Guess which one.

Assup is YOUR ass-hole buddy, you pretentious Yankee jackass. You established a special relationship Assup in that thread you won't return to. One other thing, you pretentious Yankee jackass, you're also an established liar. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Don't see any lie anywhere. I see an obvious joke, but not a lie. YOU don't get to decide what is or is not a lie, especially when you are arguing the opposite side. No one gets to be both prosecutor and judge, or hadn't you heard, you dopey redneck?

And what thread won't I return to?

And I don't recall ever establishing a relationship with Yssup. I generally disagree with him because he is a liberal. I'm just civil about it.

Unlike with you. It seems that sooner or later you piss off EVERYONE on the board - including sane conservatives. Maybe even especially sane conservatives. You are an embarrassment to conservative politics.
But seriously. Back to the original question. Is that your portrait in the painting below?

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Inquiring minds want to know.
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Don't see any lie anywhere. I see an obvious joke, but not a lie. YOU don't get to decide what is or is not a lie, especially when you are arguing the opposite side. No one gets to be both prosecutor and judge, or hadn't you heard, you dopey redneck?

And what thread won't I return to?

And I don't recall ever establishing a relationship with Yssup. I generally disagree with him because he is a liberal. I'm just civil about it.

Unlike with you. It seems that sooner or later you piss off EVERYONE on the board - including sane conservatives. Maybe even especially sane conservatives. You are an embarrassment to conservative politics.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yeah, you're an obvious joke if you believe anyone other than you is going to believe you weren't lying, you pretentious Yankee jackass.

But seriously. Back to the original question. Is that your portrait in the painting below?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Originally Posted by ExNYer
You're on a SHMB and your dumb-ass doesn't know what's portrayed in that painting, you pretentious Yankee fuck??? How ignorant can your dumb-ass be, you pretentious Yankee jackass????
Yeah, you're an obvious joke if you believe anyone other than you is going to believe you weren't lying, you pretentious Yankee jackass.
Only YOU think that. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You're on a SHMB and your dumb-ass doesn't know what's portrayed in that painting, you pretentious Yankee fuck??? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I know EXACTLY what is portrayed in that photo. That's why I asked if it was you, little twat.

By the way, LOVE the big fonts. That TOTALLY seals your argument! It's unimpeachable now. The rest of us should all just give up.
I B Hankering's Avatar

I know EXACTLY what is portrayed in that photo. That's why I asked if it was you, little twat.

By the way, LOVE the big fonts. That TOTALLY seals your argument! It's unimpeachable now. The rest of us should all just give up.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your the ignorant fuck posting on a SHMB that you didn't recognize what's pictured in the painting, you pretentious Yankee jackass.

BTW, you did lie, and you're the obvious joke if you believe anyone other than you is going to believe you weren't lying, you pretentious Yankee jackass.
Your the ignorant fuck posting on a SHMB that you didn't recognize what's pictured in the painting, you pretentious Yankee jackass. Really, is that the best comeback you've got?

I recognize a twat when I see one. I'm just not sure which one it is since I don't know what you look like.

BTW, you did lie, and you're the obvious joke if you believe anyone other than you is going to believe you weren't lying, you pretentious Yankee jackass.
No lie
. Just an obvious joke that you are trying to misconstrue. Desperately so. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What happened to the big fonts?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Really, is that the best comeback you've got?

I recognize a twat when I see one. I'm just not sure which one it is since I don't know what you look like.

No lie. Just an obvious joke that you are trying to misconstrue. Desperately so.
What happened to the big fonts?

Originally Posted by ExNYer
Lie and deflect all you want, you pretentious Yankee jackass. You were caught in a blatant lie, and now you’re scurrying like the Yankee rat you are to hide it.
Lie and deflect all you want, you pretentious Yankee jackass. You were caught in a blatant lie, and now you’re scurrying like the Yankee rat you are to hide it. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Says the lying, deflecting Confederate sympathizer.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Says the lying, deflecting Confederate sympathizer.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
What you did at #59 to cover your mistake wasn't "editing" or "joking", you pretentious Yankee jackass: it was "lying".
What you did at #59 to cover your mistake wasn't "editing" or "joking", you pretentious Yankee jackass: it was "lying". Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Reads like a joke to me (and anyone with an IQ over room temperature). That's why it say "Heh" after it.

Or can't you read?
I B Hankering's Avatar

Reads like a joke to me (and anyone with an IQ over room temperature). That's why it say "Heh" after it.

Or can't you read?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Scurry like the lying, pretentious Yankee piece of shit you are, but what you did at #59 to cover your mistake wasn't "editing" or "joking", you pretentious Yankee jackass: it was "lying". count=62
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1052339541]Scurry like the lying, pretentious Yankee piece of shit you are, but what you did at #59 to cover your mistake wasn't "editing" or "joking", you pretentious Yankee jackass: it was "lying".[/QUOTE]
Keep repeating it. Maybe people will start to believe it. Isn't that how the "Big Lie" works? Taking tips from your idol Goebbels, now?
By the way, IBH, it this your profile shot?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Scurry Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Keep repeating it. Maybe people will start to believe it. Isn't that how the "Big Lie" works? Taking tips from your idol Goebbels, now?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Fucked-up another post, didn't you, you fucked-up, pretentious Yankee jackass!?! You're still a lying piece of shit, you pretentious Yankee jackass. What you did at #59 to cover your mistake wasn't "editing" or "joking", you pretentious Yankee jackass: it was "lying".

By the way, IBH, it this your profile shot?

Originally Posted by ExNYer
Obviously not, you stupidly-blind and pathetically pretentious Yankee jackass!