A reasonable person who knows that they are not a criminal and do not participate in criminal activity-- would have absolutely NO expectation nor assumption that the police would burst into their home at 1AM. Neighbors have all stated that the police DID NOT IDENTIFY THEMSELVES. In the state of Kentucky-- a no-knock means they do not have to knock nor announce themselves. In fact, the 911 call from her boyfriend, he states that he had shot an intruder and they had shot his girlfriend... the police report was also problematic.. as it stated that Ms. Taylor was not injured and that they did not force their way in, despite having broken down the door with a battering ram.
But yeah.. cops are just always good, honest citizens.
I don't spray bullets. I aim carefully and accurately. Come into my house unannounced and don't identify yourself when asked (yeah, that happened too).. I won't be shooting your leg.
Funny you would mention blindly spraying bullets.. since that is exactly what the fired officer did. Blindly shot through a covered patio door and window.