I am an admitted sensitive girl. Sometimes I take offense and have emotions over certain types of comments that come my way, especially in private. That's just my nature. . .
We are on-line displayed to all . . . all that love, all that hate, all that joke, all that rea here for just fun, all that want to help and all that want to hurt. . . .and I have had private and public messages pertaining to all those ways of being.
I hit my limit on New Years Eve where I was blasted by very serious negativity by one person and then realized . . . only people with great insecurities need to knock others down to feel a sense of power, control and to feel greater than their target. How can I be angry, mad or upset?
I don't need to know "why" anymore. I don't care to allow any bit of power over to those who desire to drain me. I desire to save all my energy up for what I came here for! To live, love and learn but above all . . . to PLAY!!
When I sit back and assess what I put out I understand what I get back.
"I continuously change my interactions to reach my desired outcomes, I am not perfection I am a reflection of what you put out to me."