You know your a loser when you think you're so popular you can start your own board, not realizing there have been several boards started over many years and none are still up and running. This board is more or less a default board when ASPD shut down, and OH was started by a group of people that were popular and had the strength of members to get going. YMMV, YMWV, and a couple of others had decent starts then the postings began to be fewer by the week and finally they're nowhere to be seen.
You're a loser if you start a board without points or bans which will turn into a free for all do no different that what happened in the book Lord of the Flies taken over by self proclaimed alpha males and even has a bbfs section. This will turn into another mens locker room dominated by males, so good luck getting any lady members or if you get lady members good luck getting them to post when a bunch of unhappy alpha males start putting them down on a zero point no ban board.