This is a luxury. Luxuries cost money. I want a lot of things above my means, but I don't blame them for my not being able to afford it. Originally Posted by Reese FosterBest statement in this thread
This can come from the hobby also and you're paying up front, You women need to stop thinking that relationships/pussy are not free or you'll never have a successful one thinking you should be paid to fuck your S.O. Originally Posted by BLM69My father once said, "Don't give men coupons for pussy". I'm just gonna leave that there.
To all the Fuck-Tards that are bitching about the ladies' rates...
How much money would it take for you to let a dude you've never met before stuff his junk up YOUR ass for an hour while expecting you to at least pretend to like it? Or how much would it take for YOU to swallow his load? If it's more than $400.00, then you have no right to bitch, moan, and complain about the rates the ladies charge...
(This statement does NOT apply to the gentlemen who aren't complaining about the rates...) Originally Posted by hotindallas
My father once said, "Don't give men coupons for pussy". I'm just gonna leave that there.Sounds like pops advised you sell your pussy, shame on him. Not exactly what a father tells his daughter
Regarding SO's paying for it, let me say that BOTH parties need to bring something to the table and that something is much more than money and pussy. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
After reading all this it makes me wonder how anyone can make ends meet working M-F, 9 - 5 for only $20 to $30 a hour wages. Originally Posted by goodolboyYou can when you live within your needs, I feel sorry for these hookers once father time catches up and they're pushed out the hobby by the fresh hot pussy coming in
To all the Fuck-Tards that are bitching about the ladies' rates...Damn, if i follow your advise, I am done hobbying because even for million i will have hard time sticking junk in my ass.
How much money would it take for you to let a dude you've never met before stuff his junk up YOUR ass for an hour while expecting you to at least pretend to like it? Or how much would it take for YOU to swallow his load? If it's more than $400.00, then you have no right to bitch, moan, and complain about the rates the ladies charge...
(This statement does NOT apply to the gentlemen who aren't complaining about the rates...) Originally Posted by hotindallas
My father once said, "Don't give men coupons for pussy". I'm just gonna leave that there.Sounds like your father didn’t have very high expectations for his little girl.
Regarding SO's paying for it, let me say that BOTH parties need to bring something to the table and that something is much more than money and pussy. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
After reading all this it makes me wonder how anyone can make ends meet working M-F, 9 - 5 for only $20 to $30 a hour wages. Originally Posted by goodolboy
Sounds like pops advised you sell your pussy, shame on him. Not exactly what a father tells his daughterUgh - Refusing to give out pussy for free doesn't mean that you have to sell it. Don't get it twisted.
I agree on both parties bringing something to the table, who wants a lazy S.O. sitting at home hoping for easy money. Originally Posted by BLM69