So, let' talk pricing...

Mavs fan's Avatar
We should probably factor in the danger aspect of being a provider. They are meeting with total strangers that they know nothing about. Men are generally much stronger than women and the provider has no real idea what to expect. And, lest we forget this is illegal. You really can't compare the hobby to a legitimate business. When I go to work today there is no danger of a vice cop arresting me for what I do. And I have no fear of a customer getting rough with me or trying to hurt me. And a pimp isn't going to try to recruit me or threaten me. It's a risky business.
Back a number of years ago for every provider that signed up 2 hobbyists also signed up, Now it is for every one provider that signs up 3 hobbyists sign up. When you go from a 2:1 ratio to a 3:1 ratio rates will go up

Hobbyists dictate the market. A provider's time is only worth how much someone is willing to pay. If someone pays 400 an hour then her hour session is worth 400. If someone pays 200 an hour then her session is worth 200.

I would assume most of the men on this site are college educated. Remember economics 101???

I know some don't believe it and there is no way to actually prove it, so we can argue for days, but the bottom line is it's all about supply and demand

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!
FunInDFW's Avatar
^ And some people are just...

So, turning off the phone just cannot be an option?

Wow. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
There's a difference between being out of someone's price range, and being more affordable at the cost of having poor customer service (in this case, TCB/communication).

Which of the following would you rather have:

- many clients complaining that your tcb sucks, they can never get an appointment with you, mechanical as if you're just another 1 of 10 she's blown that day, etc.
- every client that ever gets in contact with you leaves a glowing, rave, and completely positive review.
The market here in dfw is pretty damn effecient if you ask me. No need to haggle, hell I dont even care about specials.
kind of thought there wasnt much to discuss. you pay what a girl wants or you find another girl in your price range. you can only afford what you can afford. trying to get these girls down on price only results in two scenarios playing out.... she dosent respond to you anymore and blacklists you from her client list... OR... she meets your price and puts the effort forth to what you paid for. is that $50 or $100 worth a mailed in hour? pay the toll or dont drive the road.

but seriously stay off the tollway... it is just a nightmare at rush hour.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I've noticed that ladies in $400 territory (+ or -) don't seem to have as many reviews.

We like to throw around the phrase, 'low volume'. That's cool and all, but are your bills 'low volume'?

10 calls a week are better than 2 calls. I don't care who you are. You don't have to take all 10. You can take 7 and go do your thing for the rest of the week. Meanwhile, you keep the other 3 interested.

Those 2 calls, you might have to take both. One could be a weirdo. Sure, you could have a weirdo out of that 7...or even 2. OK, shoot them down. That's still 5. 5 is better than 1.

Again, turn off [what should be your hobby] phone once you've met your quota.

Close the shop early. When you've filled up the cash register by 2pm, you CAN close early. Huh. Yeah? Come on. At least admit THAT.

I like playing this game. This is fun. I'm a man of logic.
I agree with your points Rambro. Unfortunately, there are a lot of ladies, not age specific, that have not figured out how to manage their funds, time or pay their bills. So, they work as much as possible to bring in that money. You can argue whether you think a girl is worth her price point till the cows come home. There will always be those gents willing to pay it. It's a never ending cycle.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I've noticed that ladies in $400 territory (+ or -) don't seem to have as many reviews.

We like to throw around the phrase, 'low volume'. That's cool and all, but are your bills 'low volume'?

10 calls a week are better than 2 calls. I don't care who you are. You don't have to take all 10. You can take 7 and go do your thing for the rest of the week. Meanwhile, you keep the other 3 interested.

Those 2 calls, you might have to take both. One could be a weirdo. Sure, you could have a weirdo out of that 7...or even 2. OK, shoot them down. That's still 5. 5 is better than 1.

Again, turn off [what should be your hobby] phone once you've met your quota.

Close the shop early. When you've filled up the cash register by 2pm, you CAN close early. Huh. Yeah? Come on. At least admit THAT.

I like playing this game. This is fun. I'm a man of logic. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I agree with RC's statement and I know I would rather have 10 calls per week than 2.

I lowered my rates, for various reasons, but not because I don't think my time or service isn't worth more. I personally think I am one helluva visit and worth every bit of $300+.

As it was said on the numerous other threads of this topic, see who you can afford. If a girl is out of your price range, go somewhere else.

Haggling is disrespectful to the lady and shows poor character, IMHO
My two cents ( don't fucking haggle me I'm only giving 2!)

I am self employed and have a service oriented business and have since '98.
A guy in my trade told me at the outset not to wait to raise my prices, but I did because I was scared of not getting customers. Now seventeen years later my rates have increased over 100% and that's partially how I survived when the shit hit the fan several years ago.

I also had another self employed person give me sage advice:

If 90% of your stressful complaining bullshit calls come from 10% of your client base....86 those mother fuckers and sleep better.

The other thing about the hobby is that it's fine and dandy for us men to sit here and talk pricing and buisness models and value...yadda yadda yadda...and a very different story if we start sucking dick for a living.

Guys shut the fuck up!

The sex trade buisness is known only to the ones selling sex ....Period.

This has been a public service announcement
Smells like church up in here. ^^^^^ lol

Well said.

Everytime I read these threads I think about raising my rate because inevitably someone brings up a few good points on hidden costs and how longevity and reputation lend itself to fetching a higher rate and I haven't raised my rates since I got established. 120+ "Yes" reviews and a few years later without a single "No" (*knocks on wood*) and most would say I've earned a raise.

So Ya I've been thinking of going to a much higher rate after I go back to my regular job full time because I won't have the time to provide much and I'd rather make $800 on two appts per week rather than $500 of the same two appts.

Thinking out loud...
FishGuy13's Avatar
Smells like church up in here. ^^^^^ lol

Well said.

Everytime I read these threads I think about raising my rate because inevitably someone brings up a few good points on hidden costs and how longevity and reputation lend itself to fetching a higher rate and I haven't raised my rates since I got established. 120+ "Yes" reviews and a few years later without a single "No" (*knocks on wood*) and most would say I've earned a raise.

So Ya I've been thinking of going to a much higher rate after I go back to my regular job full time because I won't have the time to provide much and I'd rather make $800 on two appts per week rather than $500 of the same two appts.

Thinking out loud... Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Damn it OP, now see what you have gone and done, I'll never save enough nickels to see THN.
In my opinion, if you aren't comfortable paying a provider's listed donation amount then why bother contacting? There are tons of ladies with a wide variety of prices. If you know your budget, then shop within those means.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Man, don't ever tell me to shut the fuck up again.

In a similar thread, somebody mentioned how much of a luxury this business was (is) for us guys to be in as hobbyists. I countered by saying that it was a luxury to make hundreds of dollars an hour, and doing it while being UNSKILLED, UNCERTIFIED, and UNACCREDITED. The only people who make this kind of money are doctors, scientists, professors and people who dedicate their lives to their arena of work through training, years of schooling, travel, and hard work, and even financial inconvenience.

Providers wake up one day and say, 'I want to be an escort'. Doesn't require an ounce of training, not one sheet of paper documenting certification, and not one penny of financial inconvenience. If this shit is too difficult, then go put in an application at Macy's or Burger King or a cashier somewhere, and then see how long it takes you to make $300. Then go pay taxes on that. Then wait two weeks before you get paid again. 2 fucking weeks. Go deal with the hassle of commuting to a job, with a 30-minute lunch break, co-workers that you want to beat the shit out of, a boss that you want to tell to go to hell. Then go pay a baby sitter or daycare to watch your kids while you try to figure out how to make a paycheck stretch between all your bills, kids' needs, transportation costs, food, tuition (because the way of the world is 'trying to better yourself'...well, that shit ain't cheap), taxes, and miscellaneous BULLSHIT that you can't account for, then HOPE you got a quarter left for yourself after all that.

This is how the other 99% of the world lives. Too tough of a lifestyle for you? Well, shit. Maybe Nicholass and other bigmouth 1%'ers can hire you, since he has so much disposal income to...dispose of.

Ya damn skippy it's a luxury to make 200, 300, 400 an hour...WHILE UNSKILLED. Don't think so? Maybe Subway or Wal-mart is hiring. I don't know who else is hiring unskilled workers.
I've noticed that ladies in $400 territory (+ or -) don't seem to have as many reviews.

We like to throw around the phrase, 'low volume'. That's cool and all, but are your bills 'low volume'?

10 calls a week are better than 2 calls. I don't care who you are. You don't have to take all 10. You can take 7 and go do your thing for the rest of the week. Meanwhile, you keep the other 3 interested.

Those 2 calls, you might have to take both. One could be a weirdo. Sure, you could have a weirdo out of that 7...or even 2. OK, shoot them down. That's still 5. 5 is better than 1.

Again, turn off [what should be your hobby] phone once you've met your quota.

Close the shop early. When you've filled up the cash register by 2pm, you CAN close early. Huh. Yeah? Come on. At least admit THAT.

I like playing this game. This is fun. I'm a man of logic. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

Providers that are in the $400+ range tend to either have consistent regulars or they moonlight as a provider, that or they have something else on the side. Very rarely do they full time provide at that range in the city of Dallas, although there are a few that do. That's coming from a very well known and reputable provider. It's extremely difficult to full time provide at that price range, unless your reputation is absolutely stellar.

Outside of Dallas, different story, different rates.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Providers that are in the $400+ range tend to either have consistent regulars or they moonlight as a provider, that or they have something else on the side. Very rarely do they full time provide at that range in the city of Dallas, although there are a few that do. That's coming from a very well known and reputable provider. It's extremely difficult to full time provide at that price range, unless your reputation is absolutely stellar.

Outside of Dallas, different story, different rates. Originally Posted by anonymousbusiness512
I would suggest to all of them to do it that way. Get at least a part time job. This not only keeps you occupied at least some part of the day, but also justifies having a bank account to put money into. Beats sitting around all day waiting for a phone to ring.