TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

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Quoted from the article:

Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., an Iraq War veteran who lost both of her legs in the conflict, slammed remarks by Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., who suggested Democrats are "in love with terrorists" for criticizing President Donald Trump's Iran policy.

Asked about the comments, which drew strong backlash from Democrats, in a Thursday evening interview on "CNN Right Now."

"I'm not going to dignify that with a response," Duckworth said. "I left parts of my body in Iraq fighting terrorists. I don't need to justify myself to anyone."

Duckworth's helicopter was hit by an RPG during a deployment to Iraq for the Army National Guard in 2004, causing her to lose her legs and partial use of her right arm, according to her Senate biography.

Duckworth was also asked about Collins' remarks about Gold Star families, to which she answered, "I'm disgusted. I would never, ever use Gold Star families, military men and women, or their families, as any pawn in any political game."

Of Soleimani's killing, she said, "No, I am not sad that this man is dead. I am glad that he's gone to meet his maker," before adding she believed U.S. forces in the Middle East had been put in greater danger because of an escalation in tensions after Soleimani's killing.

Duckworth also addressed the comments in a Twitter thread posted on Thursday.

"In America, even people who disagree with the President vehemently can still love this country," she wrote, along with a clip of Collins' appearance on Dobbs' show. "I love my country just as much as anyone on the other side of the aisle—it’s why I volunteered to serve in uniform, unlike Donald Trump."
I love this guy! Oh by the way Dev - you are wrong when you say the all the attackers from 911 were from Saudie Arabia - off the top of my head without researching it - one was from Egypt. But go ahead and be anti Trump. It's a free country.
Dev Null's Avatar


Combat veteran Sen. Tammy Duckworth launched into an eviscerating tirade against President Donald Trump on the Senate floor on Wednesday, claiming her 20-month-old child has "better impulse control" than the president.

"'All is well.' That's what Donald Trump said just hours after a dozen missiles were fired at two U.S. military bases last night," Duckworth said on Thursday. "That's what he said as our nation careens toward a reckless, unauthorized war of his own making—borne out of his illiteracy in matters ranging from foreign policy to common sense."

Noting that, unlike Duckworth, who lost both of her legs in 2004 while serving in Iraq, Trump has never "deigned to put on the uniform," the senator said she wanted to make "something clear to him: All is certainly NOT well when war is on the horizon just because you wanted to look like the toughest kid on the playground."

Yet, the war hero said, "my diaper-wearing 20-month-old has better impulse control than this president."

"Once again he's been manipulated by a hostile regime into decisions that further their goals while endangering the security of the nation Trump's actually supposed to lead... All these dictators have realized the same thing: the President of the United States is as easy to control as a toddler," she said. "Sweet talk him or thump your chest and issue a few schoolyard threats, and you've got him. He'll fall for it every time, doing your bidding as if it's his own."

"With one choice, Donald Trump squandered the opportunity that existed to push for greater democracy and stability in the region," Duckworth said. "In one fell swoop, he somehow managed to villainize the U.S. and victimize Iran... isolating us from our long-term partner in Iraq and amping up Iran's influence in a country everyone knows is vital to our security interests throughout the Middle East."

"Donald Trump will never willingly cut the puppet strings that the likes of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un are using to make him dance. We need a strong majority in the Senate to force such action," she said. "Until then, small-time dictators will continue to have access to the world's most powerful marionette... and we will all suffer the consequences."
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winn dixie's Avatar
Its funny how one little female can corral a whole herd of libs. She just pulls the line and ya'll keep jumpin like a perch for its last meal!
Dev Null's Avatar
If you'd reply to all questions cutting to the chase, you wouldn't be so worn out by dancing around the issue. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I think it's more of a goose-step than an actual dance.
Precious_b's Avatar
I love this guy! Oh by the way Dev - you are wrong when you say the all the attackers from 911 were from Saudie Arabia - off the top of my head without researching it - one was from Egypt. But go ahead and be anti Trump. It's a free country. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

I notice how you keep ignoring issues. Are you going to say that there were not 7 Saudis on the planes that took out the twin towers? Are you not going to say that they were funded by a Saudi citizen? Are you not going to confirm that this was done from people in a country where they still carry out this status quo?

That's who our U.S. of A. calls a good buddy. And Fearless Cheeto courts to do personal deals lining his pockets.

*Pb wonders when ellen will put down the colouring book and act link an adult* ellen assumes anyone that questions the president is anti-trump. Let me put this up with the situation the WH caused. He will never take responsibility or admit fault for causing the situation. The following applies to both military and citizens who are thrown in harms way wrecklessly...for not reason.

I don't know if the image will come up, but can see here.

Precious_b's Avatar
I think it's more of a goose-step than an actual dance. Originally Posted by Dev Null

Notice how she won't address specific questions to carry on a cognizant discussion.
Its funny how one little female can corral a whole herd of libs. She just pulls the line and ya'll keep jumpin like a perch for its last meal! Originally Posted by winn dixie

I agree. I think it best if she just be ignored.
Precious_b's Avatar
With every one of her post, .....sad.
Dev Null's Avatar
How else are we supposed to learn about the latest bullshit memes being spread around by Russian bots on Facebook without Commisar Ellen?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Quoted from the article:Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill.,......Asked about the comments, which drew strong backlash from Democrats, in a Thursday evening interview on "CNN Right Now."... Originally Posted by Dev Null

So let us recap briefly:
You quote article from usatoday (crapware)

talking about a D from IL (corruptware)

And use CNN as backup (fakeAFware)

to bash the President (VSGEPOTUS)

Seems like a crime against electrons to me. But go ahead, gulp it all down champ.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Care to stick to those figures that near 200 people were caught dirty lighting fires after Dev quoted source? Originally Posted by Precious_b
Ah, yup. Time is a funny mistress. The 24 was printed one day and several days later the number increased. Not withstanding, the 24 are further along the prosecution path. It's the quirk you little narrative goal seeking dribblers fall for every time.

Something happens, proves OrangeMan bad, then actual facts come out disproving narrative. Russia! Collusion! Obstruction! More Russia! Global warming! Ukraine! Still Russia! Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat.

What I can't figure out is: How it is that PETA is not charging after you folks for your repeated necrophilia with horses.
Dev Null's Avatar

US Rep. Collins Apologizes for Saying Democrats Are 'in Love with Terrorists'

Quoted from the article:

U.S. Rep. Doug Collins regrets saying Democrats are "in love with terrorists" after some of them criticized President Donald Trump's decision to authorize the killing of an Iranian general.

"Let me be clear: I do not believe Democrats are in love with terrorists, and I apologize for what I said earlier this week," Collins wrote on Twitter.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer had called for Collins to apologize to all House Democrats during Friday's floor session. In response, Republican Whip Steve Scalise read Collins' tweet into the record.

"So this gentleman has apologized for that statement," Scalise concluded. "I just want to point that out."
Precious_b's Avatar
Ah, yup. Time is a funny mistress. The 24 was printed one day and several days later the number increased. Not withstanding, the 24 are further along the prosecution path. It's the quirk you little narrative goal seeking dribblers fall for every time.

Something happens, proves OrangeMan bad, then actual facts come out disproving narrative. Russia! Collusion! Obstruction! More Russia! Global warming! Ukraine! Still Russia! Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat.

What I can't figure out is: How it is that PETA is not charging after you folks for your repeated necrophilia with horses. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Are you referring to ellen or yourself as being dribblers? I just called out that *I* don't think it was 24 people doing all the fires. You posted near a couple hundred. No source given. But I can see why there are different numbers when no location is given.

Don't know what the fire and "orange man" have to do with each other.

And the PETA one would be good for its own thread.