That is kinda the whole Catch 22.
Can you follow people around and if they confront you, then shoot them? Fuc, you can bang the back of your head on a wall and then shoot them and say it was self defense.
I have no problem with a person shooting a MoFo that breaks into their house but this kinda shit can lead to Skittle wars.
I know it seems cut and dried for spme of you but it is not that easy a call for me.
Originally Posted by WTF
It may seem harsh, and it may be, but I for one have given up on the reliance of an incompetent police and judicial system. Take for example the war on drugs, and the war on gangs, both of which can only be seen by any rational human being after a few decades as complete failures on behalf of the police.
I am not going to go out and shoot someone for the sake of it, but if a pack of gangsta's move in to the neighborhood, I'm not standing around for decades waiting for the police to protect me and my family by removing them, I'll be doing the exact same thing Zimmerman did.