I don't mind being ignored by anyone deluded or gullabe enough to fly the American flag.1.well as they say here in the good ole USofA
1I am not only anti-government but I am also anti-American.
I recognize that the United States stopped being a real republic when the southern states were denied their rights to self-determination, and war was made against our own people to force them into the union and to take away their rights to legislate the issue of slavery.
That was the point at which the United States became an unconstitutional tyranny, and it's spread its form of hypocritical, sanctimonious tyranny to a lot of places since. And that includes to the middle east in the last ten years, where the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan now hate the United States for what it's done there.
For a long time the United States has been loathed by most peoples of the earth.
They don't want any "liberation" from us. Not even the people of France in 1944 wanted it the way it came about, so there's no point in crying about the "American sacrifice" to save this or that people. They didn't ask to be "saved." For that matter the people of Vietnam didn't want to be "saved" from communism either. 2 They wanted to elect the communists in. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Don't let the door knob hit your ass on your way out
2.You have made some of the dumbest comments here but this maybe your best
they came in because our donkeys would not provide bullets for the South VN to defend themselves after we left