And nobody is twisting your arm to give your personal info out. Your biz = you take care of it your way. This is a by choice industry. You choose what works for you.
Yes, in 3 plus years (you catch that Giz?)across some 20 something states, the higher the profile, the higher the paygrade, the more available disposable income= the more upfront and honest.
Clients make screening hard. Seriously.
Lady: "To see me you must have one of these: 1,2,3 (or 4 if you're Naomi.)"
Client; I dont want to do 1,2,3 or 4. <- Who's problem is that? Not the lady's.
As for IDs, I have asked to see one once. Brand new p411 (and I mean brand new) and I was his first OK from there. I still screened him my way as well.
Originally Posted by babee
Bingo! Thanks for confirming what I knew to be true. Simpleton does not see 10 guys a month at various pay grades to be able to do this research, but he is wrong on this one. It has
everything to do with where a guy is in life, and most in that pay grade are NOT on these boards much. Most every guy I have met of the CEO caliber was a guy who only lurked and found me on eros, checked to see if I was legit, and was either a first time client or had only one ref. from maybe a year ago. These are not career hobbyists who provide their info....they would not have to if that were the case.
These guys don't just provide the info. when asked either, but actually send that crap in the FIRST email without us even having to ask. It's usually a company letter head lol. Now of course, we have to check it out because anyone can have a fake letter head, but my point is they are very forthcoming without it having to be like pulling teeth. Many of these men do in fact feel they would never be found out, and if they were they would get out of it. Maybe that's why they are so willing to provide it.
The main guys whining about this are the guys on these boards who make a decent salary, but not much else. Of course there are exceptions, but the majority are always the low ballers screaming about someone wanting to blackmail them lol. Again I ask...for what?