Looks like the big P finally died

DarthMaul's Avatar
CB and Tbone,

Glad to see some friendly "faces"!
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Ferd, you are correct, I think they own the House but found out that they dont own the land so they cant cash in on the oil reserves found there . . . . .
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I hope someone tells Amber's son that he has a GREAT suit against the Executor(s) for mismanagement of his Mom's assets - and even better if the dumb bitch actually starts a competing site and userps the benefits of ASPD.

Let the new site grow for 2 years until the kid is 18....so there is a little nest egg built up for him
That's not polite.

I started reading his blog durring the crash in Feb-March last year. Since he became an Admin, his blog is now private. I wonder why??? Originally Posted by metal_head
The reason why MH is someone named Rip made a comment on December 17, 2009 in Deuce’s blog that outed Amber and a lot of her living family members. Don't ask me what was written because I won't reveal it to anyone but I know what was written since I read it.

Unlike what I have had to deal with, I respect the privacy of people in the hobby even if my privacy was not respected and I was outed by a couple of providers and certain staff members of the P. In my situation, there is no excuse for what was done except vindictiveness just like there was no justification for Rip in outing Amber and her family.


The whole process after Amber died was ugly, just butt ugly, and it is a crying shame it occurred for whatever reason it did. I am sure you folks will do just fine on this site and I know Tbone and Becky with their staff are doing a bang up job of getting this puppy rolling and keeping it moving on down the road.

Now if you all don’t mind, and it doesn't matter to me if you do mind, I will write that everyone needs to leave your bitching and griping about what was, or was not done, at the door of this site and forget about what happened over at the P. It is done, gone and will soon be buried.

Time to turn the page folks…
internet_inventor2's Avatar
We all will move on but this thread is about the P so all venting and what should be done here correct ? People need a place to get it out of their systems, better a thread than the entire board IMHO.
Well I was reading some last minute PM's I got on the board and when I hit refresh on the page it came back with 'Server could not be found'. At exactly 9.00PM, ironically. Boy those server guys sure do run a tight ship.

Goodbye ASPD, I'm cracking open a cold one for you right now.
simpleton's Avatar
I call bullshit. Who pulled the plug? They continue lie.........
metal_head's Avatar
Thanks for the info, LD. Somebody posted some crap about the family on ASPD, it was soon deleted. I guess that's why they stopped allowing new memberships.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Boy that Fieryjade was starting to give me the creeps at the end.

What was all that stuff about making soup for DJ, Nicky?

That poor woman.
atcav8or's Avatar
Although I did not know Amber, Fieryjade, or the other founders of ASPD I can form an opinion on who they were based on what everyone has written.

I enjoyed my time on ASPD as well as meeting a lot of stand up people. Contrary to what the pundits and our government says something’s are not too BIG to fail. As said before ASPD was the pennical.

Now was ASPD going dark right or wrong that is something that I will always ask? I don't know the whole story, but I do think if Fieryjade wanted it to stay up a way would have been found.

  • pyro
  • 01-07-2010, 12:40 AM
as expected it died a painful death. CB, Tbone great to see you gents...
urine trouble's Avatar
Painful indeed. I have never logged on to any other site more than ASPD. I am glad to see Htowner is here. All I can say is I wish I owned ASPD, I could quit my job and collect.
rooster09's Avatar
I call bullshit. Who pulled the plug? They continue lie......... Originally Posted by simpleton
Me Too....You really think they are that quick and precise?

Probably just another crash!

Good to see all of you here.
dick gizinia's Avatar
ASPD was all about us posters in the end. It's the people and if we all gather here, what's the difference between this site and the now dead site? Let's move on and keep the great contributions right here. Who cares about a future replacement site if we're all here doing the same thing. It's great to know some of your guys and gals here are the ones that made my day at the other site. I'm here, happy and movin on. I've contacted a couple of my ATFs and let them know I am going to post reviews here to get it going. I have no financial interest as seems the case with many of the angry posters from ASPD. If you have no fin interest WHO CARES? We're here. Let's get posting!!!!!
If you have no fin interest WHO CARES? We're here. Let's get posting!!!!! Originally Posted by dick gizinia
I concur, except that plenty of us did have a financial stake in ASPD, including me who had his BCD access auto-renewed on Dec 28th. I paid fifty dollars for a little over one week of access and no hope of a refund. You're right though, it's the past now. I'm gonna try to move on, but like a bad break-up, those hard feelings don't go away just because you're not looking at the bitch anymore...