Hmm, think you kinda missed the point of this one. She is trying to better serve her customers ie US MEN. Perhaps I am off on this one, but I don't think so.
Originally Posted by FishGuy13
I have a weird question for you totally unrelated to this topic. Is that a ciclid fish in your avatar? I have bettas and am thinking about a salt water tank. LOL
But back to the topic of periods, I think what the original commentor said was an interesting idea. For me, thank God, my periods are regular as clockwork and I use a sponge, which works wonders (natural sponge). Just in case, however, it leaks and it freaks out the guy, I use a dark-colored condom ( a flavored one like red) so that HE won't freak out at the sight of a little blood. Little natural sea sponges are the best things to use.