Please make it stop, M, please!!!
I agree with repete... Macy please ask this one to be put out of it's misery!!

Besides, you have a new one going now...
Rodram's Avatar
LMAO!!! Awwww Rod you are even more clueless than what I first gave you credit for but alas that is the burden that you have to carry. Now working with animals albeit horses or any other large animal is not something you would be able to accomplish Rod as your application to Vet school would be rejected from circumstances beyond your control. General cluelessness and intelligence being some of the reasons. You come off as being some wanna know it all attorney. If that is the case then I really do feel sorry for you as I realize that alot of clueless people take and pass the LSAT. BTW I do believe that whomever asked if you were kin to WM may be onto something. Originally Posted by OneHotMale
Classic case of Projection:

Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.

An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.

Never could get over that failed attempt to be a HUMAN ass doctor so you had to become a wanna be donkey-ass proctologist. I can say with certainty that it fits your overall persona.
Rodram's Avatar
Seems there is an easy way to resolve this, see if an attorney will take this case. Originally Posted by oldtiger
Good idea Tiger I've already started that direction and Ill let you know what happens.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-09-2011, 11:19 PM
I will take this opportunity to remind everyone to please be cognizant of Rules 1, 3 and 4 of the Forum Guidelines.

Thank you.
Rodram's Avatar
After reading all your post from this thread, I think the following picture sums up your imaginary future.

Originally Posted by Tall_Cat81
On the contrary, I think it sums up where you get your imaginary intuition; cartoons and comic books.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Classic case of Projection:

Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.

An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.

Never could get over that failed attempt to be a HUMAN ass doctor so you had to become a wanna be donkey-ass proctologist. I can say with certainty that it fits your overall persona. Originally Posted by Rodram

LMAO!!!!! Awwww Rod I think that your posts have said all that needs to be said in this thread.
Tall_Cat81's Avatar
On the contrary, I think it sums up where you get your imaginary intuition; cartoons and comic books. Originally Posted by Rodram
Not really, just trying to prove a point. How one such as yourself take life so seriously. Last time I checked this board is meant for providers and clients who plain out just want to fuck and have fun without the drama. If a provider wishes not to see you then so be it. The board offers other providers who don't care about what color you are. Any who, I need to wrap this up, the smurfs are on.
Rodram's Avatar
You obviously have no idea what this was about do you? Allow me to provide a synopsis of what transpired. You'll have to put on your smart guy hat too as I don't use cartoon characters to communicate. I posed the following question:

"Is an escort a legal business and if so, does it fall under the auspices of the American Civil Rights Act"

Cue the merry band of morons that frequent this site: BLAH BLAH BLAH they don't have to see AA if they don't want to WAAH WAAH WAHH nobody can make them do that and you can find another provider. More WAAH WAAH and BLAH BLAH and then a picture of a cartoon character, yours not withstanding, and a bunch of morons agreeing with the cartoon character.

I then offered this legal scenario and did not state it as fact. Pay attention to the last paragraph:

"The providers are legal contractors that provide a service and is recognized by law as a business. That is why this site is allowed to exist. Technically a provider can be sued for discrimination:

The Federal Civil Rights Act guarantees all people the right to "full and equal enjoyment of the goods, SERVICES, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

Now whether or not its advisable to sue, is a consideration the claimant should understand could be ill-advised since the social repercussion may be undesirable."

Cue the same moron brigade again.

I then made these statements to again clarify my position:

"This is not about me or whether Im being rejected, this is about a very simple question and that again for the umpteenth thousandth time is whether an escort is recognized as a legitimate business AND IF SO, DO THEY FALL UNDER THE SAME LAWS THAT REGULAR BUSINESS'S DO, THATS ALL I'M ARGUING NOT WHETHER ITS RIGHT OUR WRONG FOR A PROVIDER TO MAKE THAT DISTINCTION."

"I am simply debating the issue from a legal standpoint and presenting the possibilities,I have no skin in this game its just a "what if scenario" thats all. I never say the providers don't have a right to their preference or even get close to saying that. Its fucking amazing how people don't pay attention and jump to conclusions so quickly."

You know the drill: moron brigade again saying that I can see someone else and blaah blaah.

So I AGAIN have had to clarify myself to what I hope is truly the last bastion of mental midgets left on this planet.
Tall_Cat81's Avatar
<clear throat>

Federal civil Right act will only work in Nevada but the business has to be a brothel such as the Bunny Ranch. Under most state law all forms of special activities is illegal when exchanging money, however, its legal to spend time with someone without engaging in sexual contact. See the catch 22, as why LE always ask what on the menu and talk price. No lawyer will see your case unless its brothel in Nevada that is license.

Back to work..........
oldtiger's Avatar
I don't want to get sucked into this, so I'll ask this without expectation of response, just ponder my question:

I understand this is a business, I understand most of the providers here are not actively desiring a fat hairy gringo bumping uglies with them, but if a provider said I don't do fat hairy gringos, I would take no pleasure in seeing them, especially being cognizant of this beforehand. So why would you really want to climb up on someone, stick your dick into her, knowing good a well she really doesn't want you there?

Again, I don't want a response, I just offer this as food for thought.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Every time a provider says 'No AA' in their ad, God kills a puppy.

Save a puppy and see Rambro's beautiful cock.

Chuck12's Avatar
"Is an escort a legal business and if so, does it fall under the auspices of the American Civil Rights Act"

I then offered this legal scenario and did not state it as fact. Pay attention to the last paragraph:

"The providers are legal contractors that provide a service and is recognized by law as a business. That is why this site is allowed to exist. Technically a provider can be sued for discrimination:

The Federal Civil Rights Act guarantees all people the right to "full and equal enjoyment of the goods, SERVICES, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

Now whether or not its advisable to sue, is a consideration the claimant should understand could be ill-advised since the social repercussion may be undesirable."

I then made these statements to again clarify my position:

"This is not about me or whether Im being rejected, this is about a very simple question and that again for the umpteenth thousandth time is whether an escort is recognized as a legitimate business AND IF SO, DO THEY FALL UNDER THE SAME LAWS THAT REGULAR BUSINESS'S DO, THATS ALL I'M ARGUING NOT WHETHER ITS RIGHT OUR WRONG FOR A PROVIDER TO MAKE THAT DISTINCTION."

"I am simply debating the issue from a legal standpoint and presenting the possibilities,I have no skin in this game its just a "what if scenario" thats all. I never say the providers don't have a right to their preference or even get close to saying that. Its fucking amazing how people don't pay attention and jump to conclusions so quickly."

You know the drill: moron brigade again saying that I can see someone else and blaah blaah.

So I AGAIN have had to clarify myself to what I hope is truly the last bastion of mental midgets left on this planet. Originally Posted by Rodram
Alright lets answer your question so you can stop making these "i'm so smart" posts.

First off, this site is not allowed to exist because "providers are legal contractors that provide a service and is recognized by law as a business." This site is allowed to exist just because the owners pay for the bandwith to allow for us to exchange our fictional stories and accounts.

That said to answer your question, no, providers do not fall into the laws that the Federal Civil Rights Act applies to. This is your quote from the Federal Civil Rights Act: "full and equal enjoyment of the goods, SERVICES, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

The key word is not "services" but "place of public accommodation." Our federal government is one of limited powers, or at least that was the original plan. In order for federal laws to reach into the states, it has to be done through one of the powers which the federal government can regulate. One of those powers is interstate commerce. Therefore, a place of public accommodation is defined as: "establishments that serve the public and that have a connection to interstate commerce."

In order for the part of the act you reference to apply a provider would have to fall under that definition. Unfortunately they dont. Examples of such establishments are hotels, some restaurants, and sports arenas.

Also, lets say someone wanted to sue, to see if they could be the landmark case that found a provider to be "an establishment engaged in interstate commerce." In order to sue you have to have a legal entity with the capability of being sued. In order to sue the provider you would have to sue her under her real name, not under "Ms. Lacy" (just as an example), since that is a fictional character.

So no providers don't fall into the "regular business" category and much less fall into the type of establishment the federal civil rights act applies to.

Anyone can sue for pretty much about anything. The issue is whether a court will even address it or dismiss the case and then use it as a good story to tell later.

Hopefully this satisfies your intellectual desires.