you can't get everyone talking civil........