Ohio. A shining monument to Red State policies and moral standards

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Poverty and suffering are not valid reasons to be granted asylum. If we want to fix the current immigration problem we need to make it virtually impossible to get into the country except through the legal immigration system that’s already in place.

If you want to be a one-man unicef go right ahead, just don’t expect me to be financially responsible for your crusade. I’d rather donate to the VA.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Poverty and suffering are not valid reasons to be granted asylum. If we want to fix the current immigration problem we need to make it virtually impossible to get into the country except through the legal immigration system that’s already in place.

If you want to be a one-man unicef go right ahead, just don’t expect me to be financially responsible for your crusade. I’d rather donate to the VA. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

My point is that it's an impossible task. Why not take the money and effort into keeping these people out and instead use it to overhaul our immigration system and turn these people into an asset for our country. The only way to stop people from coming over the border legally or otherwise is the way the communists did it in the Soviet Union. Walls, Mines, Gulags, secret police and rampant paranoia. Make it so difficult to live they would rather go elsewhere.

Anything else merely slows down the tide. It doesn't stop it and it turns an entire class of people into hidden, under taxed, uneducated workers. It also makes it difficult to police these populations for criminals, pedophiles, and other undesirables. The only long term solution is to give these people the opportunity to work toward true citizenship. They already want to be here. Why not use this opportunity to teach them true citizenship and the meaning of being an American Citizen.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s not an impossible task at all. 99% of illegal border crossers could be stopped virtually overnight if we had the will to do it.
lustylad's Avatar
The only way to stop people from coming over the border legally or otherwise is the way the communists did it in the Soviet Union. Walls, Mines, Gulags, secret police and rampant paranoia. Make it so difficult to live they would rather go elsewhere. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You realize your analogy makes no sense, right?

Communist regimes built walls and gulags to make it hard for their own citizens to flee.

The US needs to make it hard for non-citizens to flood in without going through proper legal channels.

The difference is huge. Seriously, I would be embarrassed to use such a superficial and flawed analogy.

And do you not see the irony here? Many illegals seek asylum due to the lack of due process/rule of law in their own countries. Yet the first thing they do is break our laws by crossing the border without obtaining a visa or applying for asylum beforehand.
HedonistForever's Avatar
My point is that it's an impossible task. Why not take the money and effort into keeping these people out and instead use it to overhaul our immigration system and turn these people into an asset for our country. The only way to stop people from coming over the border legally or otherwise is the way the communists did it in the Soviet Union. Walls, Mines, Gulags, secret police and rampant paranoia. Make it so difficult to live they would rather go elsewhere.

Anything else merely slows down the tide. It doesn't stop it and it turns an entire class of people into hidden, under taxed, uneducated workers. It also makes it difficult to police these populations for criminals, pedophiles, and other undesirables. The only long term solution is to give these people the opportunity to work toward true citizenship. They already want to be here. Why not use this opportunity to teach them true citizenship and the meaning of being an American Citizen. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Maybe you'll be the first person on the left to answer this question but I'm not going to hold my breath.

How many illegals should we allow into the country? Do you have a number because if this policy we have right now continues, what would stop 10 million, 20 million, 40 million, people from coming into this country? Do you seriously think if we don't change this policy, that millions upon millions of people from all over the world, which is already happening, will be crossing our border and do you give any thought at all to the drug and sex trafficking going on? We can't even provide health care for the people we have, nor the education system that can take 20, 30, 40 million new people.

But thanks for you opinion, it is invaluable when we have to point out why your idea is un-workable and a different party must be put in charge of this country.
biomed1's Avatar
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