Halloween Party 3.0

Hey, how cum this h'yar thread is still a-open two weeks after it got a-started when ol' ck's social thread got locked after one day? Why don't ol' guideline #30 apply h'yar? Ah'm a-guessing ol' ck musta left a turd in somebody's punch bowl. Am Ah right?
Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst

Not at all. CK has not done anything wrong and provides a great service to the community by organizing his events.

If this were an announcement for a social with a proscribed date and location it would be locked, but it is not that at all. This is a poll asking for opinions on when to potentially have an event. Once the event is confirmed as actually happening and announced, then that thread would be locked as per posting guideline #30.

I hope that explains the difference....not that I would show Marley any favoritism.....uh....er....... would I?????????? I mean it isn't like she is gorgeous, and all, I mean really....CK is kinda..............

You ever seen Marley's tits? Originally Posted by Still Looking
David.Douchehurst's Avatar

I hope that explains the difference....not that I would show Marley any favoritism.....uh....er....... would I?????????? I mean it isn't like she is gorgeous, and all, I mean really....CK is kinda..............

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Ah git yer drift. Maybe if'n we pass tha ol' hat and git up a collection we can git these fellers outta retirement and git ol' ck a makeover to spark up his style. Turn'im inta a fashion icon.

sixxbach's Avatar
Not at all. CK has not done anything wrong and provides a great service to the community by organizing his events.

If this were an announcement for a social with a proscribed date and location it would be locked, but it is not that at all. This is a poll asking for opinions on when to potentially have an event. Once the event is confirmed as actually happening and announced, then that thread would be locked as per posting guideline #30.

I hope that explains the difference....not that I would show Marley any favoritism.....uh....er....... would I?????????? I mean it isn't like she is gorgeous, and all, I mean really....CK is kinda..............

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn

Agreed! I mean CK has been cool to me and all, but doesn't hold a candle to Marley in the looks department or tatas department for that matter

Whispers's Avatar
I hope that explains the difference....not that I would show Marley any favoritism.....uh....er....... would I?????????? I mean it isn't like she is gorgeous, and all, I mean really....CK is kinda.............. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Agreed! I mean CK has been cool to me and all, but doesn't hold a candle to Marley in the looks department or tatas department for that matter. Originally Posted by sixxbach
Well ?????? MAYbe.........it's because.......

harkontume's Avatar
Update on costumes, ladies if you don't want anyone dressing up as the same thing as u... Message me and I'll add u to the list :-) I've narrowed the days down to the 24th or 25th. I prefer Friday, but that depends on you guys. There are a certain few guys that I just must have there... One being metal smith, so metal, does fri work? If not then we will do Thursday. And again, I'm not sending out personal invites. If you want to one, pm me... Would love to have you!

Girls attending
Emma night
Kaylee blue
Silvia Starr
Mandi may
Stacy Lovelane
Dahlia atx
Spinner ally ray
Daddy's girl

May be attending
Brittany love
Vikki Lynn

Red Riding Hood
Burlesque Dancer

Lone Ranger
Well ?????? MAYbe.........it's because.......
Originally Posted by Whispers
Know it's not your normal type of event, but would love to have u... Have not seen you in years... Since Johnny Finns summer 08 or 09.
Btw.... Anyone against a 6:00 start time vs 5:00? Know some of you guys may not be able to stay late which is why u prefer an earlier start time. So just let me know. Just found out my hair and make up will take 2 hours OUCH!!! (Yes it's something special not just normal hair/makeup) Then still need to cook/decorate. But will make 5 work if needed....
Britttany_love's Avatar
Damn. a week day would work so much better. Friday and Saturday are hard for me, but still trying my best to make it.
Whispers's Avatar
Know it's not your normal type of event, but would love to have u... Have not seen you in years... Since Johnny Finns summer 08 or 09. Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe

It has been that long huh?......

Well.... Send me an invite.... and I'll see what I can do......
Based on what reading, Marley know how to throw party! wow! and how about coming as a military soldier or pull out my Michael Myers mask.?
Ok due to all you guys and gals busy on the weekend.... i am now 90% for sure on the 24th. If this is a problem for anyone please message me! I will make the 100% FINAL decesion next week, promise. Just with so many people in consideration it has been hard to choose between the day. Choosing either day mean certain people cant come and that sucks. To bad i cant have a 2 day event lol. Just dont have it in me. Maybe when i was 18, not now. This "old" momma needs her beauty rest.
I will go if I have an overnight booked to make the trip worth my while. I love a good costume party
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I would only show up to see Marley's Tits in person ... (again) *wink*

Too bad I'll be stuck in Houston hosting my own shingdig (no tatas) SMH
