Justice Sotomayor, ‘Quit being disingenuous, Speedy. That IS her personal opinion; otherwise, she would have ruled according to the "intent" of the Founding Fathers and the interpretations provided by subsequent generations of Constitutional experts and scholars.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If you can find a statement by her stating that then I will believe it. Otherwise, it is simply your
OPINION. Times change and what our Founding Fathers thought to be correct is not always correct in today's world. Blacks can vote. 15th Amendment Women can vote. 19th Amendment. Slavery is wrong. 13th Amendment. On and on. So the intent of our Founding Fathers was not perfect. Countless court decisions at every level have shown that gun control laws are legal, and have withstood challenges for the most part.
Also there were 3 additional Justices who were in the 5-4 decision in the DC Vs. Heller ruling that agreed with Sotomayor. I assume you believe that all 4 are out to take all your guns? Even Judge Scalia in the majority opinion wrote:
“Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited…”. It is
“…not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”
So, believe it or not, the 2nd Amendment and its interpretation varies from person to person. It is up the courts, unfortunately, to decide what is correct in TODAY'S world.