Lyin Lib Charlie Rose a GROPER TOO !

MT Pockets's Avatar
Nice presentation of facts. But it’s of no use for this inbred TRAILER TRASH HICK. He’s rude, crude and stupid. You just can’t fix that. Originally Posted by bambino
I would imagine you would enjoy his alteration of the facts.
First he acts like he stated it. then he defends it. then he denies what it says and then say's it is written by someone else, he just copy and pasted it.

What I really find amusing is the last paragraph even refers to the original case against him. Pretty fuck sad fellas.
bambino's Avatar
I said I’ll bet. What is the Per Capita Income in the hick town you live in Trailer Trash punk? If it’s so affluent, take it.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I said I’ll bet. What is the Per Capita Income in the hick town you live in Trailer Trash punk? If it’s so affluent, take it. Originally Posted by bambino
That is not what the bet was and you already know it dipshit.
It is above average for Texas but what you are trying to do is use an anomaly county to skew the numbers. So if you are taking the bet you already know you have lost then.
lustylad's Avatar
It is above average for Texas but what you are trying to do is use an anomaly county to skew the numbers. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You and your trashy trailer park neighbors are the anomaly, MT Jockstrap. You skew everything for the worse.
goodolboy's Avatar
I would imagine you would enjoy his alteration of the facts.
First he acts like he stated it. then he defends it. then he denies what it says and then say's it is written by someone else, he just copy and pasted it.

What I really find amusing is the last paragraph even refers to the original case against him. Pretty fuck sad fellas. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

In all sensarity, you really are the dumbest person on this board. At least the other liberals are entertaining. It's easy to see why you would have Kap as your avatar for so long.

And again, yes Bill Clinton was impeached, and disbarred, look it up.
MT Pockets's Avatar
In all sensarity, you really are the dumbest person on this board. At least the other liberals are entertaining. It's easy to see why you would have Kap as your avatar for so long.

And again, yes Bill Clinton was impeached, and disbarred, look it up. Originally Posted by goodolboy
I see you figured out how to use a comma. You just proved I was right by recanting your statement. So I may be the dumbest Liberal on here( bar set pretty high) but much smarter than you. So tell me why you added the oxford comma?

MT Pockets's Avatar
You and your trashy trailer park neighbors are the anomaly, MT Jockstrap. You skew everything for the worse. Originally Posted by lustylad
Is that all you got? So when are we gonna bet? Wait! it was not you that took the bet, or was it? If you want to stand in for Bambino fine lets get this bet rolling then. What are the stakes?
goodolboy's Avatar
I see you figured out how to use a comma. You just proved I was right by recanting your statement. So I may be the dumbest Liberal on here( bar set pretty high) but much smarter than you. So tell me why you added the oxford comma?

Originally Posted by MT Pockets

LOL. yea, because a comma is the defining evidence to show if in fact Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred or not, as the record and history books show.

("Originally Posted by goodolboy
Interesting how you left off the relevant part.


Really?? You are one dumb sumbitch.

"The House of Representatives impeached Bill Clinton - the 42nd American President - on December 19, 1998.
It was based on two charges - one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice in connection with an extramarital affair with then 22-year-old Monica Lewinsky.
The House voted 228 to 206 in favour of the first charge, and 221 to 212 on the second."

"The Supreme Court opened its new session Monday with an order barring former President Clinton from practicing law before the court.
The ruling, found on the last page of the high court's listings for the new session, ordered that: "Bill Clinton of New York, New York be suspended of the practice of law in this court and a rule will issue, returnable within 40 days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this court."

"The original disbarment lawsuit was brought by a professional conduct committee of the Arkansas supreme court in the wake of the Lewinsky revelations and Mr Clinton's admission that he lied to the investigation. The committee had also sought to disbar the ex-president for giving misleading testimony in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case."")
MT Pockets's Avatar
LOL. yea, because a comma is the defining evidence to show if in fact Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred or not, as the record and history books show. Originally Posted by goodolboy
No. But it is the defining fact that proves what you said. And we both know what you were implying. Or maybe since you admitted you copy and pasted it, you actually did not know and now you are trying to lie your way out.
goodolboy's Avatar
No. But it is the defining fact that proves what you said. And we both know what you were implying. Or maybe since you admitted you copy and pasted it, you actually did not know and now you are trying to lie your way out. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

I think what I said is defined quite clearly by simply scrolling up.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I think what I said is defined quite clearly by simply scrolling up. Originally Posted by goodolboy
I agree. You omitted the comma on purpose. Then started using it when I called you out. By the way what does "sensarity" mean? I assume a typo and I am not dissing you. Just want to make sure I am understanding you.
goodolboy's Avatar
I agree. You omitted the comma on purpose. Then started using it when I called you out. By the way what does "sensarity" mean? I assume a typo and I am not dissing you. Just want to make sure I am understanding you. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
I assure you, the use or lack of use of a comma is not a conspiracy and does not change the historical fact that Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred. The comma or lack of is irrelevant to those facts.
I assure you, the use or lack of use of a comma is not a conspiracy and does not change the historical fact that Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred. The comma or lack of is irrelevant to those facts. Originally Posted by goodolboy
Facts are never important to a lying liberal unless the " facts " are ones that their side has made up. See : global warming and the revisionist history that kids are being taught today in the schools.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Facts are never important to a lying liberal unless the " facts " are ones that their side has made up. See : global warming and the revisionist history that kids are being taught today in the schools. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
There is where you are wrong Gey Rey. I pointed out the facts, he skewed them.
So you tell me, did Clinton get disbarred when they impeached him? Did they find for, or against him in the Impeachment?
The two are not the same you idiot. He settled out of court with a fine and suspension of his rights to practice law in Arkansas.
And as you well know that will automatically cause your rights to be suspended in the Supreme Court.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I assure you, the use or lack of use of a comma is not a conspiracy and does not change the historical fact that Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred. The comma or lack of is irrelevant to those facts. Originally Posted by goodolboy
Actually is does. You need to go back to school. And if you knew they were not both done at the same time you would have clarified that. By the time you found out you were wrong, you were too embarrassed to admit it is all.