Ok Ladies... Reviews

Many men, myself included, are very visual minded. A provider has to have a certain look that appeals to my taste. It really has little to do with what is considered "beautiful" by the masses.

It is difficult to describe, sort of one of those "you know it when you see it" things.

My ATF has this "look", (and the skills to go with it), and that is why I continue to see Her on a regular basis.

I read reviews where Hobbyist have a great time, decribe the Lady as breath taking, and she has little appeal to me at all.

Sure, we all recognize that there is an "industry standard" for beauty that the majority of Men accept. But, that does not mean we would spend time BCD with that version of what is considered beautiful.

A good example is a well known touring Lady, a Porn Star, that is known for her huge back side. While other Guys drool all over this, it simply looks gross to me.

We are fortunate to have a wide pool of great Providers, tall, short, skinny, fat, black, white, and all things in between, that will appeal to any Hobbyist's taste.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I understand the "looks" thing and agree (to a degree) with what you stated. Obviously though some things regarding "looks" is fact such as tattoos and then some things are simply a matter of WALDT. However if certain things are not a problem to you, the reviewer, then why would your review be considered dishonest if you weren't paying attention to those things that bother others. I don't go see providers for others, I see providers for me....

Doesn't meant I don't have an interest in sharing information if I feel a person should know. I've proven to plenty of people here that I am willing to do so....
I know several providers who have in fact offered "make up" dates because of a bad review.

They felt it was their fault the guy had a bad experience, and offered a free date to make up for it.

You see this time and again when agency providers turn indy. When they were making only half the rate working for the agency, they lacked in service and got some bad reviews because they were literally exhausted trying to please a boss. A year later when they turn indy, they want to show those guys how much better they are when their volume decreased and all the money goes to them. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I've never had that offered, and if it were, I would turn it down. If she can't be 100% to begin with, what makes me want to waste my time again? Make up sex is not the best sex. In this instance I'm just trying to make her feel better about a bad session, and that is not my job.

I would think "honest" means in all aspects. Too many times a guy who had a problem with a provider in ONE area, makes it as if every part of her was also bad.

For example: If she is a perfect 10 in looks but lacks bcd..say that. Don't say she is a porn star just because of some eye batting that had you silly. Same goes for the reverse...if she was a dog but rocked your world, at least give her the credit for being good in the sack. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Generally speaking, if she fucks me, she gets a "yes" recommendation (when I used to do reviews). To me that's the ultimate question. Now she may have sucked in other areas, which I try to diplomatically describe, but the ultimate question is the review bottom line.

I think it depends on the girl. Some can take criticism some can't. I still think that physical looks depends on the person. We all have different likes and dislikes on what we find attractive. The same can be said about service. One bad review doesn't tell a whole story now if a girl gets serveral bad reviews from different people then there is a problem. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
And some girls could care less. They get in, they fuck, they pick up the $$$$ and they leave. They don't care about their reviews or you. Just the quick buck. And if they can squeeze it into less than an hour, so much the better.
if i'm gonna pay between 100-500 bucks i appreciate knowing what the girl has to offer be it visuals, descriptions menu restrictions. when a guy who has been on the board comes on and gives bcd details it goes along way to helping make a decision. while a girl who is getting 300 or 400 hr might prefer her activities be left up to the imagination or considered ymmv the guy putting out thr dollars would like to know is it cim, is greek ok how many sog. these things effect our decisions and i think that really is the purpose of a board like that.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Make up sex is not the best sex. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
YES it is!!!!!! *sigh*
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Naomi what can I do wrong so that when we meet we can have " make up" sex
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi what can I do wrong so that when we meet we can have " make up" sex Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Lmbo! I don't think you can do anything to piss me off. You're too much of a teddy bear.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I don't know if I like that... "teddy bear". I think there are many that will disagree that I resemble that name lmao....

You gonna review me when we meet, I got to catch up to DeD
Naomi4u's Avatar

You gonna review me when we meet, I got to catch up to DeD Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Note to self: Got to get bunny suit!!! lol
Naomi4u's Avatar
Note to self: Got to get bunny suit!!! lol Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Sweet N Little's Avatar
EA you just need to fly to the Carolinas before you spontaneously combust lol

morning miss naomi
Eccie Addict's Avatar
LMAO!! SNL I'll be ok, no worries. The anticipation is always the best

Now back on topic people!!