11 Officers Shot 3 Dead

Mavs fan's Avatar
Just skimmed this thread but before I even looked I knew that Randall Creed would be spewing his racist bullshit. This thread is about innocent Dallas Police officers being shot down by an angry, militant, black man. The man who fired the shots is definitely black and was quoted as saying that he wanted to kill white people and especially white cops. I will bet all the money I have that Randall Creed will never admit that this is a racially motivated "Hate Crime". Because in Randall's opinion Black Lives are worth more than white ones. And he probably thinks that it is impossible for a black person to commit a "Hate Crime". "All Lives Matter" not just Black ones. You are so predictable Randall and you are a racist.
PeterBota's Avatar
Mavs fan's Avatar
The guy in Baton Rouge did not comply to the officers commands. He resisted arrest and he did have a gun. He killed himself in my opinion plus he was a convicted felon and a convicted pedophile. If he had complied he would be sitting in a cell next to Michael Brown who also resisted arrest. When a cop tells you to do something, you do it. Duh!
Mavs fan's Avatar
The St. Paul thing is the craziest thing I ever saw. The guys girlfriend got on Facebook to document the shooting. No way a person that just witnessed a fatal shooting could be that calm. No fucking way! She never even looked back at her 4 year old child. Someone explain that to me.
PeterBota's Avatar
Frique-Me's Avatar
The St. Paul thing is the craziest thing I ever saw. The guys girlfriend got on Facebook to document the shooting. No way a person that just witnessed a fatal shooting could be that calm. No fucking way! She never even looked back at her 4 year old child. Someone explain that to me. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Is there a point??? If so, I missed it. She didn't react/respond in a manner YOU deem situationally appropriate??? what's your point??? She's full of shit too??
Have a black child & you'll learn REAL quick. Problem solved Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Would I be allowed in the thoughtful, fearful mom club then? Do I have to have a Black child to know what it means to fear for their safety and their future? I thought all mothers felt that. I didn't realize I had to have a Black child to be worried for them.

It's like white people are thought to be living in this worry-free existence lala land where everything is roses and gumdrops and we all know are kids will grow up fine without any real threats to their safety.

We all have fears. The likelihood of any of our children getting killed by a cop someday is slim to none, regardless of their color. There are much worse threats that are much more likely. I don't see why this fear is so much more important. Why this fear gets played out in such a divisive manner.
Randall Creed's Avatar
This shit only permeates BECAUSE of the way [some] whites CONTINUE to treat black people, you dumb son of a bitch. These Klan cops shoot black men for the slightest of fucking reasons, avoidable reasons, blatantly going out of their way to escalate these encounters. Punk ass police chiefs and judges let them walk, making the shit worse.

A white MF can be brandishing a weapon, acting belligerent and still won't get shot. You poorly raised fucks pretend you don't see what's going on. You come in here with skewed facts, racist propaganda, and Fox news fallacies, and think that shit's OK, while you sit behind your cum covered keyboards with a shit eating grin.

It's NOT racist when you REACT BECAUSE of racism, just like it wouldn't be 'aggression' if someone was to react after getting slapped upside the head. If they were never slapped upside the head in the first place, they wouldn't react that way. Same with racism. Why is this shit so hard for some of you to understand. Then again, intelligence is required to understand some things.

You want to me to stop being 'militant and angry'?? Tell your POS Klan brothers to take their fucking hoods off, quit hiding behind their funky ass badges, tell your faggot ass judges to quit letting these fuckers walk after killing black people for no reason.

Just skimmed this thread but before I even looked I knew that Randall Creed would be spewing his racist bullshit. This thread is about innocent Dallas Police officers being shot down by an angry, militant, black man. The man who fired the shots is definitely black and was quoted as saying that he wanted to kill white people and especially white cops. I will bet all the money I have that Randall Creed will never admit that this is a racially motivated "Hate Crime". Because in Randall's opinion Black Lives are worth more than white ones. And he probably thinks that it is impossible for a black person to commit a "Hate Crime". "All Lives Matter" not just Black ones. You are so predictable Randall and you are a racist. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Randall Creed's Avatar
The guy in Baton Rouge did not comply to the officers commands. He resisted arrest and he did have a gun. He killed himself in my opinion plus he was a convicted felon and a convicted pedophile. If he had complied he would be sitting in a cell next to Michael Brown who also resisted arrest. When a cop tells you to do something, you do it. Duh! Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Irrelevant BULLSHIT, half of which you probably made the fuck up.
Mavs fan's Avatar
I will not defend the justice system Randall. I think it is fucked. More so since Obama has been President. Loretta Lynch is an idiot too. She thinks we should just love the Muslim Extremists. She actually said that. Yes there are bad cops. Yes there are bad judges. We agree on that. There are also bad Doctors and bad preachers and even bad parents. More black people were killed In Chicago over the 4th of july weekend then were killed by cops this week. 12 innocent policeman were shot in Dallas last night and 5 died but you seem to think this is justified because 2 black men were killed by Police in LA. and MN. That is fucking crazy. And if you wonder why young black men are profiled take a look in a Prison some time. A huge percentage of the inmates are black. Want to know why? Because young black men commit a lot of crimes. That is the truth Man. Can you handle it?

Some are innocent and wrongly convicted but most are bad guys Like over 99%. I have been robbed a few times, Every time it was by a young black man. Even your favorite gripe on this board which is NBA policies is because of mostly young black pimps. Black men do not accept their responsibility as Fathers so the incidence of illegitimate children in the Black community is over 70 percent. And you know what every time I ask a young black man why he is fucking up on drugs, alcohol, or criminal behavior he blames white people. Nothing is ever their fault and they are allowed to fail at life because some distant relative they never met was a slave. Give me a fucking break! How about some personal responsibility?

I believe that you Randall are a successful member of society and a hard worker so why do you defend these lowlifes. I don't defend white trash people. I think they are scum. Why do you defend these scumbag ghetto motherfuckers that blame everyone but themselves for their failure?
Mavs fan's Avatar
I didn't make anything up about Sterling. Stop watching CNN and do some research Randall. Fuck the guy had gold fronts. He was a gangster. And he fought with the Police, That is a special kind of stupid.
mmcqtx's Avatar
Perhaps I was being too cryptic in my earlier post. There is no law protecting policemen who do not follow procedure and use deadly force without justification. There is a question before society now as to whether the problem is systemic or a problem of individuals. Last night in Dallas we had hundreds of peaceful protesters and one sadly deranged individual. I believe it is reasonable to take the stand that this was a problem with an individual. When a policeman acts inappropriately, but the rest of his department is acting according to their procedures, that is a problem with an individual. You can't point to one case in Minnesota and one in Baton Rogue and call it systemic.
Be vigilant, look for patterns, find corrupt officers, find a corrupt force, gather evidence and present a case to federal authorities. Demonstrate, write letters, involve the media, just don't overreact without all of the facts. In large cities the police is made up of a multi-cultural force, if there is a systemic problem it would seem that they would be the ones most aware. Perhaps they are where we must start to seek out the changes that need to occur. These changes will be difficult, but personally, I want to see them done, I hope they are done.
Mavs fan's Avatar
Ok Frique me. If someone just shot someone that love in the chest would your first move be to get on Facebook and document it? If your young child was in the backseat would you be tending to that as you went into shock after shitting yourself because bullets were just fired less than one foot away from you. Think about it. Most people would be a basket case quivering in fear. But not Diamond.
Frique-Me's Avatar
Ok Frique me. If someone just shot someone that love in the chest would your first move be to get on Facebook and document it? If your young child was in the backseat would you be tending to that as you went into shock after shitting yourself because bullets were just fired less than one foot away from you. Think about it. Most people would be a basket case quivering in fear. But not Diamond. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Not sure how I would react.. I can only hope its in a manner you deem appropriate.

You guys can have it, I'm out.
Mavs fan's Avatar
And your point earlier Randall was that if you react to racism with racism then your racism isn't racism because someone else was a racist first. Is that what you said? Why don't you just say I'm rubber and your glue or call me a poopoo head? So I guess what you really mean is that "The 2nd wrong is right because someone else was wrong before you". Is that what you meant? Or is it still accepted that 2 wrongs don't make a right? Let the justice system deal with these cop shootings these cops deserve due process and if they are convicted of wrong doing I am fine with that. What you are saying is that they should go straight to execution with no trial. That is called a lynching and a black man above all others should be against lynching. And yes I acknowledge Jim Crow and slavery and the struggle for Civil Rights and I think America was wrong. But that shit is over now.