where have all the professionals gone ???

You're just doing this to yourself man. I predict that you will be robbed soon. I hope I'm wrong, but the image you've created of yourself is a prime target.

Good luck in the future.
2short@desky's Avatar
I agree with the OP that all ladies should be treated with respect and gentlemanly manners observed. Works for everybody. But OP, you seem to have an over-exaggerated mutant strain of excessive priesthood decency in a not quite so decent environment. You say you have years of hobby experience, but I wonder if that is valid. Anybody with that kind of experience would go back to techniques used that were successful....apparently something has changed if you're 0-6. Maybe it's you that changed something?
To the OP, golfing, I took the time to read your last post, and although it took some my some effort to decipher what it was you are trying to say, I will agree with you on one point.

Now that you have finally described what you mean by a girl going "ghetto" on you, I have personally had to get firm with a few guys, and even on occasion it has gotten a bit nasty.

Usually it is after a guy has spent a significant amount of time - wasting my time. Wanting sexting, or texts exchanges lasting for weeks or months trying to book with me.

I have fucked up and flipped out on a client when the session just got way out of hand. Luckily, I had another provider there with me, to defuse the situation.

Although it sounds like the ladies that have flipped out on you (sounds way better than them going ghetto), have done so after either some kind of scheduling conflict, or after you have expressed your dissatisfaction with their looks compared to their pictures.

Yes, many times when we have professional pictures done, they are touched up a bit. Maybe given more of a tan appearance, fixing blemishes, but I don't think too often that they alter the size of what they are, as that takes a lot more work. I do know that photographers I have worked with will try and help us hide our flaws, such as tummies, cellulite, or unflattering angles; by adjusting the way we are posed.

However, many ladies have gone to taking selfies,or using their camera phones, which is usually a more accurate of what their current looks are actually like. Knowing this might help you with avoiding future disappointments.

****Just a tip, to make all of our lives easier when trying to read one of your long posts...Feel free to email me the rough draft of what you want to say, and I will edit it for you. Although I'm not as good at my grammar, formatting, and using fancy words as Elizabeth Whispers, I think people might take you a little more seriously if you can form your thoughts in a more logical and legible manner than you have expressed throughout this thread. My email is tntangie@gmail.com.
Golfing's Avatar
You have never met a man like me , I don't get pleasure out of you reading anything . I have seen your ad on p411 for years and never tried to meet . The fact that u wrote what you did just now is exactly why we won't ever meet . Instead of thinking it , you decided to go ahead and say it . . I have 40 or more providers who know me well who would totally disagree with u . So I beg you don't read it . And u won't hear anything negative from me ever regarding a post of your s
mrredcat43's Avatar
I REALLY hope that is your troll account. You can come down from that high horse anytime you like.
You have never met a man like me , I don't get pleasure out of you reading anything . I have seen your ad on p411 for years and never tried to meet . The fact that u wrote what you did just now is exactly why we won't ever meet . Instead of thinking it , you decided to go ahead and say it . . I have 40 or more providers who know me well who would totally disagree with u . So I beg you don't read it . And u won't hear anything negative from me ever regarding a post of your s Originally Posted by Golfing
Well, actually, if you really knew anything about me, you would know that I do always speak my mind. I am honest and fairly open, and I do get quite a lot of my business from clients who are happy and feel refreshed to see someone speak their mind on here. I've been doing this since I was on aspd, and when I was on aspd, I rarely ever had to post an ad. I know that I do a good job running my business, and you are not insulting me by saying you wouldn't see me.

And you're really full of shit. Why else would you have sent me a PM after I first replied on this silly thread of yours?
corona's Avatar
What an asshole. You generously offer editing of his posts to at least make them legible, and he turns around and slams you. I can't imagine why any providers "ghetto" out on him.

Good luck golfing, you're gonna need it! Hope you don't get rolled!
Golfing's Avatar
2short and if I do then , wouldn't that be fine ? And since I am so respectful of the profession and time . Doing as I do fits me well . And many many long term providers who know me . Why critique me for being respectful and gentelamny and generous
Maybe you should turn on your auto-correct. It gives you a red underline on the words that are misspelled.
Golfing's Avatar
Lol , ok . Well to all who sincerely worried about being robbed . Thank you . If I had any idea how to disable guest or whatever I would . To all of the poor ladies who found mean or poor spirited anything from my post . I don't have a response . If it's such a off base thread then stop reading . So about 60 % critical 30 % worried for my safety and 10 % and
Anger . Attacking and degrading . Cool . Bye guys
Journeedior's Avatar
Look this guy is real but has SERIOUS issues. Upon me arriving he made me wait 30 minutes in my car. Then told me to meet him in parking garage . Weird.
So we FINALLY go to his room 45 min later and all he does is bitch for 20-30 minutes about the hobby. He is EXTREMELY rude but expects us girls to kiss ass cause he has money. Rule number one, MONEY ISN'T WORTH BEING TREATED LIKE SHIT. I told him I would contact Gina on p411 and post a NCNS on eccie BECAUSE he forwarded my calls, told me not to call him, wouldn't text back, made me wait in MY CAR for ever. I would have left but it was so early in the morning and I drove all the way there. So yes I told him I would report him because he was playing games.knowing I'm downstairs he's forwarding my calls, texting rude remarks,asking to meet in a creepy garage??? Then says don't worry I won't hurt you. But None of the girls he scheduled AT THE SAME TIME, were going to put up personal info. He's making this bigger then it is.
This guy is SERIOUSLY fucked up in the head.
This does not surprise me in the least.
Journeedior's Avatar
He literally threw 300 in my car.he's a dick. Fuck him. But I had condoms and lube. Not my fault he didn't want the session cause he was "so upset and mad" and also booked like 3 other girls at the same time. That's why he had us meet in garage not his room at first cause he had multiple girls there waiting
mrredcat43's Avatar
So it's confirmed: OP is a douchebag who thinks he's God's gift to women. Maybe this is why other girls "supposedly" ripped him off, he treats them like the gum on the bottom of his shoe. OP needs a lesson in reality.
Journeedior's Avatar
He had the nerve to message me and ask for back up HA ya right.