Wisc Democrat's Votes No Longer Count

You bought the right wing bullshit hook, line. and sinker, didn't you. Hell, you might have swallowed the cork!
..... Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Wow. Except for your argument about lawyers, you basically didn't disprove the 'bullshit'...even with links! C'mon counselor! My guess is the avg doctor, lawyer, dentist and CEO type level executive makes less in govt than private practice. I'm sure they make up the majority of govt employees.

I didn't know Texas govt employees had collective bargaining! Isn't this what the argument is about?

Here's an article similar to the one I read about a month ago where the avg WI teacher compensation (can't find the exact article) was $102K. It was about $58k in salary but $44K in benefits. The benefit number included health and pension benies. I believe the cost of benefits is what is being argued essentially.

Let's see how the recall elections go. The will be fascination. And they will attract a ton of national money on both sides. Great theater. And I'll bet the Dems get at least 3 Republicans. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Okay Tushie, put your money where your mouth is. Or better yet, your pride. I'll bet you that the Dems don't pick off a net of 3 seats or more in the Wisconsin Senate through recalls. If I win you have to change your signature on here to "I love George W. Bush" for a month. If I lose, I'll change mine to "I love Barack Obama".

Bet? Or are you all talk?

Big Tex you in too?
if the the ppl of wisconsin toss out the republicans...they will deserve the outcome.... more debt and taxes...

oh we have great benefits...but the state is bankrupt...oh who will save us and pay our pensions ....who can we tax ...find us someone....we deserve it....oh federal government, please sir...prop us up...

i think the liberals must hate..HATE and RE-Hate the fact we have separate states with separate laws...where people can flee to to escape. the reason there is not health insurance that can be purchased across state lines is that very reason. obama and crew have drawn a target on red states, trying to figure out how they can spread the misery so no one can flee it.

until such time all i can see is a mass exit of jobs and entreprenuers....

welcome to texas
Wow. Except for your argument about lawyers, you basically didn't disprove the 'bullshit'...even with links! C'mon counselor! My guess is the avg doctor, lawyer, dentist and CEO type level executive makes less in govt than private practice. I'm sure they make up the majority of govt employees.

I didn't know Texas govt employees had collective bargaining! Isn't this what the argument is about?

Here's an article similar to the one I read about a month ago where the avg WI teacher compensation (can't find the exact article) was $102K. It was about $58k in salary but $44K in benefits. The benefit number included health and pension benies. I believe the cost of benefits is what is being argued essentially.

http://dailycaller.com/2011/02/21/wi...re-letting-on/ Originally Posted by gnadfly
Conservatives get upset when pinko-libs lie, and pinko-libs get upset when conservatives tell the truth
People who can figure the truth out have the same opinion......that's why they call us the RIGHT
pinko-libs believe it's impossible to bankrupt the US or states......
22% of people believe the moon landing was a Hollywood production....20% of people identify themselves as liberal or somewhat liberal.....
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  • 03-17-2011, 07:33 PM
This is funny......When the mod checks me out and I am clean, will someone post the fact that I am not HerFaceChair....that would be appreciated....thank you Originally Posted by Marshall