Best place/method for joint STD screening

Tats, why did you come to such a terrible country? You could have stayed in that garden spot of the Eastern Europeans know as Bulgaria. Lord knows there is no corruption in their government. And are you really that stupid that you do not know why police show up at fires or with 911 calls? As far as those providers who passed, maybe, just maybe if somebody who thought what a cool, or nice "chick" she was treated her with a bit of human decency it would not have happened. A simple text maybe every month or two, and they are right up your cheap freeloading alley, free, saying Hello hope your day is going well could have changed things. But no you are too much of a self centered idiot. The sooner you get your gay ass out this country the better. God have mercy on where you decide to hang your worthless hat and call home. Yours truly Mr.Jeff
On the contrary, pay attention, a question was asked by chizzy which had to be answered thus the analysis I gave. YOU DON'T know what the topic is. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Exactly incorrect again, you are like cnn, making shit up
tatasddd's Avatar
Exactly incorrect again, you are like cnn, making shit up Originally Posted by bigguyt
You are like all TV stations ...all baloney.
lustylad's Avatar
I forgot to add to the list of services "contributing" to the US economy INCARCEARATION FOR BULLSHIT and imposing hefty court costs and fines on "criminals" who committed minor "crimes" ultimately ruining their lives. It is a FACT highest incarceration rate in the whole world. Tomorrow they will make a crime blowing your hole in the street or eating at McDonald's and will add it to having your dick sucked and small amount of grass as misdemanour to get more depreciated US paper currency that flies off the press like flies off of shit. Of course the list goes on and on but incarceration is a big part of the "economy". Originally Posted by tatasddd
Nice rant, tats... quick question - how long is your rap sheet?
lustylad's Avatar
Let me give you one more example of how disgusting this country is. My private Bulgarian dentist has made 2 crowns in my upper set of teeth... Originally Posted by tatasddd
We can see he did an excellent job...

tatasddd's Avatar
We can see he did an excellent job...

Originally Posted by lustylad
On the contrary, you see that here due to the very "affordable" cost of living. Just go downtown. Full of toothless cadgers. In the "richest" country in the world. Cadgers everywhere.
Big Stig's Avatar
So, let me see if I have this straight...the best place to get tested for STDs is the office of a gay dentist in Bulgaria. Ok, got it.

It is nice to see a thread stay on topic and provide a useful answer for the OP. Well done!
lustylad's Avatar
Just go downtown. Full of toothless cadgers. In the "richest" country in the world. Cadgers everywhere. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Lots of "cadgers" downtown? I'll have to check next time. How about "calumniators"?

Learn any other new words you want to share with us, tats?
tatasddd's Avatar
They may have been new to you, not me, and you know it. The very fact you brought that up tells me you had to look them up

And an FYI the poster you poster with the toothless guy can only be an American. Bulgaria has no blacks.

Your vocabulary LustyLad is not fit to hold a damn candle to mine. When you master Bulgarian as I've mastered English and 2 more languages can you tell me anything on this matter.

But since you asked if I knew more sure here is one...

This site's become chock-a-block with posts of mere horseshit.

Now go look it up.
lustylad's Avatar
And an FYI... the toothless guy can only be an American. Bulgaria has no blacks. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Look again, tats. He's not black, he just has a nice tan. He's a cadger who hangs out at the beach on the Black Sea begging for a stick of chewing gum.
lustylad's Avatar
They may have been new to you, not me...Your vocabulary LustyLad is not fit to hold a damn candle to mine. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Er, tats... pssst - it's ok to call someone a "beggar" or a "homeless person" instead of a "cadger".

And nobody says "calumniator". Maybe the word you are groping for is "slanderer". Or just say "liar" and you won't get any funny looks.
tatasddd's Avatar
Er, tats... pssst - it's ok to call someone a "beggar" or a "homeless person" instead of a "cadger".

And nobody says "calumniator". Maybe the word you are groping for is "slanderer". Or just say "liar" and you won't get any funny looks. Originally Posted by lustylad
That you don't say it or that in general it is not used in the US does not mean that it is not a word in use. It only shows how limited the English you speak here is.
lustylad's Avatar
That you don't say it or that in general it is not used in the US does not mean that it is not a word in use. It only shows how limited the English you speak here is. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Don't be so fucking argumentative. I never said it isn't a word. It's more pretentious than sophisticated. Go ahead and use it if you want to sound silly. Where did you learn it, anyway?

The term «calumniator» is used very little and occupies the 153,315 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Loki Pk's Avatar
So, let me see if I have this straight...the best place to get tested for STDs is the office of a gay dentist in Bulgaria. Ok, got it.

It is nice to see a thread stay on topic and provide a useful answer for the OP. Well done! Originally Posted by Big Stig
Fellas, this one is WAAAYY off the rails.
Please get back on topic of " Best place/method for joint STD screening.

Thank you.
Anybody know if Westmoreland County offers the same service?