Trust me.. you will be next

That is one way, unless they block those ports... I never hobby from work.. even though we have a Guest Wifi which does not block any sites.. they do monitor (and I work in the department that DOES the monitoring) what I would suggest as an alternative is get a "hobby laptop" and a 3g/4g modem (USB or hotspot puck) reason is simple.. you can hobby as long as you have power..and if you are a Nerd like me you have one of THESE which can add 4-5 hours on top of your laptops battery if you want to pull over at a park.

It recharges off a wall plug or the car's cigarette lighter btw

Main reason for the hobby laptop is simple.. you get a basic model for 200-300 which is more than enough for GP work... its light and you carry it in a bag every where you go.. the wife never see's it Originally Posted by Spirit13
All one has to do is keep this in mind "The I.T. department COLLECTS the info/evidence that H.R. uses to fire you"
Hence, why I said "If you can do this". If you work in the department, the info may be alternated...

And there are ways to get around it as well...
Hence, why I said "If you can do this". If you work in the department, the info may be alternated...

And there are ways to get around it as well... Originally Posted by Syncial
Very true!! Course I can "plant" evidence too... and have done so at a previous job (the guy was an ASS) I mean, computer logs DON'T Lie.
super sploodge's Avatar
Very true!! Course I can "plant" evidence too... and have done so at a previous job (the guy was an ASS) I mean, computer logs DON'T Lie.
Originally Posted by Spirit13

Actions only a true pirate would do...

Hazzah to you my good man..
pyramider's Avatar
I'll fuck the dogshit out of this chick...she's single now... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

No you wouldn't . . . . she is too old, too fat, and does not swallow . . .
No you wouldn't . . . . she is too old, too fat, and does not swallow . . . Originally Posted by pyramider
Damn you seem to have the intel on this chick. So how was she BCD? Did you pay in food stamps?
No you wouldn't . . . . she is too old, too fat, and does not swallow . . . Originally Posted by pyramider
And she must not have Red or Blonde hair either!?

Damn you seem to have the intel on this chick. So how was she BCD? Did you pay in food stamps? Originally Posted by Syncial
Wow, LOL This is too funny. I know exactly who the OP hobbyist husband was. I had seen him many times. Funny thing is though things are begining to get very clear for me now. Things that happened to me make alot of sense.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Oh come on... Please elaborate Audrina
This lady is no Christian women. She is a vindictive b***h with a grudge that did a lot of bad shit to me and my family. It's not my fault she could not keep her husband at home. I hope god forgives you for all the shit you did because you were a woman scorned.
Oh come on... Please elaborate Audrina Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Let's just say my whole stalking ordeal came after a letter I rcvd in the mail from a Citizens Against Prostitution Group. Her Hubby got one in the mail at the same time. After that I was harrassed to no end. I always wondered why I was the only provider targeted by this group in SA. It didnt make sense. I knew it had to be me personally that was getting targeted. No other client I saw got that letter only him. When it first happened I remember asking him if he was sure his wife wasn't just following him and that is how she found out. He said no he didn't think she would do that. So I trusted his judgement and tried to figure out who it was. Now this thread pops up and it all makes sense. His wifes name was Valarie, he had a daughter and I remember him telling me he promised her he wouldn't do it again. He saw me 2 more times afterwards. This lady had pictures of me, my kids, she would throw letters all up and down my street trying to warn my neighbors a hooker was living on their street. I finally had to move to a new city.

I also just confirmed it with him. He said he wanted to tell me but he didnt know my new name or where I had gone..
eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 04-17-2011, 08:11 PM
Let's just say my whole stalking ordeal came after a letter I rcvd in the mail from a Citizens Against Prostitution Group. Her Hubby got one in the mail at the same time. After that I was harrassed to no end. I always wondered why I was the only provider targeted by this group in SA. It didnt make sense. I knew it had to be me personally that was getting targeted. No other client I saw got that letter only him. When it first happened I remember asking him if he was sure his wife wasn't just following him and that is how she found out. He said no he didn't think she would do that. So I trusted his judgement and tried to figure out who it was. Now this thread pops up and it all makes sense. His wifes name was Valarie, he had a daughter and I remember him telling me he promised her he wouldn't do it again. He saw me 2 more times afterwards. This lady had pictures of me, my kids, she would throw letters all up and down my street trying to warn my neighbors a hooker was living on their street. I finally had to move to a new city.

I also just confirmed it with him. He said he wanted to tell me but he didnt know my new name or where I had gone.. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
HOLY SHIT... That is not cool. He should have said something...
This lady is no Christian women. She is a vindictive b***h with a grudge that did a lot of bad shit to me and my family. It's not my fault she could not keep her husband at home. I hope god forgives you for all the shit you did because you were a woman scorned. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
I can confirm: One evening last summer, while I was enjoying a very good time with Audrina, somebody was vandalizing Audrina's car in the parking lot below us.

For someone so fond of quoting scripture, this woman has an odd way of expressing her faith.

As for the OP's rant about "bizarre sex practices" and "addiction", I would bet that the ex-husband's infidelities were due less to "bedroom" issues, than to a twisted desire to "get back at" a possessive, controlling spouse.

If -- as the evidence indicates -- the OP is indeed Audrina's tormentor, know that she has an ugly heart that can't be hidden under a paper bag.
Let's just say my whole stalking ordeal came after a letter I rcvd in the mail from a Citizens Against Prostitution Group. Her Hubby got one in the mail at the same time. After that I was harrassed to no end. I always wondered why I was the only provider targeted by this group in SA. It didnt make sense. I knew it had to be me personally that was getting targeted... Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
And nobody in San Antonio, evidently, had ever heard of such a group:

As Paul Harvey was so fond of saying: "And now you know THE REST OF THE STORY." But there's another sort of ROS I'd rather be reading right now!

P.S. - Eve, do you look as hot in person as in your avatar; and do you ever "tour" SA?
Let's just say my whole stalking ordeal came after a letter I rcvd in the mail from a Citizens Against Prostitution Group. Her Hubby got one in the mail at the same time. After that I was harrassed to no end. I always wondered why I was the only provider targeted by this group in SA. It didnt make sense. I knew it had to be me personally that was getting targeted. No other client I saw got that letter only him. When it first happened I remember asking him if he was sure his wife wasn't just following him and that is how she found out. He said no he didn't think she would do that. So I trusted his judgement and tried to figure out who it was. Now this thread pops up and it all makes sense. His wifes name was Valarie, he had a daughter and I remember him telling me he promised her he wouldn't do it again. He saw me 2 more times afterwards. This lady had pictures of me, my kids, she would throw letters all up and down my street trying to warn my neighbors a hooker was living on their street. I finally had to move to a new city.

I also just confirmed it with him. He said he wanted to tell me but he didnt know my new name or where I had gone.. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
Bloody hell! She sounds like a bunny boiler to me...
Mojojo's Avatar
This lady is no Christian women. She is a vindictive b***h with a grudge that did a lot of bad shit to me and my family. It's not my fault she could not keep her husband at home. I hope god forgives you for all the shit you did because you were a woman scorned. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
Let's just say my whole stalking ordeal came after a letter I rcvd in the mail from a Citizens Against Prostitution Group. Her Hubby got one in the mail at the same time. After that I was harrassed to no end. I always wondered why I was the only provider targeted by this group in SA. It didnt make sense. I knew it had to be me personally that was getting targeted. No other client I saw got that letter only him. When it first happened I remember asking him if he was sure his wife wasn't just following him and that is how she found out. He said no he didn't think she would do that. So I trusted his judgement and tried to figure out who it was. Now this thread pops up and it all makes sense. His wifes name was Valarie, he had a daughter and I remember him telling me he promised her he wouldn't do it again. He saw me 2 more times afterwards. This lady had pictures of me, my kids, she would throw letters all up and down my street trying to warn my neighbors a hooker was living on their street. I finally had to move to a new city.

I also just confirmed it with him. He said he wanted to tell me but he didnt know my new name or where I had gone.. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
Wowzers!! Karma's a motherfucker aint it!