Gnadfly, I guess you don't understand sarcasm. Don't be obtuse. They do their jobs well. That's all I ask from my employees regardless of the color of their skin.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
This concerns me. You proclaim that you're highly educated but you accuse others of "not understanding sarcasm" in the written word. My comments have nothing to do with "skin color." It has to do with their culture and work style.
We have many off shore Indians, most of whom weren't worth a crap. Their managers and our managers knew it but as long as their "per hour" charge out was 1/5 off ours it didn't make a difference. Eventually, after 3 years some "did there job well." So well, they left.
You're so full of crap LM, what manager doesn't proclaim "I insist my employees do their job well?" You probably say "My door is always open" too.