What the fuck Mr. Patel....

Mojojo's Avatar
Everyone lets get back on track, the issue here isn't a racial issue but rather the notes frequent flyer miles certain members have earned at the local establishments.

Coolaid we don't allow racial slurring on this board however we are not always around to catch these things but the RTM button helps us out.
The cleaning crew after an 8hr shift... Some of his customers... The Admiral Linen lady... Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
He said "mr. patel", meaning indian people. It's well known that some indian immigrants are known to smell different than western born people. That does not make it okay to imply that they're all smelly skanks. You know damn well what he meant. You're insulting my intelligence and yours by pretending he didn't make a racial insult.

Allow me to amend. Mow lawns, wash dishes, carpentry work, day care/nanny work, laying gravel, indoor soccer team. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Okay my point still stands. You're saying mexicans are only capable of doing crap jobs. I'm sure you know damn well that thousands of mexicans graduate from college every year in our city and they own homes in katy, woodlands, clear lake, and every other nice neighborhood in houston. You comment was meant to degrade mexicans, plain and simple.

If you have quarrel with certain statements made that involve what you believe to be racial insulting, then it is a topic for another thread. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
This thread got hijacked way before I said anything about racial abuse.

And like I said before I think your story is bs. Nobody takes their girl into the PI office to pay for the room. I think you made it up trying to get attention. It's obvious you put ALOT of time and effort into trying to be some kind of "superstar eccie poster". Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I've taken my date in to pay and had no issues. That would make your assessment bs.

I wasn't speaking as a mod but as a member of this site knowing bbkid's history. Obviously you don't. There's no way you would have a clue what he meant when he was saying what he said. At best you're assuming. Same as me cept I've followed his posts a bit longer than you I think and believe you are wrong but whatever. Think what you want.
Mojojo's Avatar
Coolaid I sent you a pm
I've taken my date in to pay and had no issues. That would make your assessment bs.

I wasn't speaking as a mod but as a member of this site knowing bbkid's history. Obviously you don't. There's no way you would have a clue what he meant when he was saying what he said. At best you're assuming. Same as me cept I've followed his posts a bit longer than you I think and believe you are wrong but whatever. Think what you want. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Well why don't you enlighen me. What exactly is it about bbkid's "history" that makes you think he wasn't saying what it obviously looks like he said.

And since dg's whole entire existence seems to revolve around posting on eccie, I don't think it's so far-fetched to say he'd make up a stupid story to get some attention.

Anyway it seems that it's okay to make racially degrading comments about mexicans and indians on this board. I won't bring it up again.
boardman's Avatar
I promise you they know why you are there. Indians fuck too and quite a bit. They are just fucking with you if they are chasing you down. It may be because they felt like you disrespected them or something when you checked in. In my experience Indians are very friendly and high on respect but if you disrespect them they will become passive-aggressive, I think it's their nature, Ghandi and all, so you may never know exactly what you did to piss them off. They will just find something else to bitch at you about without addressing the real issue.

For the OP I would say to drop by and talk to the guy one day and tell him what he did might mess your game up in the future and to just please try to be more subtle about it in the future. I can almost guarantee you it won't happen again.
Mojojo's Avatar
Coolaid weve discussed this bia pm and im glad you're moving on.... Back on top, keep with the subject and within the guidelines folks that means no racial slurs are permitted in eccie.
I was once asked, "Why you returning two keys?" " I met my girlfiend in one room and my other girlfriend in the other" True Story.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
...too open, newfound SC crowd taking over this board. Used to be..... (those who know need no help completing the sentence).

But I must ask: "Who the fuck is this Battery guy?" Originally Posted by TexasGator
Damned if I know. And who the fuck has an alligator as their primary image?
yadda yadda yadda....what I read into this thread is this:

1) a few people state this thread has been hi-jacked.
Rule #14 - Our moderating staff monitors the forums with the goal of keeping threads on track and on topic. Occasionally we may issue specific instructions or direction to a poster and we ask that you respect those instructions and follow them. Disregarding a moderator's written instruction or repeating a violation for which you have been warned will most certainly result in penalty.

2) racial sluts have been insinuated
Rule #2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.

what I am not seeing (and Mods if you are offended, sorry but having been tagged about the rules, and it is glaring you in the face) is the MODS enforcing the rules.

Rules are Rules... just saying.. this thread needs 2 things, the rules enforced on those who have broke them and to be locked.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I'm not a Houston mod but I wouldn't lock the thread....

You are only assuming rules haven't been enforced.....

Just because you enforce rules doesn't mean people stop doing what they are doing, some even get better at it.....
nah.. it needs to be locked.. the ones who seemed to have broken the rules are still posting.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Nah.... It doesn't.....
The rules only apply to a select few. I mean, the rules don't apply to a select few, but that's life - you just say 'fuck it' & move on down the road.

boardman's Avatar
The more toes you have

The more lines you can toe.