Why does the media keep trying to hide the fact that Obama is a Muslim?

ICU 812's Avatar
Hey: Thanks for reading this stuff!

Bigtex: Well, it was the end of that rant, I guess.

And . . .I have fully bought into the helio-centric Copernican system; including the concept of a spherical, revolving Earth. By the way—the ideas of Copernicus, that the Earth turned— not the stars, were the original "revolutionary" statements.

WTF: I think that there were several reasons why we invaded first "The 'Gan" and then Iraq. I do not believe that all of them were well informed decisions. Having committed us to war, the effort was half-hearted. Some of the reasons have not been openly stated (not a conspiracy blow-back please!). Ignoring all issues of ideology, religion and domestic politics, there are strong geo-political reasons for having a presence in those places

. One of these places, Iraq, is is bordered by: Jordan, Israel, Syria, Turkey and Iran. Except for Israel, all these countries wish us ill. We now have a nominal ally in the current "government" of Iraq, and we will have a political and military presence there for a long time—as we do in Japan, Korea and Germany. These last were all deathly belligerent towards the US and now are friendly independent nations.

Afghanistan is bordered by: Iran, Pakistan, India and China. Though this is a different sand-box with different challenges, the reasons for being there mentioned for Iraq, also apply. Note that Iran is between both Iraq and Afghanistan. This is straight out of the cold-war jockeying. Any other reason for going into these places can be viewed as window dressing.

All this may sound like the Cold-War shucking-and-jiving that went on between the USA and USSR. It is. It is how things have been since the battle of Megiddo between Egypt and the Hittites about 2500 BC.

I aploogise if this is a hijacked topic.

We still havent heard about WHY the press hasn't really dug into Obama's identity and roots.
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  • WTF
  • 08-22-2010, 10:45 AM

. One of these places, Iraq, is is bordered by: Jordan, Israel, Syria, Turkey and Iran. Except for Israel, all these countries wish us ill.

. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Turkey wishes us ill? That’s news. There is a portion that may but not their military people that run the country. You are losing credibility.... Answer me this Mr. Apologist, is Iran stronger or weaker because of our invasion of Iraq?

At least you don't believe in all that GOP talking points bullshit! Hey, while we are at it, who benefits the most by our invasion in Iraq, our vast military complex that is now selling Iraq weapons and tanks and the like or our poor folks right here in this country. Why is that part of the region so importand again? Did I here you say oil? If so is anyone but the most ignorant among us not surprised about the blowback?

We still havent heard about WHY the press hasn't really dug into Obama's identity and roots. Originally Posted by ICU 812
The press is in business to make money....there is no money is reporting this shit to people with a brain. They laugh, roll their eye's and some make fun of you if you believe this kinda crap. This is Globe material and fodder for right wing wacko's. A small segment of society (thank God). But I understand why some are reporting it....because a small nutcase portion of society will believe it. It is just like the wacko's that believe that Bush was part of 9/11. You sound like those idiots did when they believed that shit and couldn't understand why more press wasn't reporting on that theory. Do you want to be thought of in that vein? If so continue this line of questioning.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Obama has made statements that contradict each other with respect to religeon. This ambiguity is a form of concealment. I have worked in the Middle East in the oil business. Later, I worked in an office setting with a Shiite co-worker. I have direct experience with the Islamic teaching that requires a Moslem to lie in defense of their religion. This goes from merely telling a "fib" to blatant and open falsehood. It is my belief that Obama is doing just that in his words, actions and in his life.

Given that: Moslem law, Sheria" is in direct contradiction to much of the US Constitution and most of the Bill of Rights. To have a Moslem in a position of power in any branch og government, Legislative, Executive or Judicial would be destructive to our economy, our country and our way of life. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Obama is no more a Muslim than you are a terrorist. Or are you? Direct contact with the middle east. Business man overseas? How do we know you weren't brainwashed or sheltering money? You seem to know a lot of 'inside' info. Reminds me of the preachers who wail against carnal sin while seeing the street lady at seedy motels.

See, easy to pray on people's fears and make shit up. I think there's people a lot smarter than you or I or anyone else on 'conspiracy' forums with deeper knowledge and closer to the POTUS who would have outed him if he was praising Allah everyday. There's media hounds who spend every waking moment trying to find the next big story or some dirt. What have they found that's soooo scary?
badhusband's Avatar
That's okay as long as his religion doesn't believe that those not of their faith should die.
After 9-11, its got me thinking

Being Muslim isn't the "in" thing to be right now... it unfortunately seems to be too often freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
I don't see what his religion or lack of it has to do with his ability to do his job. Sort of like hiring a person in a wheelchair for a desk job- the wheelchair or lack of one totally doesn't matter (people just use the wheelchair as a reason for a distraction). Originally Posted by RachaelBenedict
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  • WTF
  • 08-22-2010, 12:03 PM
That's okay as long as his religion doesn't believe that those not of their faith should die.
After 9-11, its got me thinking Originally Posted by badhusband

Really...just WTF did you start thinking? Was it critical thinking? Logical thinking? Or just thinking like a minion? Was it influenced by "Fair and Balanced " news? Tell us more about just what 9/11 got you to thinking about.

If you think he is a Muslim then your thinking is suspect. Do you also believe in UFO's? How about the Tooth Fairy? Do you believe that we are over in the Middle East because we want to have that region set up as a democracy or because it is of vital interest in our quest to power this nations dependence on oil, specifically cheap oil? Thinking is a start though...............Think about those questions and get back with us.

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  • 08-22-2010, 12:31 PM
That's okay as long as his religion doesn't believe that those not of their faith should die.
After 9-11, its got me thinking Originally Posted by badhusband
Sorry but this is total bullshit. The real reasons for the 9-11 terror is that the Arabic world doesn't like the Middle East policies of the USA and Israel.

(A fact that is undisputed and a reason why many smart heads have left CIA and Mossad in recent years. Ask Michael Scheuer, Robert Baer, Eric Margolis or anyone else who knows the region or find it out for yourself.)

BTW if you know the Middle East somewhat and the shit going on you'll realize what what the US does right now, will only breed more future terror and religious fanatics.
ICU 812's Avatar
Hello WTF: You are right about Turkey; I stand corrected. Thank you.

It is my belief that Iran is stronger today because many (not all) administrations, going back to Carter, (and on both sides) have relied on weak diplomacy and innefectiv asanctions. Ronald Reagan had his faults, but when he became president the Iranians gave up the Embassy Hostages immediately and without a fight. They were convinced that it would be bad for them otherwise. They did not respect Carter.

Talking points? I went along with some of that stuff for a while, but a spade is still a spade in the long run. I believe that there have been/are now, several hidden agendas in play. Bush 43 was elected as a conservative, and he wasen’t. Obama was alienated major portions of his base as well. Sometimes I feel that we are all watching a series stage magicians do something we know cannot be true. I catch myself watching his hand wave away a puff of smoke while his stripper-assistant vamps. Where is his other hand?

As to why that part of the world is so “important”: Please re-read my previous post (with your correction). Money, oil, nation-building . . .all those are side-shows to the geo-political issues.


No, not a business man. Back in the 1980s, I worked for a mud company as a drilling fluid specialist (Mud Man). They sent my naive young ass to the Saudi desert and the Persian Gulf. I worked on and around rigs staffed with Saudi workers and laborers from other Moslem countries. Spent time in Egypt too. At times I was the only western (American, European, whatever) man on the rig . . .for three to six weeks. I learned how to eat food WITH MY RIGHT HAND ONLY by dipping rice and meat . . . from a common bowl with ten or so other men.

What is made-up?
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  • 08-22-2010, 12:44 PM
One of these places, Iraq, is is bordered by: Jordan, Israel, Syria, Turkey and Iran. Except for Israel, all these countries wish us ill. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Those countries do not like the US foreign policies. Not even Israel likes the US foreign policies.
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  • 08-22-2010, 12:50 PM
Hello WTF: You are right about Turkey Originally Posted by ICU 812
Jordan is also not really an enemy to the US -- they are just sometimes appalled by the US middle east policies and also have their own interests.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-22-2010, 01:04 PM
Ronald Reagan had his faults, but when he became president the Iranians gave up the Embassy Hostages immediately and without a fight. They were convinced that it would be bad for them otherwise. They did not respect Carter.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
They wanted Reagan to get elected....He sold arms to them soon after. Your history seems one sided.http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/reagan/...s/pande08.html

Carter was starting policy that was trying to reduce our dependence on their oil. Reagan, not so much. If you were them, who would you be more scared of?
They wanted Reagan to get elected....He sold arms to them soon after. Your history seems one sided.http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/reagan/...s/pande08.html

Carter was starting policy that was trying to reduce our dependence on their oil. Reagan, not so much. If you were them, who would you be more scared of? Originally Posted by WTF
Plus, it made them feel powerful that they could affect the outcome of a Presidential election. US citizens were so gullible to those pressures.
badhusband's Avatar
Geez, how clever, you got to use your nic in your reply. Kuddos for you. Yippie!!
I leave you guessing in regards to your idiotic questions to me

Really...just WTF did you start thinking? Was it critical thinking? Logical thinking? Or just thinking like a minion? Was it influenced by "Fair and Balanced " news? Tell us more about just what 9/11 got you to thinking about.

If you think he is a Muslim then your thinking is suspect. Do you also believe in UFO's? How about the Tooth Fairy? Do you believe that we are over in the Middle East because we want to have that region set up as a democracy or because it is of vital interest in our quest to power this nations dependence on oil, specifically cheap oil? Thinking is a start though...............Think about those questions and get back with us.

Originally Posted by WTF
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-22-2010, 03:34 PM
That's okay as long as his religion doesn't believe that those not of their faith should die.
After 9-11, its got me thinking Originally Posted by badhusband
Really...just WTF did you start thinking? Was it critical thinking? Logical thinking? Originally Posted by WTF
I leave you guessing in regards to your idiotic questions to me Originally Posted by badhusband
You have a point. Asking anyone that believes Obama is a Muslim whether they used critical or logical thinking to come to that conclusion is idiotic. How about calling it a rhetorical/idiotic question?
More like your heart-on Originally Posted by WTF
You know me well, don't you?
ICU 812's Avatar
Lets go back to judging people by " . . .the content of their character.", and evaluating their character by noting their actions and the company they keep. Read Obama's books, listen to what he says and watch what he does. We can each of us, make up our own minds. Time will tell. Sometimes I wish I could live another 60 years to find out what happens next. Sometimes I'm glad I won't.