roboy25's Avatar
[QUOTE=bluffcityguy;42903]Remember the old joke: Why does a bride smile on her wedding day? She knows she's given her last blow job.

AFter 35 years of being married I can testify to BCG's wisdom and jokes!!!
Magnus's Avatar
Good prostate and breast health are important to me also. That is why I pledge to donate to commission more of these worthwhile clinical studies as my new years resolution. By donate I mean my time and body as a test subject. Good health is important to all of us. We must all do our part.

With much of the talk in regard to BBBJ's framed within the context of HIV transmission, there are other non-deadly but permanent diseases like Herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus 2). As I understand it, HSV2 can be picked up by the provider while performing oral sex on the client, and then transmitted to the genital area of another client.

While what I just wrote can be perceived as showing selfish concern for the client's well being, the threat of re-transmission to the genital area occurs to the provider as well, especially with free flowing GFE's.

Personally speaking, I wish we wouldn't 'pressure' (I hope that isn't too strong of a word) providers like Dana who offer a different perspective on the provider experience into areas they're not comfortable with. There are some guys who like girls such as her due to the relative safety they provide as a result of the sexual limits they place on themselves.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-16-2010, 01:31 AM
GND has apparently , already made her own informed opinions....

And I must say.... I Luv the Incall Weekend idea!!

I am happy with my cbj/bbbj switch. I am very oral, & something was just missing from the whole experience doing cbj. Plus, sucking on a balloon animal just wasn't very tasty.

& I absofuckinglutely LOVE incalls...the weekend is going very well. Instead of driving around listening to Nancy Navigator (my GPS Girl), I can now spend my time doing more important watching Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure! I might think about doing this "In-Call Wknd" thing on a regular basis!

When you gonna come see me, Mr. Giz?!?
I don't think it's fair to knock one way or the other. For both client and provider, the "hobby" is like a buffet - there is something on the table for you. Whatever appeals to you ...go for it.

I am a BBBJCIMNQNS - love the acronyms - lol.
Now, let me tell you a SECRET. My choice aint about my clients - it's alllll about me. Why BBBJ? I have never found a condom I can take, they up my gag reflex by like 1000. Flavored lubes only make it worse.

Years ago I was at a dance club in Nash to see Nina Hartley. Someone asked her "Spit or Swallow?" Her answer was "Swallow. Why would I jump up run to the bathroom and spit? By the time I do that, I could have swallowed, taken a drink and gone on to something else."

Plus, yeah I like it. Regardless, it's my choice. Why I choose is my business.

Whatever a provider decides, that is her right and I fully support everybody's right to do their business as they see fit. When I start paying your bills, then I can start telling you what to do or not to do and who to do it with - that goes for both sides.
Bimboknocker's Avatar
GND glad things are going your way, but did Nancy ever steer you wrong?
ANONONE's Avatar
I am happy with my cbj/bbbj switch. I am very oral, & something was just missing from the whole experience doing cbj. Plus, sucking on a balloon animal just wasn't very tasty. Originally Posted by Girl Nexxxt Door
So when are you going on tour to Ohio?
willro's Avatar
I am happy with my cbj/bbbj switch. I am very oral, & something was just missing from the whole experience doing cbj.

& I absofuckinglutely LOVE incalls...the weekend is going very well. Instead of driving around listening to Nancy Navigator (my GPS Girl), I can now spend my time doing more important watching Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure! Originally Posted by Girl Nexxxt Door
I have to say that I think both decisions are "most excellent!" and definitely not "bogus." lol, I watched part of that movie today too.
I thought Ohio was where people say they're from when they don't want anyone to know where they're really from... Lol. Just kidding. But seriously, I don't tour. Don't like leaving the kiddies unattended for too long a time. I'll be lucky if my house isn't burnt down after my in-call weekend!
ANONONE's Avatar
I thought Ohio was where people say they're from when they don't want anyone to know where they're really from... Lol. Just kidding. But seriously, I don't tour. Don't like leaving the kiddies unattended for too long a time. I'll be lucky if my house isn't burnt down after my in-call weekend! Originally Posted by Girl Nexxxt Door
LOL! Sure rub it in. . .maybe I will just have to head south this summer.

I won't hijack the thread with a personal conversation. . .check your PM!