FBI Finally Looking Into Significant Voter Fraud Claims Pertaining to Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots in Multiple States

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
that woman was crazy lol
A star witness for the Trump campaign was unable to back up claims that fraudulent ballots were "injected" into the vote count in Georgia when questioned during a hearing on Thursday.

Retired Army Col. Phil Waldron, who was called to testify at the Georgia state Senate hearing by President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, could not confirm allegations that a video showing bags being "pulled from a table" by election workers contained fraudulent ballots when questioned by Democratic Senator Jen Jordan.

"Are you trying to say that, in the video, what you saw were ballots that were somehow not lawful, that weren't real, that weren't actually cast by registered voters in the state of Georgia?" Jordan asked Waldron during the hearing.

"We do have affidavits of people who trucked in ballots from out of state into other states," Waldron replied.

Jordan then asked Waldron to clarify if he was claiming that truckloads of ballots had been moved into Georgia.

"Not into Georgia," Waldron admitted.

Waldron agreed when Jordan pointed out that election laws and vote counting processes differ from state to state. The senator then pressed Waldron on whether he was claiming that illegal ballots had been trucked into Georgia based on claims from other states.

"So, your opinion is based on the fact that there are affidavits of other people from other states who have alleged that they trucked in ballots to other states?" Jordan asked. "Your testimony is saying that, ergo, these ballots in this video must have been trucked in from other states and are unlawful?" Originally Posted by 1blackman1
so what, immaterial and off point

its the height of misdirection to pounce on the idea that unseen ballots, where partisan inspectors were removed with the claim of shutting down due to a "water leak", couldn't be identified as to their fraudulent nature

if you aren't there you aren't there

the questioning by the state senator amounts to wanting a sound bite getting someone to say no to obvious things he wasn't ever claiming in the first place

so what?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So what? Good call.

So fucking what?

Like all trumpy bullshit, this falls apart on closer inspection.

First the small lie. Partisan inspectors removed?

Now everything else you say is bullshit. You built your trump tower on a foundation of sand.

So now, a month later, you've used misdirection to drag this out.

Just another trump-tard douche-bag attempt to under-mind the will of the people, the will of the majority of the people.

It's obvious you lost your job. Like winni the poo.

He went from posting less than 5 times a day in June.

Now she is posting over 30 times a day!

She went from blathering 5 times a day to blathering more than 30 times a day.

Both of you lost your jobs, I'm sure through no fault of your own, but...if you are a trumpy there is no way to hide it.

I.E., in tough times you be fired first.

But then you knew that.
so what, immaterial and off point

its the height of misdirection to pounce on the idea that unseen ballots, where partisan inspectors were removed with the claim of shutting down due to a "water leak", couldn't be identified as to their fraudulent nature

if you aren't there you aren't there

the questioning by the state senator amounts to wanting a sound bite getting someone to say no to obvious things he wasn't ever claiming in the first place

so what? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
lost my job?

theres nothing in your post to even respond to other than that

I've been self employed since I was 28

and even though the price of oil isn't where I'd like it, the wells are still pumping and I haven't let anyone go

your brain is addled

that's not even to address your abject callousness if someone had lost a job