An end to an era

Russ38's Avatar
After outting wakeup 2ce, I am not sure you are the safest person to share information with.

Let's agree to disagree.

You like bigots and race baiters.

I do not Originally Posted by Eidolon
All true and verifiable.....a simple search tells all....
Champagne Brown's Avatar
This isn't for you Russ, posting above you..


At least give them the opportunity, is all I'm saying.. damn

I don't know how many times, you're going to say same damn thing over, and over, but switch a few words here, and there. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Change? They are not.. Its the same behavior daily. The trolling, verbal abuse, racist remarks.. 5 threads daily of crap... and so on!
What they can do is take a break then come back with some respect about themselves... so, what they got today was a SMALL EXAMPLE of what they do daily to others!
How did that feel lol... they tapped out as they should!
I made my point.
It's never personal, but principle with me.
You seem way too invested in sticking up for these two, but saying you were clueless to what is going on...I mean come on now!

Btw, nice to meet you.. My name is Jess. I hope that one day we will meet at a social or other gathering!

Stay safe!
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I didn't read none of it..

I didn't read none of it..

Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Those were your words Craig LOL.. CB !
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I didn't read it in the 1st place,aww you were being thoughtful, and said something different this time? Maybe I'll get around to reading it, or maybe not, we'll see..

Did you have a long night or something?

I just don't think the behavior is normal..

At this point, you're just digging for drama
Shine Da Great has decided that this shall be his last thread started on eccie. Because of incessant trolling by a few characters literally all of my thought provoking threads have gone up in smoke, so I've decided why bother. You guys might soon lose Sistos insight as well because I'm sure he's probably tired of the pettiness as well. Let the boredom ensue. Farewell. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez.... Originally Posted by shinepro
Leave it to good ole ShineePooPoo… LOL to start a shit thread on the way out the door because his points on THIS ACCOUNT are stacked at the moment... I hope when you return that you show respect for the ladies, not spam co-ed... update your account to where you have been actually verified just like us ladies are required to do, that you find whatever your missing in life besides Fooooking with ppl on this board daily! Oh and not outing your Mod connect next time, or her inbox!
So, on that note.. bringing this thread back on topic! I bid you a farewell… as we all rub the side of our head knowing your lurking LOL
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Oh lort somebody come get their gurl

TryWeakly's Avatar
Is it popcawn time yet?

In case y'a havent figured it out yet...

1)Shiney and Sissy aint going nowhere..they'll just use another handle. that was created "along the way" ..

2) Just because they " say they're going to play nice" doesnt hold water. That's what Democraps do just to get over the "hump" .... That is some truth

3) See #1
4) See #2 no pun intended.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....... not sure if my tears are those of sorrow or because Ima foooking laughing so dayum hard.... caint tell.

Oh well... carry on. Dont let me get in the way of a good cat fight. Let the fur fly......

TW (your inbox is full) Originally Posted by TexasJess
Workin on that....I'm fairly popular these days.

* Also, dont count on socials to happen in Hou any time soon. They dont end up well.....the rest of TX hasnt figured that out yet.
Champagne Brown's Avatar

I'm just trying to figure out if I'm in the twilight zone over here..

It's kinda sad you know.

I'm picking up what you're putting down, babe..
Honey Im sure that 2 week MIA wasn't by choice so you are out of the twilight zone and not eating mystery meat this week!
As polite as I tried to be, please DO NOT make me... because Im a dog lover. The only kitty I tolerate is Boardman and that's because his paws are soft & sweet before he claws you!

Anything I put down, it's trash... your more than welcome. I always leave trash for pheasants in the park!

TW (your inbox is full)
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Was I banned or something?

Should be great to hear, on your reasons why I was MIA for 2wks, and not by chioce..Let's hear it

Champagne Brown's Avatar
About freaking time!

boardman's Avatar
... because Im a dog lover. The only kitty I tolerate is Boardman and that's because his paws are soft & sweet before he claws you!
Originally Posted by TexasJess

boardman's Avatar
Was I banned or something?
Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

Do you mean this year?