Yet, how were those young and lost girls being treated in Monkey Paw's thread?
ANONONE said it best...the poll should be rephrased. It's more about MEN taking a stand against the ABUSE of young vunerable girls. You may have your opinions and options to do the privacy of your own home.
However, this board is NOT a place to exploit young vunerable girls...and laugh and joke about a very serious subject. It's only funny until someone shows up at your door with a felony warrant...and if you think it won't or couldn't happen to you...think twice.
Even hard criminals in a Federal Pen don't take kindly to child molesters.
Originally Posted by Likinikki
Ok, well I think we can all agree that his post/review-ish was misplaced in where it was posted...... I think the manner and style in which he posted is really what upset alot of people..... bad taste? Yeah, probably... and could easily be taken out of context...... Lets not re-hash it please. Lets just leave it as its own isolated incident and move forward from there..... If you have your opinion of MP, then that is your right.... I have mine and it stems back from further than that recent post, and that is MY right.....
As far as the topic at hand, it ended with BDS post on page one..... Respect begets respect! It is something that is earned, not freely given out..... Its kinda like credit ratings..... you have shit credit, its hard to get credit..... if you have a history of shit credit, you have a hard time earning/recieving credit......
So basically it comes down to a university True/False test...... if the statement is not ENTIRELY true, then it is False.......