I never bitch about GFE I don't have those issues because I am clearly YMMV.... and not ashamed. To
Mr David Louisiana; we are free to say what we want or choose on this board. I don't think it has compromised anyone's privacy, or posed any potential threat, Serenity says that she hates GFE! That is her choice, and should be able to voice that without it being classified as "bitching". I knew you couldn't possibly be referring to me, because I am GFE on YMMV basis. Some of you characters here boast of only seeing Providers that are strictly bbbj. Funny thing is, everyone that wants a bbbj doesn't always practice good hygiene. Have you ever thought about that? You complain about CBJ when you thought you were going to get a BBBJ but your genitals may not be smelling fresh enough for that to happen! There are plenty guys out here talking about how the experience wasn't as satisfying because the provider didn't want to suck the stank off of your private area! Lol .... I'd like to see you give DATY to a provider, when her genitals reek of urine or some other foul odor. How would you react to seeing a bump or scab, and she says, oh I just cut myself on my pants zipper? GFE should always be YMMV. For me, it always will be. I am selective with whom I chose to do GFE with. Are we allowed to bitch about the stinking cocks in the world? I don t know about some of these other ladies, but I don't suck stinking cocks. Some don't care if they pull the skin back and see white crust. They might suck it.... but im not. Take a bath an make sure you reach all the spots. Then expect a bbbj! LOL. Lets talk about that! Originally Posted by CocoBrown
And you do it oh so well.. you sexy fine brown chocolate lady you.. So damn sexy! Even more attracted to you for standing up for yourself.. Boner alert!
CocoBrown's Avatar
And you do it oh so well.. you sexy fine brown chocolate lady you.. So damn sexy! Even more attracted to you for standing up for yourself.. Boner alert! Originally Posted by Bigpapa1
Thanks Papa, you know you are my favorite! Anytime I see a moron dare come for you, I will always defend you to the upmost. You are one of the most classy, polite, well spoken guys ive met in Louisiana and you always smell like a million bucks! If they took notes from you, trust and believe the hobby would be less of a job and more of a vacation.... you get a 10 from me on hygiene (scaling 1-10) I would give you a bbbj anytime baby
I never bitch about GFE I don't have those issues because I am clearly YMMV.... and not ashamed. To
Mr David Louisiana; we are free to say what we want or choose on this board. I don't think it has compromised anyone's privacy, or posed any potential threat, Serenity says that she hates GFE! That is her choice, and should be able to voice that without it being classified as "bitching". I knew you couldn't possibly be referring to me, because I am GFE on YMMV basis. Some of you characters here boast of only seeing Providers that are strictly bbbj. Funny thing is, everyone that wants a bbbj doesn't always practice good hygiene. Have you ever thought about that? You complain about CBJ when you thought you were going to get a BBBJ but your genitals may not be smelling fresh enough for that to happen! There are plenty guys out here talking about how the experience wasn't as satisfying because the provider didn't want to suck the stank off of your private area! Lol .... I'd like to see you give DATY to a provider, when her genitals reek of urine or some other foul odor. How would you react to seeing a bump or scab, and she says, oh I just cut myself on my pants zipper? GFE should always be YMMV. For me, it always will be. I am selective with whom I chose to do GFE with. Are we allowed to bitch about the stinking cocks in the world? I don t know about some of these other ladies, but I don't suck stinking cocks. Some don't care if they pull the skin back and see white crust. They might suck it.... but im not. Take a bath an make sure you reach all the spots. Then expect a bbbj! LOL. Lets talk about that! Originally Posted by CocoBrown
She shouldn't be complaining (BITCHING) about others being GFE. Her choice whether or not to be. Others' choice whether or not to be. The free market dictates who gets the business. Either supply what the market wants or get the few bones it throws to you.

I've walked out when a provider wasn't clean and expect them to do likewise if I'm not.
CocoBrown's Avatar
Would someone please send these complaining providers back to backpage!!! Geez! This is third grade bull crap! Originally Posted by ilovethemgirls68
It really doesn't make a difference what website you advertise on, hygiene is a very important factor when discussing GFE. What does backpage have to do with it? The only thing I agree with you on is this IS 3rd grade bullcrap.... only a third grader wouldn't know how to properly wash his cock! P.S. ilovethemgirls68, just because you see someone advertising on bp doesn't mean they are restricted to just that, nor does it mean they are less quality than the providers on eccie or any other site. I am p411 verified, Date-check's #4 top supporter nationwide, started on EROS, and I also post on bp where the REAL websites don't have a listed city for. If the city doesn't have any other site available for advertising, most providers will use BP. Personally, I don't have to use BP if I don't want to, my clientele base is very well established. I do it because I CAN....
I'm all about that GFE, GFE, GFE!

I may have given Meghan Trainor an idea for a new song.
CocoBrown's Avatar
This is a Serious Matter but I Been Notice If Your not GFE You want get Far!!!!

Why tho?! I know it's a CHOICE But what about Your Health?!

Serenity Is Just Real as They Come if I was Doing Gfe I would Be Popular on here lol

Y'all really need to change Up on Here Especially In LOUISIANA...

And don't sit here and Lie and say yall don't LOVE it..

At least give the NON GFE GIRLS A chance!!

At least you know We safe!!! Originally Posted by Serenity24
David Louisiana I don't think she was talking about the girls who are GFEfriendly in a negative way, she simply was asking for the guys to give non GFE girls a chance. Its funny how you can tell when the board has a problem with someone, because no matter what they say or how they say it, somehow it gets twisted and they turn the person into a target....
David Louisiana I don't think she was talking about the girls who are GFEfriendly in a negative way, she simply was asking for the guys to give non GFE girls a chance. Its funny how you can tell when the board has a problem with someone, because no matter what they say or how they say it, somehow it gets twisted and they turn the person into a target.... Originally Posted by CocoBrown
Ding ding ding.... You finally hit hammer to nail. It matter who says it and who is allowed to say certain things, but like I've said to others privately, just let it go. Let it roll off your backs. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Money will still be made and spent.. Goods and services.. Commodities.. supply and demand... Basic business....
CocoBrown's Avatar
Fuck but ECCIE got as ghetto as BackPage!

Nice dropping of the race card. I see black girls....but I refuse to see ghetto girls no matter what color or race they are. Originally Posted by disilene
Didn't drop a race card. I dropped a truth card! Lets not lose sight of what we originally were discussing. Serenity said that she would be more popular if she were GFE. I replied that GFE isn't always the driving force when dealing with clientele from ECCIE. You guys have your picks and chooses. I also said that I started off CBJ and am GFE on a YMMV basis, and that GFE had nothing to do with the volume of clientele she has on ECCIE. I know from experience. I consider myself to be a quality provider, Im not "guetto", Im very attractive, provide a quality experience and location every time, and am GFE if you meet my personal hygiene requirements. I also have a little more than a few reviews, ALL POSITIVE. The only reason I feel sometimes that race IS an issue on this board, is because you can fit every requirement, and they will still find a reason not to see you or something they can complain about. Just look at the reviews! Most either see all white or all black. There are a few guys that actually don't factor in race when trying a new provider. For instance. A black provider can get a good review and no one will reply. A white provider can get a review and you guys act like the pussy is made of gold, praising the most average of the women on this board. If you bring the exact same service but one is white and one is black, the average client on here will select the white one. Its cool, "no bitching", its entirely your choice. But don't act like Angel Foxx and Serenity are not up to par because of how they express themselves in the forums or because they advertise on BP. In my opinion, they are better looking than some of the most popular reviewed girls on this board. There are plenty of girls on board who feel the same way. You guys praise who you want, and most of the guys are BANDWAGON CLIENTS. You base your decision on what your counterparts do. If you don't want providers to be fast to judge each client the same you should extend the same courtesy to us. Im speaking only from experience. When I first started, I saw lots of white guys. Unfortunately, due to this struggle of the races on this board lately, I might come to Louisiana and see 1 or 2 during a tour. Sadly, I have no choice but to blame it on race. I don't care though, I appreciate those that appreciate me! I bet if I had a no AA policy that may change, but maybe not being that my reviews are mostly from black guys. I really don't care though, either you like me, or you don't. it is what it is.
playpal2007's Avatar
Amen! Perfectly stated.
  • rfl
  • 07-01-2018, 07:33 AM
Simple economics. You admitted yourself that guys here want GFE. So the market is GFE. If you want to offer something that people don’t want, your price has to drop. This is economics that has been true for thousands of years. You’re kidding yourself if you try to attribute it to anything other than this. There is no other truth card other than this.
I am still wondering why a three year old thread got pumped. Are things that boring?
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 07-01-2018, 12:03 PM
Didn't drop a race card. I dropped a truth card! Lets not lose sight of what we originally were discussing. Serenity said that she would be more popular if she were GFE. I replied that GFE isn't always the driving force when dealing with clientele from ECCIE. You guys have your picks and chooses. I also said that I started off CBJ and am GFE on a YMMV basis, and that GFE had nothing to do with the volume of clientele she has on ECCIE. I know from experience. I consider myself to be a quality provider, Im not "guetto", Im very attractive, provide a quality experience and location every time, and am GFE if you meet my personal hygiene requirements. I also have a little more than a few reviews, ALL POSITIVE. The only reason I feel sometimes that race IS an issue on this board, is because you can fit every requirement, and they will still find a reason not to see you or something they can complain about. Just look at the reviews! Most either see all white or all black. There are a few guys that actually don't factor in race when trying a new provider. For instance. A black provider can get a good review and no one will reply. A white provider can get a review and you guys act like the pussy is made of gold, praising the most average of the women on this board. If you bring the exact same service but one is white and one is black, the average client on here will select the white one. Its cool, "no bitching", its entirely your choice. But don't act like Angel Foxx and Serenity are not up to par because of how they express themselves in the forums or because they advertise on BP. In my opinion, they are better looking than some of the most popular reviewed girls on this board. There are plenty of girls on board who feel the same way. You guys praise who you want, and most of the guys are BANDWAGON CLIENTS. You base your decision on what your counterparts do. If you don't want providers to be fast to judge each client the same you should extend the same courtesy to us. Im speaking only from experience. When I first started, I saw lots of white guys. Unfortunately, due to this struggle of the races on this board lately, I might come to Louisiana and see 1 or 2 during a tour. Sadly, I have no choice but to blame it on race. I don't care though, I appreciate those that appreciate me! I bet if I had a no AA policy that may change, but maybe not being that my reviews are mostly from black guys. I really don't care though, either you like me, or you don't. it is what it is. Originally Posted by CocoBrown
She not telling no lies lmaooo

But it's none of my business bc I discriminate slightly as well. I have a certain type I prefer and we all have a right to see who we prefer
  • rfl
  • 07-01-2018, 03:28 PM
Dang, I didn’t realize this was an old thread. It was bumped up, so I commented. Old Gent is right.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Perfectly stated.

I know based on personal experience.......when I have had sessions that's were no GFE (no cuddling, no uncovered oral, no daty, no kissing, etc) it changes my sexual md in sesson especially on overnights. Wth GFE I'm more of a nurturer and will explore areas with her to make sure she get hers too. If a lady advertises GFE, or she doesn't, or she becomes less GFE in session......I adjust by beening more PSE. Since it basically makes me feel like a fuck toy anyway. Touch it, get it hard, stick it in....where's the fun in that. Its enough to satisfy me physically for the night, but not enough to make me enjoy it or feel good about the night the morning after.

Maybe for some guys......a real GFE experience represents when their partner becomes complacent and is less intimate, or just gives a pity fuck or two so you can sleep and she can simply go to work and/or take care of the kids the next day. I don't think fnding sex is an issue for most of us. And nojn GFE is basically that......just sex. I most times want a full on GFE experience....because I don't want my sex limited. Whether I'm laying down with a provider, a date, or a real life GF.....I gotta represent my sex game fully, and she should too.....or else the attraction and comfortability won't be there. But then you have to ask yourself, what is the point of having sex, if you aren't fully comfortable and limitless......within safety limits of course.......

I know if I booked you, knowing you weren't GFE to any degree (no kissing, no daty, no cuddling, no uncovered oral) Id probably skip the HJs and CBJs and just stick it right in. There's no point in building suspence, since all that is good physically at that point is the VaJJ. Id pace myself, take breaks and make it last long as I could............I also wouldn't expect to be paying you as much since a ladys non GFE services would be limited.

But nowadays .....seeing a lady with a full GFE menu (minus of course greek at times)is just the mature thing for me. I'm more mature and want sessions with less lmitations. Earlier in the hobby. Might see ladies attractve who were less than GFE, but not anymore. There is nothing more frustratng than laying next to a gorgeous woman......and beng reminded she doesn't kiss, cuddle, etc. Sorta feels elitist. Originally Posted by gimme_that