What do you providers base their rates on?

Madame X's Avatar
I would have been more interested in a reply that stated a method they actually use to calculate there earnings and growth potentials and what they use to determine when a market movement is need in their pricing.

Frankly, I've had plenty flat out tell me already about all they do is jump on the website they are using and try and stay some were in an average of it.
some came of replies about how much hotter than they thought they were than x .... so they asking more. It may or may not be true if they are hotter. It wasn't point it was if they are using any sound basis for proving their pricing and doing any accurate data collection on it.

From what I seen as replies on here, I doubt the data I have collected is going to be over shadowed by some great number that will go I use this method or this one.

Sure we are in a down turned market. What will come out of this is a lot of new self made wealth in the end. Always works that way. For those people who decide to take the opertunity and venture a little it can pay off a lot.

While her list is full for stuff she does in a lot really isn't what you would base any value toward your marketable rate. ie Shopping unless your getting paid to be a shopper.

PHP - programming. most escorts have trouble with html CSS and few know even what xml is. But I do say this is a cost factor she can attribute the time she spends setting up page or ads and stuff marketing herself.

Most don't have accounts and you hire one or few then they should be working for you. Few know the difference between a 401K and a 501K and the difference between and conventional IRA and Roth IRA is not of interest because they haven't the funds to put in it.

The cold fact is most escorts aren't what I would call success at being escorts or they aren't getting wealthy doing it. Originally Posted by grtrader
Wow... while I can't say you're completely wrong (because I won't claim to know jack about "most" people) I can honestly say that most of the people you know must be people I have never met.

Besides, do you really think a successful lady is going to sit down and explain to you how she handles her investments and properties? Hell no! If a girl says anything about finances (a so totally tacky thing to do), it will be some sob story that will make you feel bad enough to give her a car or something to "help her out", while she saves her money for something she really wants.

~Mme X~
grtrader's Avatar

I know I sent you an email, but this thread does come off as you belittling the escorts. The general tone is that we females are too ignorant to scientifically determine our rates. Perhaps some of the new girls are unsure of their rates, but for the most part, we ladies know what our expenses are. We determine the number of men we need to see (hours working) to cover these expenses, and divide accordingly.

Do we ladies sit there with a ruler and graph paper making "supply and demand" curves... No.

This is for several reasons. Like I told you before, unlike a "normal" business, we don't have stock holders and investors. I do not have to report an earnings/losses sheet to anyone. Therefore, there is no data for me to compare "my business" with say Diana's business or Caroline's business. ALSO- even if my business and their businesses are somewhat "comparable", the "product" is very different. Veronica, AVA, and Nikki are all unique people who are completely different from one another. (Its not like comparing Coke and Pepsi here, ok?) We're people.

Not only that, the types of services we provide (PSE, light touch massage, GFE, greek, etc) are different and are valued differently. Furthermore, different parts of the country participate in the hobby more than others, which causes MORE demand for different kinds of women.... thus further complicating your "analysis"

One thing, you are quite right about the number of providers increasing. This SHOULD cause a shift in the supply curve. HOWEVER, you failed to look at a HUGE factor. Did the demand curve shift too? Are there MORE men wanting services?

All in all, I think you could have WORDED the question differently to avoid coming across the way you did. Its not the question, its THE WAY YOU ASK IT. Originally Posted by brittanylennox
First, thanks a lot for your answer just read it fully.

I want to address the issue of ignorance. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge doesn't matter the reason. It is not stupidity the in ability to comprehend or put to go use knowledge you posses. I hope we agree on that. That said by I am taking a guess here you are not a neural surgeon. If not as I assumed you there for are ignorant of the information a neural surgeon possess to do their job. Does that make it bad? After all can everyone be an neural surgeon even if everyone on the planet is smart enough we won't all have the time to learn it. We can't be expected to know everything. Which is why ignorance in my book isn't any sort of insult.

Now we are passed that do you know every single business trick to boost prices and increase profit a large company may use. I know I don't I know a lot but not all. So I am ignorant of newer one, tricks people keep behind close doors. I am always research stuff just to keep up with more modern theories, practices, ...

While you and whoever else on here don't do this. I do know a number of women who do. You will never see them advertised on a website either. The only way you meet them is you happen to be at an event they are at and they decide to give you a card. No card no invite for contact rule.

Anyway, the few I know in this circle keep spread sheets on what they make per each encounter dated and so on. They list prices out services and so on. It isn't something hard I agree anyone can actually do then you could also chart your out take of money each we month and you could use it to forecast when you have more money to spend and not. That's just the benefit of simple graphing I am sure you get that.

You could also ad in the performance bench marking of the pricing as well. Even build a predictable model to help over a period of time to help you gauge the best income and all. All that lots and lots of people get.

Most people know that advertising ploys are one form of market and price manipulation. Not as many can list the other forms.

Anyway once you have a good running table you can easily raise and lower the bell-curve on the earnings to meet say a shift up in the economy.

I know the market changes place to place and rates for different stuff cost different prices in different areas. But there is no reason someone living there couldn't run themselves a performance test.

As for market manipulation and so on. I'll just keep it to myself after the response I got. Sorry to anyone who misses out. You could take the time to read research papers on the subject not to many text books these days cover it because so many big business get demoized by people as it is. Hands on real world experience bringing up a larger business would prove more educational.

The wording issue came across because I cut down something quite lengthy that was trying to get a conversation started in how to create an up turn in market pricing during an over all market drop.
All I can say, is I am glad that ladies don't use the same system as gas stations:
  • you know, all providers' rates go up at the same time
  • to the same price
  • for the same high test fuel.
Ladies, I really like the diversity of providers, of services, of quality, of prices, and of talent.

Bless y'all, and keep up the good work keeping all us guys happy.
I don't think it is opinions that bothered the person. I think it was you obviously read into the entire thing what you wanted out of whatever reason. Taking every comment as if it was to be some attack against women. It shows a hi level of prejudicial and hatred you both seem to have towards clients.
Yes... I am HIGHLY prejudiced against people who feel the need to take a patronizing tone CONSTANTLY on these boards.

The fact is neither of you know me or what I think about anyone. But you were more than willing to make assumptions and use that to attack.
What I know of you is from what you have written on this thread. And I know you're a man with an agenda. You think you know how provider should run their businesses better than they do. You think you have access to marketing sources (craigslist and FACEBOOK, for god's sake) that providers don't know how to use (??). And by the way, I haven't attacked you. You'll know when I decide to "attack." Fortunately (for you), I rarely decide to "attack" on message boards.

I am sorry whatever happened in your life lead you two to such a cynical and bitter belief all men are out to get something over on you.
I know not ALL men are out to get over on me. But I can recognize it when someone is trying to push an agenda. I guess a lack of naivete is automatically cynicism.

What's worse is your actions on here probably will make that clear to most the clients who read it. Just because your personal issue made you mistake what I said to be an attack doesn't mean you are a bad provider. But not sure I would go to test that theory. Can't blame anyone else from using prudence either.
OMG you mean I just lost my place on YOUR list too?? God! Poor me! Awwww... and I was waiting with bated breath for your phone call, too! Now how am I supposed to make ends meet?
grtrader's Avatar
Wow... while I can't say you're completely wrong (because I won't claim to know jack about "most" people) I can honestly say that most of the people you know must be people I have never met.

Besides, do you really think a successful lady is going to sit down and explain to you how she handles her investments and properties? Hell no! If a girl says anything about finances (a so totally tacky thing to do), it will be some sob story that will make you feel bad enough to give her a car or something to "help her out", while she saves her money for something she really wants.

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
Please point out where I said I wanted someone to explain their financial and what investments. I didn't and I wouldn't want to know.

We are talking about ok, I have my cost of living no actual value mentioned. MY goal in come not an actual value listed. Talking what you would use to describe and build a general formula or function.

You do known what a math formula and function is? right I mean the claim I was getting from you all I was wrong stating most didn't understand this simple as shit stuff.
grtrader's Avatar
All I can say, is I am glad that ladies don't use the same system as gas stations:
  • you know, all providers' rates go up at the same time
  • to the same price
  • for the same high test fuel.
Ladies, I really like the diversity of providers, of services, of quality, of prices, and of talent.

Bless y'all, and keep up the good work keeping all us guys happy. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
ROFL I have no fear of that they can't even work together long enough to organise a good cause to legalise the trade. I see so much back stabbing from these women flagging each other on sites. It is like a bunch of kids fighting over who's turn it is on an xbox. (Yes, I did I over generalised it this time on purpose, why not since I will get accused of it anyway)
Madame X's Avatar
You do known what a math formula and function is? right I mean the claim I was getting from you all I was wrong stating most didn't understand this simple as shit stuff. Originally Posted by grtrader
Yes, I have a good understanding of basic math. I also have a decent grasp of grammar as well. Call me naive, but I really don't think high school grade education is a rarity in this lifestyle.

~Mme X~
Madame X's Avatar
I see so much back stabbing from these women flagging each other on sites. Originally Posted by grtrader
Ah, I see now. You're getting your info from CL and BP? I hear much of that crap is pimps anyway, trying to scare off other girls so that men can see their rip offs instead. At least, up here that's the story.

~Mme X~
ANONONE's Avatar
grtrader's Avatar
Yes... I am HIGHLY prejudiced against people who feel the need to take a patronizing tone CONSTANTLY on these boards.

Sorry, if I came of patronising probably came from me trying to be moderately polite and not respond to your ass in the same tone you all did me.

What I know of you is from what you have written on this thread. And I know you're a man with an agenda. You think you know how provider should run their businesses better than they do. You think you have access to marketing sources (craigslist and FACEBOOK, for god's sake) that providers don't know how to use (??). And by the way, I haven't attacked you. You'll know when I decide to "attack." Fortunately (for you), I rarely decide to "attack" on message boards.

So now you are psychic and can read minds.
You might want to check into one of those place with a padded room and nice tight white coats. You have zero clue at all what I goals, or agendas I may have. From my experience people who tend to go around throwing false accusations as yourself tend to be the ones living their life that way meaning you don't do stuff with out an agenda. Sort of like the thief is always afraid of others stealing from him. Which tends to say you just see men as a means to an end. Seems a bit more like the truth there.

I know not ALL men are out to get over on me. But I can recognize it when someone is trying to push an agenda. I guess a lack of naivete is automatically cynicism.

Obviously you know nothing.

OMG you mean I just lost my place on YOUR list too?? God! Poor me! Awwww... and I was waiting with bated breath for your phone call, too! Now how am I supposed to make ends meet?
God, no I never been that desperate and I got class and taste. Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore
grtrader's Avatar
Ah, I see now. You're getting your info from CL and BP? I hear much of that crap is pimps anyway, trying to scare off other girls so that men can see their rip offs instead. At least, up here that's the story.

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
there is some truth to pimps being on there. But if you keep track of what phones go with what girl there only seems to be about 2 pimps and a bunch of not so legit agencies along with half a dozen Asian and Hispanic spas.

Just saying the pimp thing is over exaggerated like most stories tend to get. As usual the case is the few make a lot of noise and commission. I have zero love for pimps. I have never known a good one. Not saying one can't exist just saying out of the 40 or so I met in my life time none were decent human beings.
grtrader's Avatar
Yes, I have a good understanding of basic math. I also have a decent grasp of grammar as well. Call me naive, but I really don't think high school grade education is a rarity in this lifestyle.

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
First my apology to you for my rudeness on here. I didn't say high school was rare I am saying women with college degrees are few by far than they are trying to make out. I haven't checked how many have not finished high school as a percentage. I were to make a guess, I would say less than 10 percent and it could be even quite a bit less than it. Just a guess as I said.

But a high school diploma isn't squat of an education. Look at US school were behind when I came to the states compared to European schools it has only gotten worse since then not better. On the international testing done some 3rd world countries score better than we did. That is how utterly pathetic our education system has gotten here.
I'm just waiting for an orgy of hot naked bodies. I vote to have this thread locked and then we can all have some hot naked fun. If nothing else how in the hell do I change my settings so I can stop getting emails everytime another side of a useless argument is posted. Should never posted my WHY comment. Let's face it people there will be no winners in this. Let's all go have sex instead........ Originally Posted by seXXXy Brooke
Not just +1, but +10...should make for a good orgie.