Under: Matt Mahon Explores the Sex Industry in Photo Gallery

Gotyour6's Avatar
He spent $25,000 and had a good time.

Not bad.
Still Looking's Avatar
heh. nope, no shenanigans from me. my only crime is being crazy.

as for release forms.....as soon as an escort is willing to sign her real name, i'll be all over that..... Originally Posted by john_deere
Still Looking's Avatar
By the way, wish me happy birthday. On June 26 I will celebrate 21 years clean and sober. Eight years of escorting, so do the math . Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I thought you were 35???
Solitaire's Avatar
I stepped away from this discussion with the intent to come back and provide a coherent response. So many others have stated exactly what I wanted to say. While the photos are stunning and moving, not one of them represents how any of my interactions go with a client, or my own personal before/after. I feel this piece is stereotypical and cliche, only the technique applied to the subject could be considered original, maybe - as an attempt to find/create beauty in an ugly situation. And maybe that was his intention.

Sins, I couldn't agree with you more

Well that is definitely a fair point. However, I am heartily sick and tired of even well meaning documentarians and the like portraying escorting as the resort and refuge of those among us who have been damaged, broken, and discarded. Affording us no escape from our addictions, attracting us with the lure of easy money, and trapping us with few opportunities to get out of the life. There is no denying that this is the unfortunate story for many women. It is not however, the story of all women.

To be blunt his 'agenda' here is neither new nor original. His photographs only serve to tell the same tired story over and over again.

It would be really nice if just once, someone would come along with a desire to represent the silent segment* of escorts who chose this occupation for reasons other than supporting a bad habit. THAT would be something new and original, and a breath of fresh air besides.

* I started to type "silent majority" here, but sadly, I am not naive enough to believe that those among us who do not have substance issues are the majority. It is honestly impossible to tell what the real break down is among providers supporting a bad habit versus those who are not. Our story is rarely told by anyone. But we do exist, and we are not few in numbers. It is past time for us to be seen and heard. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
john_deere's Avatar
i don't disagree at all about the nature of his viewpoint. it's certainly not original, but then what is? on the other hand, i think sin's story is a good one, and i'd happily photograph a series like that.