Happy to be here

Demolition, the very essence that you are still here and not banned says it all. Whining is not whining if one simply states the rules and asks an honest question. I asked someone it's 10 points and 5 points. In this thread alone 5 or 6 members should be pointed out. It's sink or swim I guess
I'm having to learn on the fly. I'm thankful for people like Winn Dixie and Pxmcc who are somewhat the voice of reason. No one is going to bully me
The second post on me introducing myself to the community was a gif that represents Adolph Hitler regime in a offhand way. Really, that's what happens here? Every where else that rhetoric will cause you to lose everything, ask Kanye. I want to be here. I'm trying . I'm just not a rag doll and I will not be bullied. For two folks who have been kind thank you. That's all
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-12-2025, 05:39 PM
It appears that the Houston welcome wagon has been pretty good to you so far.
You are making friends fast.
Winn is on your team.
You should invite him to Houston and you two meet up.
There is one odd thing though. Your writing style is the same as previous people that have had bad experiences with band camp.
What a dang coincidence.
Well welcome again and happy hunting.
Oh and don't worry about others getting points.
Just have fun. This board is all about fun.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And, as for fun, thank you for entertaining all of us.
It is appreciated.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 02-12-2025, 07:49 PM
Demolition, the very essence that you are still here and not banned says it all. Whining is not whining if one simply states the rules and asks an honest question. I asked someone it's 10 points and 5 points. In this thread alone 5 or 6 members should be pointed out. It's sink or swim I guess
I'm having to learn on the fly. I'm thankful for people like Winn Dixie and Pxmcc who are somewhat the voice of reason. No one is going to bully me Originally Posted by Iamyadaddy
This is us helping you with sage advice based upon punitive results;members that constantly put mods on public ridicule blast are not helping you,

Members that continually go to band camp and never learn are not helping you,

Using a new member for personal gain in order to insult the staff as a personal protest is not recommended.

Guilty by association

  • pxmcc
  • 02-12-2025, 09:54 PM
good advice Busty.

if you're referring to me as putting mods on blast, that is incomplete. i compliment mods who are doing a good job, and when someone drops the ball, i have no problem calling a spade a spade.
if you review my posts, you can see i complimented Delimix007 for doing a great job, i complimented Unique Carpenter for doing a great job when he was moderating for shutting down trolling that was wrecking Coed, and i complimented Darth Maul for being a very fair-minded moderator.

so to say i put mods on blast is a very incomplete picture.

sorry to hijack your thread OP.

welcome to the hobby and to Eccie Coed. it's all about having fun, as Busty said.
This is us helping you with sage advice based upon punitive results;members that constantly put mods on public ridicule blast are not helping you,

Members that continually go to band camp and never learn are not helping you,

Using a new member for personal gain in order to insult the staff as a personal protest is not recommended.

Guilty by association

Originally Posted by Busty
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 02-12-2025, 11:40 PM
and he got the "Shinepro treatment" from the mods,

i got a bullshit ban from biomed in the National Political Forum.

while she continued with her contumely, totally unchecked by the mods.
Originally Posted by pxmcc
Don't act innocent and expect a new person to follow your examples
  • pxmcc
  • 02-13-2025, 12:51 AM
Don't act innocent and expect a new person to follow your examples Originally Posted by Busty
you're trying to escalate this Busty. just stop.

this thread is about welcoming a new member. if you want to start a new thread about a different topic, all good. and i commend you for always doing your homework. well done!
corona's Avatar
Until you're a mod, don't worry about what points others may or may not have. It isn't the business of anyone outside the mgmt team. guidelines are guidelines - not laws.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-13-2025, 10:12 PM
although i don't always agree with you corona, in this case i think you nailed it..

well done sir. very well done!
Until you're a mod, don't worry about what points others may or may not have. It isn't the business of anyone outside the mgmt team. guidelines are guidelines - not laws. Originally Posted by corona
Demolition's Avatar
I'm tired of this crappy weather. I can't wait for the sun to come out and by nice and SHINEy. I have some outdoor PROjects to work on.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 02-17-2025, 03:03 PM
Following RM around like a stalking creep all consumed with her every move.
Get a fucking life is my advice for a new boy. I don't have to Welcome your distasteful actions.
007 has a course on chivalry, how to date, guns, and being a gentleman.

Demolition's Avatar
The sun is nice and SHINEy today, so I'm working on my outdoor PROjects in my back yard. I'm building a bbq PIT, but I'm also working on my bathROOM as the toilet need fixing. Peace and love, and HAKUNA MATATA to all on the nice President's day Holiday
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
No way could I be a member of the board staff. I would never allow one troll who has been trolling and playing games for many years to stay. I would never protect one troll versus what is best for the greater good of all the Houston forum members.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-17-2025, 04:20 PM
dear_john, delimix007 has provided a procedure to address your concerns. (and i'm neither endorsing nor not endorsing your position; you might be right, but also possibly not right.)

i say follow his procedure, and mod staff can weigh the evidence and make a decision. no sense in railing while official channels remain open. it's sort of like following the chain of command instead of immediately going to the press with your concerns, if that makes sense.

you go to the press only when the Chief of Naval Operations ignores your concerns, as an example for an unhappy Naval gent. don't think you need to go all the way up to the joint chiefs..
No way could I be a member of the board staff. I would never allow one troll who has been trolling and playing games for many years to stay. I would never protect one troll versus what is best for the greater good of all the Houston forum members. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN