Want To Make More Money?

ForumPoster's Avatar
Lina, please don't stereotype Texas men based upon me.

Of course I don't! As I said, i LOVE Texas gentlemen. But it does not negate the fact that current situation in TX made it impossible to visit.

Why more providers do not offer L2 service?

Because it makes no sense to them? If you noticed, more and more ladies now are offering "clock free dates", myself included. Why? It was a novel idea and it makes sense to a lot of ladies so they implement it according to their markets.

And Yes, if I were a business owner I would welcome ANY suggestion from a customer that might help my business.

Believe me, unless a customer had experience in your line of business, you would tell him to pound salt. Imagine u operate a hardware store. And customer comes in and says "if you sold fresh brick oven pizza while you are mixing up paints it would be great, because I often dont have time for lunch" Are you going to start doing that just because OCCASIONALLY someone wants to eat while waiting on line for hardware products?

Whether I actually do what they suggest is another matter. But to suggest that a business owner does not welcome a fresh perspective, a fresh idea that they might not have considered would tell me that either they are so incredibly arrogant about their business and themselves, or they have no business sense whatsoever.

Not arrogant and happen to have a little biz sense. I personally would welcome any and all suggestions from male escorts .
Originally Posted by Introuble
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
C'mon people... listen... then do what you want.

Introuble is a customer who made an observation and got trashed for it.

If I suggested that Home Depot served pizza while I was waiting for my paint to be mixed, I'm pretty sure they would thank me for the input and then do whatever they wanted. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't trash me for the input, as a couple of providers have trashed Introuble.

I would never tell anyone how to run their business, but I agree with Introuble that there is an under-served market for L2 service. I leave it to the providers to figure out if they care or if they think it might be an opportunity.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
...Not arrogant and happen to have a little biz sense. I personally would welcome any and all suggestions from male escorts .

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
So in other words, you're not interested in any customer input. That is a kind of 'biz sense' I'm not used to. Good luck with that.
Introuble's Avatar
Lina, the analogy you give is ridiculous. They pizza and hardware store have nothing to do with each other.

A better analogy would be the paint store.

A customer walks in and wants a quart can of primer. All he can purchase is one gallon cans of paint that comes with a free can of primer. The customer asks why he doesn't sell just primer for those that need just primer?

YOUR RESPONSE - The owner of the NEW YORK store tells him that unless he has ever built a house he should keep his mouth shut. He sells enough gallon cans that he doesn't care about the customer who only needs primer. Besides he is giving the customer the primer for free since it is included with the paint so just buy the gallon and be happy. Unless you have owned a paint store you do not have a right to tell me what you want. It is my paint so if you do not like the way I sell it, go somewhere else. I could care less what you want.....this is my business.

MY RESPONSE - The owner of the TEXAS store tells him that is worth considering. He had noticed a few other stores are doing that and occasionally a customer only needs the primer. The owner said that he is in business to provide what the customers need, not what he only wants to sell. By occasionally selling only primer, it builds customer loyalty and a great reputation within the community. He knows by LISTENING to his customers regardless of how trivial it might seem to him it helps him understand the needs of the community.
Introuble- no worries, mate. I dunno you. I think there's a great market for L2 providers, especially if they're not expected to be "GFE-lite" at a discount.

What I mean by this is that the provider has certain fixed costs such as her incall and the costs of making it appealing, as well as the value of her prep time and the time spent with the client. There's also the fixed cost of legal risk, which is the same whether she pulls it, sucks it out or lays there while the client pounds it out. Thus, if the provider has to exercise the same level of preparation and allocate the same time to the client, there's really no business sense in knocking off any substantial amount of the visit cost simply because intercourse didn't occur unless she could unplug her vagina and have it making money for her elsewhere. There are girls who offer "blow and go" sessions or bodyrub with L1 sessions where they spend less time and remain clothed, but they are few in number. Worse yet, I've been to some girls who've, without quibbling over price, fully willing to pay full price and more, looked at me dumbfounded by the fact that I only wanted a bodyrub and hj or bj.

On a personal level, I'd gladly pay what most of the girls charge for GFE for girls that had a massage table, learned how to be kinky, did a teasing bodyrub with perhaps some roleplay and tease and denial handjob/blowjob play and even at full price or a premium, most providers aren't interested in learning how to be sexy beyond the level of "come and get it boys" and mainstream appeal. I can't fault them for this; being generally appealing will draw special requests whereas niche marketing may detract from general appeal.

Lina, based on your comments and a perusal of your website, I think for many reasons you'd be disappointed with your success here in TX. We have plenty of outstanding ladies here. Also, in the end, the guys who are bargain hunters either pay for what they want or simply abstain; girls choose who they want to see.
Introuble's Avatar
Introuble- no worries, mate. I dunno you. I think there's a great market for L2 providers, especially if they're not expected to be "GFE-lite" at a discount. Originally Posted by Original Squeegie
To be fair in disclosing my intentions/question I should clarify one thing. You make a good point with "GFE-Lite". My definition of what I believe will sell well as in this discussion is two things - one maybe a little more practical.

1) FS GFE provider offering a scaled down session with GFE minus the fuck. Or in a mathematical sense L3 minus "fuck" = L2
2) Massage L1 provider with upgrade to L2

Either provider has their fixed costs....you are correct. If you are so busy with your L3 clients then it makes no economical sense to turn down those higher paying clients for lesser paying clients. On the other hand, most providers do NOT stay busy all day and from a business sense, ie cash flow, why not offer a different "flavor" of session to repeat or new customers to fill in the space. It is EASIER for the L3 provider to do this since L2 is part of the L3 session. We are in a sense not breaking new ground. We see today MANY providers offering half hours, different levels of service, etc that we simply did NOT see two years ago. Better business minds or simply adjusting to a changing market driven by the economics of today. I suggest a little of both. Other providers simply do not get it.

If on the other hand you are a L1 provider, it could be a stretch to provide L2 since you are a different type of provider with a different mindset. In a few instances it is commonly known L1 or L2 is available, sometimes at the same price, sometimes not......there are many variables determining that.

Unfortunately, many providers have an "ALL OR NOTHING" approach to the business and IMHO is driven by a false sense of value as it relates to the bottom line. Sitting on ones ass making nothing to many is better than providing something many clients want and are willing to pay for. Providing THAT type of session too helps the bottom line.

Of course if you are turning away clients because you are already making all you want then this is not something one would consider. I think I have only met a handful of providers that would admit they were making all they wanted and would turn away the opportunity to make more money.

This also brings to mind the post made by a provider about a year ago that basically was calling all providers to stick together, raise prices for everyone's benefit, no discounts, no favors etc. She felt providers that do that hurt the industry (and her pocket book). I am sure that if providers who normally charge full price for a L3 session started offering L2 sessions for less money, all hell would break loose in the Powder Room and representative from the Pussy Union Local 69 would be visiting some incalls trying to straighten it out. It doesn't bother the L3 providers so much that massage girls offering L1 get some of their money since those clients are in a different league. However, start taking money out of the L3 pool shared by all the "sisters" then it could be a different story. Competition is bad enough now......lets not do anything that would "invigorate" it even more.......LOL
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
InTrouble....You started a thread asking if we wanted to make more money, then you proceeded to tell us how to make less money in a session. You've stated what you want over and over again...we get it, hon. Have you even tried the ISO thread to seek a lady or ladies who are willing to accommodate you?

We appreciate the ideas on marketing, but we are going to market ourselves in ways that are most comfortable to us. Any lady reading this who thinks it's a great idea to lower her rates to accommodate those who prefer L2 ending with an otherwise full GFE, will do so....those who don't, won't.

.....poor horse!
Will Boner's Avatar
OK, I just actually read this entire thread .. and it reconfirmed that I made a right decision to cancel my Dallas trip.

I will continue seeing wonderful GENTLEMEN from TX in NYC, but opinion I keep hearing from TOP LEVEL COMPANIONS from all over of USA that they wont go to TX unless they have individual overnight date.

I am beginning to see why.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Has nothing to do with preferences for L1, L2, or L3 in
Texas.....but everything to do with the fact there are a surplus of top level ladies here at very reasonable prices which many "from all over the USA" just can't compete with. We're happy they stay home where business is so good they don't have to come to Texas.
Introuble's Avatar
InTrouble....You started a thread asking if we wanted to make more money, then you proceeded to tell us how to make less money in a session. You've stated what you want over and over again...we get it, hon. Have you even tried the ISO thread to seek a lady or ladies who are willing to accommodate you?

We appreciate the ideas on marketing, but we are going to market ourselves in ways that are most comfortable to us. Any lady reading this who thinks it's a great idea to lower her rates to accommodate those who prefer L2 ending with an otherwise full GFE, will do so....those who don't, won't. Originally Posted by M A X
Actually I did NOT ask you if you wanted to make more money. I simply pointed out an observation and asked why there are not more L2 sessions being offered and gave a personal preference as an example.

What we have so far is about a half a dozen providers saying that they already offer that, one client actually answering the question with "Their oral skills are not good enough" (been there), and a whole lot of defensive bitching by some providers concerning why they will not change or offer anything other than what they want to provide. No one has suggested that anyone should provide otherwise......it IS YOUR choice. ALL OF THESE things help us to decide who to see and who not to see. I have found usually the ones that yell the loudest have the most to hide. Because of your generous responses you have made it onto one of my lists......and I am sure I am on one of yours too.

So any other thoughts on why this is not offered other than some are no good at L2, its none of our business, take what we offer, Texas men are cheap, and shut up about it already?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Actually I did NOT ask you if you wanted to make more money. I simply pointed out an observation and asked why there are not more L2 sessions being offered and gave a personal preference as an example. Read the subject line of your thread....does it not state "Want to make more money"? There are not more GFE L2 sessions offered, because it doesn't make sense marketing/money wise and I fail to see how lowering my rate to accomodate this will make me more money....hmmm. As a low volume provider, which many are, this will only increase the time I spend working to make the same amount of money. (believe it or not, we are not all laying on backs 24/7) Why don't you try it and let us know if this is really the solution to all our marketing and money problems.

What we have so far is about a half a dozen providers saying that they already offer that, one client actually answering the question with "Their oral skills are not good enough" (been there), and a whole lot of defensive bitching by you concerning why you will not change or offer anything other than what you want. ALL OF THESE things help us to decide who to see and who not to see. I have found usually the ones that yell the loudest have the most to hide. Because of your generous responses you have made it onto one of my lists......and I am sure I am on one of yours too.

You are the one who needs to stop "bitching". It's a crazy shame that it's so hard for you to fathom that I, and most others here, understand what markets well for each of us individually. Please try to comprehend that we know how to handle it, have considered our options concerning this and that we have it under control, but thanks again for playing the "How to market and make money" game with the ladies.

At this point what you have found is irrelevant to me and many others, because you've been told/advised time and again how to solve your dilemma and what to do with your own advice on how to market ourselves, take it or not. I have nothing to hide, hon...face pics, body shots and services are all put out there for everyone to see. However, you and your thread were the deciding factor in giving myself a raise...thanks!

So any other thoughts on why this is not offered other than its none of our business, take what we offer, and shut up about it already? Originally Posted by Introuble
Nope....it's all been said time and again...phrasing it differently doesn't make it any more clear to yourself or others...you want more variety of providers with L2 ending, but an otherwise full GFE, and at a lower rate. Now go look for it already....geez.
Amen Max, thank you for taking the time to respond to introuble so many times and so intelligently. He doesn't get it though it seems. Your efforts did not go unnoticed though

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Amen Max, thank you for taking the time to respond to introuble so many times and so intelligently. He doesn't get it though it seems. Your efforts did not go unnoticed though

xoxo Originally Posted by JamieYoung
Thanks, hon...I appreciate all the ladies who did join in on this thread and tried, in vain it seems, to help InTrouble understand how and why we choose to offer what we offer. I actually have a pair of shoes I'd like to see him walk a mile in and then decide what may or may not work best for us and how we could better make our money.

btw, InTrouble, I am now offering the GFE with an L2 ending at my old rate...cheaper than my now normal GFE rate.... It's the deal of the century~
Max I applaud you......personally I gave up at page 2 or 3. It will be another thread like this next week.......

Do any fine ladies want to TOFTT and see this fine gent Introuble, I mean I would, but I fit in the "undesirable" category ........I think he would have to drink a six pack first to come see me :-( ..so I'll be desirable.....:-( eekkkkkk.
Shut up..............LMAO

See Introuble, you are in trouble now, you have two ladies offering you L2, damn dude, looks like you are having a great start to your Monday.

Thanks, hon...I appreciate all the ladies who did join in on this thread and tried, in vain it seems, to help InTrouble understand how and why we choose to offer what we offer. I actually have a pair of shoes I'd like to see him walk a mile in and then decide what may or may not work best for us and how we could better make our money.

btw, InTrouble, I am now offering the GFE with an L2 ending at my old rate...cheaper than my now normal GFE rate.... It's the deal of the century~ Originally Posted by M A X
Introuble's Avatar
MAX, thank you for your well thought out comments. If this does not relate to you why do you keep posting? It was a simply question that obviously struck a nerve with you and three others and I thank you all for your comments. Providers like yourselves who decide to speak on behalf of all other providers is what makes this hobby interesting. I may be ignorant, hard headed, and a bit slow, but I never stated my opinion was the only opinion, nor did I presume that I speak for all hobbyist. I never addressed this thread to you or any of your fellow Divas and you took it on yourselves to show everyone that your business is great, and that you are priced exactly where you need to be priced. I am honestly and sincerely glad you are doing so well. In hijacking this thread with your continued defense of why your business is the pristine example of entrepreneurship, you very probably hindered other providers with a need to look at other options. Why any provider would want to speak up and be seen as part of your rants is not surprising.

To those that offered legitimate constructive opinions and suggestions I personally appreciate it. I have been called out for what I am by MAX and everyone has seen how she and her fellow providers feel toward themselves and their businesses, which is obviously good. Now we can go have fun and see who we want.

If in my diatribe of thoughts or ideas I offended anyone my apologies. I simply forget how trivial and bitchy some people can be when they feel attacked or you are trying to help. I forget that some people think anything you say is about them. Truly my mistake and my apologies.

MAX, Lisa, and Jamie I wish you well in your business. You certainly answered a lot of questions I had about you. THANKS