Blah blah blah. Go grab a beer enjoy the Fireworks man Originally Posted by Tara EvansI'll take that response as a definite maybe and you're just on the fence about apologizing to me

Blah blah blah you still talking to me mucus Originally Posted by Tara EvansAnd your silly ass can't help but to respond to a troll like me. Isn't that the true beauty of this board? I was wondering how fast it would take for you to respond to all of my posts. Your crazy old ass exceeded all of my expectations! Good night now. Lucas the Mucus is out. Thanks for playing
How the fuck does this still happen? 10 years of wildly inconsistent reviews, personal attacks if you give an honest negative review, serial bannings from our community and threads like this all over the place showing she is genuinely a mean spirited person.Oh lordy you are still here? Get a life stalker its been 10 yrs with you
AND guys all the time are shocked that it happened to them. Originally Posted by kingforaday
How the fuck does this still happen? 10 years of wildly inconsistent reviews, personal attacks if you give an honest negative review, serial bannings from our community and threads like this all over the place showing she is genuinely a mean spirited person.Oh lordy you are still here? Get a life stalker its been 10 yrs with you . Hey is your ex wife still providing? You still doing only BBFS and anal? I hear ya are.
AND guys all the time are shocked that it happened to them. Originally Posted by kingforaday