Have you ever been in love with a provider? tell us your story?

I think the nature of the beast dictates that in most cases, if the woman is of strong mind, she dictates the course of the relationship. If a sexy intelligent woman sets her sights on a male, the male is pretty well helpless to resist. We like to beat our chests and deny it, but evolution is stronger that any guys mindset. We are buying an illusion, an hour or two of ecstasy, but deep in our minds we wish it were real. I admit that there are a few girls who turn me inside out, but I maintain the proper distance and if they ever want that to change it would be up to them to change it. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Most definitely. It would have to come her.
Been there done that. It was great for about the first 6 months that she lived with me. I was so in love with her that I was blind to the fact that it wasn't going to work. When the relationship crashed it was very ugly. Would I do it again? I don't know. I would definitely have my eyes wide open. I do believe it can happen and I do believe that it can work out. I don't see providers as being any different than women in the real world. They have the same feelings and emotions as anyone else. You just have to find the right one, whether it is provider or real world.
I think that, most of the time, when a client "falls" for a provider...he's falling for an illusion of passion, a persona that is consciously projected, because we know that this is who you'd like us to be during "your time..." Time that you have paid us for.

Depending on the (gfe) skill level of the provider, this illusion can feel overwhelmingly real...but the only real way to determine if it's an illusion or reality, is to ask yourself... "Has this woman ever voluntarily met with me on her own time, without compensation?" If the answer is no...

There are those that will fall for the illusion and ignore all obvious signs to the contrary. There are those that will say that this horrible, wicked wretch "used me for money"...and she might even counter with something like, "Well, he used me for sex." I think there's a name for that. It's called "the Hobby."

Bottom line...if you think you've just met the girl of your dreams at a hooker convention, you're probably in for a very rude awakening when she refuses to don an apron and bake you some homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Know what to realistically expect going into it...and you won't be disappointed. We're all there for the moment, all with our own motives. P4P is (usually) just not the stuff "forever" is made out of.
I think if you're perceptive enough you may see some of the genuine qualities a provider may have. There has'nt been that many providers that I've met. I only see a few a year. But I've been fortunate to have met a few that have wonderful qualities that they don't hide, they can't its part of who they really are. On a few occassions I have walked away thinking, " if I could only find a legitimate girlfriend like her" I would laugh in spite of my self. I don't know if I would attempt to make a provider a " GirlFriend" per se, but maybe a friend that I could hang out with ocasionally and I don't mean just for sex. Iam talking someone to take out to dinner, a few drinks from time to time. That I could live with I think, and not see her often. I try to have regular type dates and that is my main priority. But I can't deny that some providers just simply are great women, ya just have to overlook the Escort thing. Just my views anyway.
When men pay for sex, they do not buy love. Or friendship. These commodities are priceless. Relationship of escort and client is imitation not real. It is to love what movie about Rome is to Eternal City. Not real thing. It is by nature a dysfunctional relationship. It will always be so because transaction is made when man is at his weakest and woman is at her strongest. If either party ever feel cheated it is because they themselves make miscalculation. Only part off fee was for sex. Rest was for education.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Gfe- be careful what you ask for you just might get it
As postscript, perhaps it is wise to note that having emotional attachment to provider increases chances of someday having to pay for sex with woman you are tired of.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
As postscript, perhaps it is wise to note that having emotional attachment to provider increases chances of someday having to pay for sex with woman you are tired of. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
Bottom line-true love don't cost a thing
Bottom line-true love don't cost a thing Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
But it is still very expensive.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
But it is still very expensive. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
Yeah but the cost of a real relationship doent fit in an envelope lol
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I learned a long time ago in a land far, far away that you can never change anybody. I recently had a girl that would be right for me stand in my living room and tell me several times that she loved me. I have had multiple guys tell me that she really likes me, but she would have to really make the change herself. I have dated her a lot, and I knew there was a connection immediately, but we maintain our proper distances with just the occasional text or email. I have been married 3 times, and I tried to change the one I married twice, and that didn't work, but we still friends. She wasn't a provider. A girl would have to stop providing, and basically slip into the Suzie Homemaker role, and I don't know how many girls are capable of that transition. I am about as stable as a man can be, and I could go for marriage #4, but I am more skeptical than when I was young.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
You are a wise man f n you are a wise man fnf ! I think some people are bitches when they don't get there way
PAPA JOE's Avatar
Yeah but the cost of a real relationship doent fit in an envelope lol Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

LOL .... that cost is in real estate, automobiles, furniture and household furnishings !!!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
You are a wise man f n you are a wise man fnf ! I think some people are bitches when they don't get there way Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
The bird must always be free, and my door is wide open, and she knows that. So I just let things play out as they will.
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