Reasons why I'd make a provider's great SO.

Kind of an upside down approach to the hobby IMHO. The gent gets to pay the fee and the session is centered on the escort's satisfaction, not the gent's. Could probably care less about whether or not the gent is satisfied at all. However, what I get from your ad is that if the gent happens to be satisfied, it's merely serendipitous to your satisfaction and not the goal of the meeting. And since most gents are easily satisfied (all you gotta do is make them cum which is normally pretty easy), you haven't had much criticism of your philosophy.

I think for my money, I'd much prefer to be with someone who at least pretends it's all about me (even if it isn't). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
When you look at most of the ads for escorts the one thing that 90% have in common is they are trying so hard to appeal to everyone that they end up all sounding the same.You know the typical I am as at home at the ballet as I am at the tractor pull or I am shy yet agressive, sophisticated yet oh so down to earth blah blah blah.

For many people it is refreshing to see a woman who is simply staying true to her nature.She may not appeal to everyone, but she does not have to.For some of us advertising is not just about finding new clients, but more about finding the clients who are right for us as individuals. I think if you are able to look through the BS , and find a woman who you can honestly enjoy your time with in and out of the bedroom, you may find that no one has to pretend that it is all about you for you to walk away happy.
Interesting dissertation, L. See my responses below. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
If I remember correctly, most/all your dates are multi-hour. You have the luxury to do this research and then spend time with a date. I don't. Not only do I have time constraints, but also financial ones. And, in the end, I'm not sure I could find someone (much less a list) of ladies who I thought would enjoy me. So, I'm kind of stuck with the "who can I find for an hour" list. And because of that, it kind of has to be about me. Maybe part of the low satisfaction is the disappointment the provider has when we meet. Nevertheless, my winnowing methods by necessity are much different than yours.
True, my average date is 2-3 hrs; but my first date is usually 1.5-2 hrs. I have severe limitations on scheduling that make it so I can only have 8+/- dates a year. The small number of dates makes finances less important than if I were seeing someone weekly. As most are repeats, and only 1-2 are "not before seen" women; I can take my time to research those 1-2. One thing worth considering is having fewer dates, but keeping the expended resources the same. In my opinion, one totally kick-ass session is far superior to 20 bad ones.

There are many ways I research potential providers. Let me give you just one of the ways.

Take a moment and look up "Keirsey Type Sorter" and check out the questions on the personality test. For reference, my personality type is XNTX. (The Xs indicate an equal tendency toward I/E and P/J respectively. But I am strongly NT) Take the time to take the test and record your results -- and while doing so, carefully observe how innocuous the questions are. Now, look at various ladies' websites; and see how you could answer those questions on the lady's behalf based upon her website info, her ads, and her posts on various boards. Notice that you can do a pretty good job of ascertaining her personality type.

Now go to the personalitypage website, and look up the lady's personality type as it relates to relationships. Are you a good match for her? I happen to know that NFs and NTs (middle two characters) work well for me as providers and tend to enjoy my company. For more information on this, including detailed discussion of the compatibilities of different personality types, see "Please Understand Me II."

Of the two ladies I like best, one is an ENFJ and the other is an INTJ.

I also read between the lines quite a bit in extrapolating ethical views. A provider's character in terms of consistency with her own ethical views is important to me.

I have to be suspicious of everyone who says they are 100% satisfied with their escorts. I have to wonder how easily they are pleased and how critical they are of the date's performance. You made some sweeping statements about women, so I'll make one about men: as long as they cum, they leave with a smile on their face, and count it a successful session and they don't really look at the session critically.

I can understand that sort of suspicion. But when you add just personality sorting to the fact most of the ladies I see have extremely high ratings on various sites; and that I take great care with basic issues such as hygiene -- it would be odd if I didn't have great experiences.

A professional with a list of fantastic reviews is not likely to suddenly give me a bad session.

I will admit that, in general, their rates are higher than average. About $400/hr. But I have had great experiences with ladies charging a lot less too -- like $200/hr. One lady I used to see a lot (back when I had less scheduling difficulty) charged $250. We'd have a blast discussing forbidden subjects like politics and religion and jazz like that.

I also select ladies I find very interesting for more than sex. One of the ladies I like a lot is an MBA with incredible insights that continually amaze me and expand my perspectives. Another is an anthropologist who integrates the opposing evolutionary psychology approach and whose insights, again, are wonderful.

It should be obvious by this point that I am more than critical. I practically put providers under a microscope. Very unromantic. But 99% of that is done before they ever hear from me.

The 100% satisfaction rate is not a results of uncritical evaluation of an orgasm; but rather the result of all of the factors that surround choosing and seeing the lady.

I have no doubt one of these days I'll screw up and have a horrible session. I'll just use that experience as a way of figuring out how to make sure the next one isn't horrible.

All I'm trying to say here, Charles, is that more satisfactory sessions are more achievable than you think.
"If you happen to be enjoying what I am taking pleasure in doing, then we are in for a sensational date."

Charles I have a pretty flippant and dry sense of humor. I am saying that it turns me on to pleasure a man. If he is enjoying himself all the better for both of us.

For my own sanity I have to approach this business in ways that make me comfortable. Good for the women that have the approach of "get em in get em out". They are the ones making the money. Yet they are the ones that are always complaining about men. I am pretty picky with whom I spend time with. I would like for the gentleman to ad something to our experience. This approach works for me. So yes I am selfish when it comes to taking care of myself and doing what works for me.

You keep saying that you are on a budget and you have to make every session count and it needs to be about you. Trust me when I say, a little appreciation and a kind gesture will make a world of difference in your future endeavors. The really cool thing is they don't have to cost you a thing.
When the day arrives that Charles has a great experience with an escort I think that we should all throw a party:tr ampoline:

I am just messing with you Charles, I know that you are a good person.

Ansley, I love the six pack of coke in your pic, you can bring that to the party.

I can understand that sort of suspicion. But when you add just personality sorting to the fact most of the ladies I see have extremely high ratings on various sites; and that I take great care with basic issues such as hygiene -- it would be odd if I didn't have great experiences.
Originally Posted by Laurentius
The suspicion goes both ways. Other ladies in this business find it hard to believe that 99% of my dates have been good, and just refuse to believe that I have never had an issue with hygiene. Screen, screen and do some more screening.

Becky you are on for that party. I'll even share my 6 pack.
discreetgent's Avatar
Ansley, I love the six pack of coke in your pic, you can bring that to the party. Originally Posted by Becky
Becky you are on for that party. I'll even share my 6 pack. Originally Posted by Ansley
Request to the "squirrel" and Ed: Please cough up the money and get Becky and Ansley a room.
discreetgent's Avatar
I'm with L on this one (well not on the kind of research he does); I can't think of a date where I didn't enjoy myself. Sure some were better than others but I truly was satisfied with each one. As others have pointed out more often than not it is the little things that make the difference. A gift of a favorite book (those are usually not expensive) or of something you glean from a gals post she might enjoy are great ice breakers, they change the dynamic right off the bat.
You keep saying that you are on a budget and you have to make every session count and it needs to be about you. Trust me when I say, a little appreciation and a kind gesture will make a world of difference in your future endeavors. The really cool thing is they don't have to cost you a thing. Originally Posted by Ansley
A gift of a favorite book (those are usually not expensive) or of something you glean from a gals post she might enjoy are great ice breakers, they change the dynamic right off the bat. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Most of the ladies I have seen have left with a gift bag with more than the donation in it. I'm not on such a tight budget that I can't throw in a little extra gift. The only time it hasn't happened is when it has been tough for me to arrange. But I do plan ahead, so normally I have the gift.

When the day arrives that Charles has a great experience with an escort I think that we should all throw a party:tr ampoline:

I am just messing with you Charles, I know that you are a good person.

Ansley, I love the six pack of coke in your pic, you can bring that to the party. Originally Posted by Becky
Becky you are on for that party. I'll even share my 6 pack. Originally Posted by Ansley
Go ahead and throw the party w/o me. I'm not confident Becky's trigger will occur.
Request to the "squirrel" and Ed: Please cough up the money and get Becky and Ansley a room. Originally Posted by discreetgent
To Ed and the rodent with the bushy tail: If I can watch those two (and maybe join in) I'll spring for a room for Becky and Ans and one for the "dogs."
To Ed and the rodent with the bushy tail: If I can watch those two (and maybe join in) I'll spring for a room for Becky and Ans and one for the "dogs." Originally Posted by SR Only
Dont you be doin nothin kinky with them dawgs!
To Ed and the rodent with the bushy tail: If I can watch those two (and maybe join in) I'll spring for a room " Originally Posted by SR Only
Dont you be doin nothin kinky with them dawgs! Originally Posted by pjorourke

Oh my god, he wants to watch a dog have sex with a squirrel, and is even willing to pay for the hotel room.

Your a sick man SRlol
Surprised the mods haven't shown up here yet...just sayin'.
Surprised the mods haven't shown up here yet...just sayin'. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Actually SR is perfectly innocent.I just edited his quote to make him look guilty .

I can be pretty sneaky sometimes
Boy, this is just one ugly slippery slope.

Uhhh, gee thanks Beck.