Rounding The Corner

Why is it that Biden supporters are such pussies? A person has about the same chance of dying driving to work as they do of coronavirus, yet I see leftists driving around all the time (they’re the ones with the ‘coexist’ and other idiotic bumper stickers).

It’s the fucking flu. Unless you’re a total lardass, smoke like a chimney, or have one foot in the grave already, you’ll be fine. Now go back to work and worry about more important shit. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Driving is a retarded comparison. One can avoid most crashes if they are paying attention and aren't driving stupid themselves.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ have you been driving around big D lately It’s the fucking flu. Unless you’re a total lardass, smoke like a chimney, or have one foot in the grave already, you’ll be fine. Now go back to work and worry about more important shit.
YUPPER 100 %
sportfisherman's Avatar
So what did you guys decide ?

We are Rounding the Corner ;

Into a Brickwall ??


Off a fucking Cliff ??
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just brilliant
Lapdog's Avatar
So what did you guys decide ?

We are Rounding the Corner ;

Into a Brickwall ??


Off a fucking Cliff ?? Originally Posted by sportfisherman

No wall yet, Fish. It doesn't seem to have been built yet.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Isn't that the truth !!

I forgot about that.

Must be heading off a Cliff !!

Cause there is No Wall there !!
Lapdog's Avatar
Yeah, you go down there to the river and you can see all the way into Mexico. But I still haven't seen any of them caravans!
sportfisherman's Avatar
You didn't see a Brown Horde of mongrels and scoundrels ?

I thought Trump said there was a Brown Menace coming our way !!

To rape our women,deal drugs,commit crimes,and steal our jobs !

To assault our sanctimonious White Way of Life !!

After the election I wonder if the Trumpers will go the way of the defunct Tea Party or perhaps re-name the Republicans the ;

Old White Fucker's Party !! The OWFP !!

Trying to Re-claim a way of life already in the past ;

Like Gone With the Wind !!
Lapdog's Avatar
You can prolly get Chicken Little to help you with all that. I understand he's the expert on our future, at least according to him. Go to his bunker and give the "secret" knock. Then give the password: CHINGUE TROMPO!
winn dixie's Avatar
blah blah blah

same thing recycled and regurgitated
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2020, 09:40 AM
Spewing XiNN propaganda -

DPST's do love their Comrade Xi!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

With 220,000 deaths on 20% of the USA population being infected so far, the survival rate is not 99.98%. If 70% of the USA population gets infected you will have over a 1 million deaths. To reach HERD immunity without a vaccine a too many people would end up dying. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Your percentage is wrong. Its .00006%, not 20%.
^^ have you been driving around big D lately It’s the fucking flu. Unless you’re a total lardass, smoke like a chimney, or have one foot in the grave already, you’ll be fine. Now go back to work and worry about more important shit.
YUPPER 100 % Originally Posted by rexdutchman
My brother had it for 10 days, my friend 5 days. My pool guy said he had it for 3 days.

So what did you guys decide ?

We are Rounding the Corner ;

Into a Brickwall ??


Off a fucking Cliff ?? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
For the OP, he rounded the corner into the land of the banned.
winn dixie's Avatar
You can prolly get Chicken Little to help you with all that. I understand he's the expert on our future, at least according to him. Go to his bunker and give the "secret" knock. Then give the password: CHINGUE TROMPO! Originally Posted by Lapdog
cumallahs secret code is 40 bucks and a pack of new ports!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
blah blah blah

same thing recycled and regurgitated Originally Posted by winn dixie
Spewing XiNN propaganda -

DPST's do love their Comrade Xi! Originally Posted by oeb11
The last day of the Turd Reich as you know and love it.

And this is all you got?

Your capitulation is worthless without a pledge to cast out your false god.