For You Fans Of Korean Girls

levi tab's Avatar
Mokoa, you are out of control with these Korean videos! Originally Posted by St.Christopher
...and're BANNED!

My sincere apologies for corrupting you. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
...but're still BANNED!!

I'm glad you folks are enjoying the new YouTube embed code. I tried integrating YouTube a couple of years ago but it was hit and miss...didn't always work or display correctly. Now it works flawlessly, so use it to your heart's content. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
...alrighty're not BANNED!!!

St. C take a look at post #66
levi tab's Avatar
...P.S. The corruption spread. We are ALL infected now! (except me LOL) Originally Posted by GentlemanCaller007
Believe me you are in denial...your worse off than Mokoa...
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Had to watch Post #66 SEVERAL times in order to say the following:

Good gawd that girl is haut! Originally Posted by levi tab
Levi, that is Eerie.... I watched that same Post 66 times in order to say the following.....
Good gawd that girl is haut!
Thanks levi tab for redirecting me to Hyuna. She is something special! Can't really get enough of her. Such a hottie indeed.

St. C
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Agreed! She's AWESOME!

OMG I can't believe some troll had a Comment voted up to about 28 likes that said, "Yeah she's cute, but please next time don't let her sing." It has now been down voted into oblivion, but WTF??? Really? I this version because they alternate! and the video is Aweome dancing from both of them (and the backing teams)

Unbelievable! but Trolls will be Trolls....
If you notice, Hyuna's singing in Gangnam Style is completely different from her singing in Post 66. I read that's because it's parody. She's intentionally singing with that voice, trying to be like sorta a Korean Valley Girl. Spot on IMO. i can watch her all day long, and kudos to PSY for becoming such an overnight sensation. I saw the 8 minute "Making of Gangnam Style" video and he seems like a funny dude. That first video is up to over 80 million views....all in 2 weeks. Incredible.
For anyone interested, here's that Making Hyuna's in it too.
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
That first video is up to over 80 million views....all in 2 weeks. Incredible. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Wow! I'm sorry. I knew I was watching it a lot since Mokoa posted it but.....I think I have it under control now (he says while it is streaming in another browser while he types...)
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-31-2012, 10:57 PM
Mokoa, you are out of control with these Korean videos!

My sincere apologies for corrupting you. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Heh heh. Your corruption of me occurred way before this. How about when you made me a Mod?

I'm glad you folks are enjoying the new YouTube embed code. I tried integrating YouTube a couple of years ago but it was hit and miss...didn't always work or display correctly. Now it works flawlessly, so use it to your heart's content. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Works wonderfully!

If you notice, Hyuna's singing in Gangnam Style is completely different from her singing in Post 66. I read that's because it's parody. She's intentionally singing with that voice, trying to be like sorta a Korean Valley Girl. Spot on IMO. i can watch her all day long, and kudos to PSY for becoming such an overnight sensation. I saw the 8 minute "Making of Gangnam Style" video and he seems like a funny dude. That first video is up to over 80 million views....all in 2 weeks. Incredible. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
She is way Hot!!
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  • Mokoa
  • 08-31-2012, 11:02 PM
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  • 08-31-2012, 11:04 PM
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  • 08-31-2012, 11:06 PM
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  • 08-31-2012, 11:11 PM
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  • 08-31-2012, 11:14 PM
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Anyone else thinking that any one of these 1000+ HOT ladies easily blows Britney Spears & Co. into the dirt?