To start with, I’m a birther. I’ve got my birth certificate in my filing cabinet in my study. I ordered it from the State of Texas and everything. Got on line, and had them print and send it to me. But I don’t see what that has to do with Nationalizing BP or corporate criminals.
Someone said it earlier about if corporations are entities to be regarded as humans they would be penalized like humans. That won’t really work, but we can hold their execs that made these egregious decisions to fly in the face of decency and human and national safety responsible. They did it to Skilling and Lay. I read in the Houston Chronicle this weekend that BP had more accidents / violations in one year in their Texas City plant that Exxon has EVER had in their Houston Ship Channel plant. Corporations if they were people would be psychopathic humans. Their job is to produce products / services at a profit and satisfy their shareholders.
Safety and social consciousness is a very modern corporate personality trait: a very post-post industrial revolution concept. I’m sure there are hundreds on contributors to this crazy concept of fairness in the work and market place: anti-trust laws, child labor laws, unions, plaintiff lawyers, the spread of the middle class, education, TV, etc. The bottom line is corporations are now expected to be held accountable and be cute fuzzy things. They aren’t; it isn’t in their nature. Their nature is to make money. That’s why they need to be monitored just like people are. Being a birther, loving or hating Obama isn’t going to change these simple facts.
Fascist, laizziz faire corporate criminality isn’t the answer anymore than STOP DRILLING government up your ass reactions is. Find out what happened. Drill a new you know what for the people responsible. Fine BP. Get a grip on - not stop - deep water drilling. Drill a litter closer. Don’t pass ridiculous caps on damage assessment laws for corporate raiders / criminals. But for God’s sake stop the oil and clean it up!
The deep water rig people are actually talking about pulling out of the US! If that happens, if a lot of Obama’s anti-Southern and anti-oil ideas come to fruition because he is allowed to run rough shot over the marketplace, one of the few semi-healthy economies in the country (maybe even world) is going to crater – Texas and Louisiana. Now isn’t the time for that. One problem at a time. Deep water drilling and nationalizing health care can be left for another day.