Let’s list this administration’s accomplishments during the 2 years that Democrats held control of both the Senate, House and the White House:
START Treaty: Reducing the world’s nuclear stockpiles, working toward Ronald Reagan’s goal of a world without nuclear weapons, locking down loose nuclear materials so it doesn’t end up in the hands of terrorists. The GOP said they would deny him this political win. It was a “save the world” win because if you care about, oops, “it’s the nuclear end of the world,” you care about treaties like this getting passed.
Fun fact; Senator Dan Quayle wrote the first SALT Treaty. Since 26 GOP Senators voted for this won't this be bipartisan? And, as you say, this was a GOP idea originally I guess we can credit Obama with stealing from the best.
The fair pay act for women
How about a fair pay act for all people? This was a case that knows no sex but the democrats made it about sex. If anyone is suffering discrimination does it matter whether they pee standing up or sitting down. Of course I think it is a bit much that the statute of limitations can be extended past 20 years after the crime. How do you find witnesses then? I guess you just hope for a pay off from the company to avoid bad press. Sounds a bit like a scam.
Expanding children’s health insurance
When did a 25 year old former army sargeant with a wife, two kids, and two combat tours still qualify as a child? Only in the sick, sad world of Obama.
New hate crimes legislation they (GOP) said could not be done
I won't answer this until you get more specific.
Tobacco regulation
Credit card reform
Yes, we heard about that credit card reform. Nancy Pelosi made a killing off that bill. That reform helped the credit card companies and not the people. They didn't want to have to reduce their swipe fees or to negoiate their swipe fees with different banks.
Student loan reform
I still have some outstanding student loans and this didn't help at all. My original lending institution had it's assets seized and turned over to Sallie Mae (my loans). No change in my interest rate or principal so other than messing up my book keeping, where is the benefit TO ME.
The stimulus — which in addition to helping pull this country back from the brink of a great depression, was also the largest tax cut ever
Truth time: NO ONE can prove what you said was true. It is all conjecture. This country has recovered from other downturns without a stimulus. The bill itself was bi partisan and initiated under George Bush with the approval of Senators McCain and Obama. So give the credit where it is due if you want to beleive that line of BS. Also, about a fifth of the stimulus hasn't even been spent yet. If this was such an emergency then why measure out the money with a teaspoon over the last three years?
The largest investment in clean energy ever
Solyndra, ethanol scams, billions to Brazil, crony capitalism. Big doesn't mean it's better or right. Read the paper about all the scams.
The largest investment in education in our country ever
You have to explain this one (though I don't think you can).
There was also a little thing you may have heard of called health reform
Wall Street reform
Hell, I'm going to stop here because as someone said you just posting talking points which I don't think you really understand. If you did you wouldn't be touting them as a great thing
The improvements to the new G.I. Bill…that the elephants opposed
The GOP opposed this??? The original sponsor was a GOP congressman and it passed the house without any opposition. So this was a GOP bill that followed up earlier legislation sponsored by GOP representatives. You call this a win for Obama? This was a gimme, a gimme from the GOP.
The most expansive food SAFETY BILL SINCE THE 1930s
Patent Reform
The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
By halfway through his term, that’s roughly 85% of his list of his agenda completed. Done. Achieved. Accomplished. For a first term president, excuse my French but I’d say that’s pretty fucking major. There are still some things he’d like to do: energy reform, immigration reform, end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. Even losing his 60 vote majority in the Senate, he was still able to pass major legislation.
Since the GOP has taken control of House, nothing was done. The GOP has passed 27 different job creating bills that are still sitting in the democratically controlled Senate.
They can’t repeal health care, although they tried, because the Dems still control the Senate. Waste of time. Most of them oppose the repeal of DADT, a couple of them trying to delay the repeal taking effect. The GOP is using scare tactics and the people are falling for it. What I don’t understand is the Republican opposition even to things Republicans had proposed in the first place, unified Republican opposition to their own ideas.
Now we’re on the brink of one of the 8 racist, homophobic GOP candidates spewing nonsense bullshit that they THINK will work but really won’t, running our country. If you’ve seen any debates so far, heard any of their individual speeches, they’ve already set the undertone, “Let’s get this (insert word for black man) out of the White House, NOW!” Name who you are talking about. Prove that all eight GOP candidates (actually six when you wrote this but probably eight when you received your marching orders) are homophobic, racists. I know you can't do it; think Herman Cain.
You are entitled to your opinion but make sure that it is your opinion and not a DNC laundry list of frauds. Are you really a provider or a block captain?