Spot the RICKYBOY!!!

Beagle's Avatar
OMG! Not only are you a obsessed stalker, you aren't even smart enough to know you were fucking a guy? This explains your obsession with rr! He has a GF, so I think you're barking up the wrong tree.

Most awesome entertaining hobby suicide ThreAD EVER!!!!! Originally Posted by Spiral Architect
Good research skills and you aren't smart enough to realize it was a joke
Whispers's Avatar
Good research skills and you aren't smart enough to realize it was a joke Originally Posted by Beagle

Not everyone will see it that way when it is a thread of it's own and all of a sudden your faced with explaining it every day to someone different.....

I'm good with words...... Let me start pulling apart both you and your butt buddies threads that are similar in topic and generating all the appropriate quotes and show you exactly what can be done.....

What would like to be the subject of? A thread designed for 1000 views or 5000? My initial thrust will be to top the views of THIS thread in a couple of days....
3daygetaway's Avatar
I disagree.....

He is not LOOKING for a fight..... He tends to be willing to escalate rapidly and gets carried away.

But this thread is designed for just that affect.... to bait him into the exact behavior you guys claim to abhor....

so... In his absence I can find the time to step up and give you what you are looking for. Originally Posted by Whispers
Beagle may have started this conversation under vengeful auspices but it has now transformed into more; a conversation about antagonization on the board--as you are proposing to do...not cool.

For my part, RR has on three separate occasions started a fight with me, when I didn't give two shits about him. I ignored them. He has since done it twice more. I went toe to toe with him in the Annika review thread until Mods stepped in. I don't want to fight anyone, but he does--and wants the last word. Unfortunately, he's not eloquent enough to do battle with words, and as long as he thinks it's cool to bash 3day, 3day will continue wiping the floor with him.

BUT! Should he leave me alone and not be a dick in threads I'm trying to seriously be a part of, he has my blessing.

As for you, Whispers, everyone knows you can make life hell, dragging up past posts, interviewing my past providers, cobbling together some image of my life and interests to use against me, but NO ONE on the board wants that for themselves or to see it done to others. And seriously, you are not the equalizer of justice and reputations here--just cool your jets!
3daygetaway's Avatar
You don't get it, it's you ones that don't go to functions and hang out with the good people of this board that are the outsiders!
rockerrick is known by, and liked by many. Nobody knows who YOU or Beagle is, nor do they care. YOU are just words on a screen, totally meaningless!

But you are probably known and liked by the Other Reviews crowd Originally Posted by Spiral Architect
I appreciate the invitation to functions I have received. Unfortunately, they are typically at a time/location I cannot make. I am stealing and lying about my own time every time I hobby as it is. And I can appreciate meeting in person, but that certainly doesn't make my presence meaningless here, nor anyone else who doesn't attend a social.

I hope that the "other" crowd does know and recognize my contributions as meaningful; I invite you to join that conversation, so long as you can be respectful. The "other" crowd will definitely not tolerate your intolerance.
Spiral Architect's Avatar
Good research skills and you aren't smart enough to realize it was a joke Originally Posted by Beagle
You say joke, I say a purposely FAKE review that you admit.
YOU should be banned for posting Faked reviews!
Whispers's Avatar
Beagle may have started this conversation under vengeful auspices but it has now transformed into more; a conversation about antagonization on the board--as you are proposing to do...not cool.

No. I disagree..... I intend to SHOW you and your buddy what "antagonistic behavior" is like when practiced by someone with intent.

If nothing else we can take the focus away from RR and place it on me. After all... It should be MY fucking Spotlight right? I am the guy that supposedly drove off all the ladies and wusses a few years ago? Let me have the right to defend my damn throne....RR is a rank amateur.... You want a villain.... Here I am...

For my part, RR has on three separate occasions started a fight with me, when I didn't give two shits about him. I ignored them. He has since done it twice more. I went toe to toe with him in the Annika review thread until Mods stepped in. I don't want to fight anyone, but he does--and wants the last word. Unfortunately, he's not eloquent enough to do battle with words, and as long as he thinks it's cool to bash 3day, 3day will continue wiping the floor with him.

Well.... I'm going to make MY services available to him and express his views on your posts, in my own words of course, in a much more eloquent manner.

BUT! Should he leave me alone and not be a dick in threads I'm trying to seriously be a part of, he has my blessing.

As for you, Whispers, everyone knows you can make life hell, dragging up past posts, interviewing my past providers, cobbling together some image of my life and interests to use against me, but NO ONE on the board wants that for themselves or to see it done to others. And seriously, you are not the equalizer of justice and reputations here--just cool your jets! Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
Shit man.... You want a Board Bully to fight with and Complain about let me give you what you want. I don't have to try to voice my opinion from behind a fence while banned.
Spiral Architect's Avatar
I appreciate the invitation to functions I have received. Unfortunately, they are typically at a time/location I cannot make. I am stealing and lying about my own time every time I hobby as it is. And I can appreciate meeting in person, but that certainly doesn't make my presence meaningless here, nor anyone else who doesn't attend a social.

I hope that the "other" crowd does know and recognize my contributions as meaningful; I invite you to join that conversation, so long as you can be respectful. The "other" crowd will definitely not tolerate your intolerance. That crowd I'll leave all to you two guys and your friends. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
I have no desire to be or associate with any fudgepackers, and certainly don't want to join any conversations with any either!
Beagle's Avatar

So here we have a situation where the man is back and not being belligerent (a violation of board rules but not your job or mine) It isn't my role to play, but if the guy's exploiting loopholes and doing the same things that got him banned in the first place, it's fair to call him out on it, although I'll admit he's toned it down as "BulletBelt". and you have a thread and things are said to entice and bait him into the exact behavior you abhor?

Doesn't that reek of hypocrisy? Kinda like poking the lion in the cage with a stick and then complaining that he roars too loud

You've got a valid point there, mate. I did get a little carried away and my apologies for that....
Let me take a position here in line with your thread.... My game is a lot better than RRs and I definitely know how to walk the line while at the same time being far more imposing than he can be when it comes down to shutting people up and limiting conversation.

Here you have saddled him up and are riding him every chance you get. He is at a tremendous disadvantage as replying gets him banned Somehow, I don't think he's the least bit concerned about getting banned yet again...... Your point would be valid otherwise....

Would you like me taking the same approach with you? Nobody appreciates being on the receiving end, and isn't that just the point I'm illustrating? RR has no problems dishing it, but how does he react when he gets the same treatment?

What do we have in this thread alone?

Not one but two guys that fuck other guys you should double check your factstrying to act normal and all complaining about some guy that is banned.

Why don't we start pointed open one on one attacks on sexuality under the guise of opinions on a topic designed to humiliate you and another in the same manner....
Not that it would apply to me, but regarding any thread, you can speculate on the OP's intentions all you want. I've made my agenda known from the start, and if you disagree, so be it.

Maybe a thread titled

Hey Beagle and XXXXXXXXX Can you explain to us how fucking a man feels and if there are any repercussions to doing so and discussing it here on the boards?

We can certainly make it a topic on the front page for weeks for a lot of people to read and be aware of.

It would draw all the trannys, gays and their supporters as well all the board bullies....

And can be done all in the name of "entertainment".

I am sure I can work the question in in an acceptable manner in about every and any conversation you start or participate in.derailing everything.....

I'm supposed to spend time in San Antonio in January taking apart CoEd there but I can stick around here in Austin to keep it entertaining. Originally Posted by Whispers
If you'd just think about it, there's really no other ways non-mods can figure out a person using multiple handles. How'd you think I know? You already know the answer to that.....
Whispers's Avatar
I appreciate the invitation to functions I have received. Unfortunately, they are typically at a time/location I cannot make. I am stealing and lying about my own time every time I hobby as it is. And I can appreciate meeting in person, but that certainly doesn't make my presence meaningless here, nor anyone else who doesn't attend a social.

I hope that the "other" crowd does know and recognize my contributions as meaningful; I invite you to join that conversation, so long as you can be respectful. The "other" crowd will definitely not tolerate your intolerance. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
I have no desire to be or associate with any fudgepackers, and certainly don't want to join any conversations with any either! Originally Posted by Spiral Architect

See...... You guys got exactly what you wanted!
3daygetaway's Avatar
No, Whispers, you wont hide or run, but you wont gain any friends either.

Guys like Beagle and 3day keep the board active and are defending your buddies and proliferating the bullshit. Alienate us, and then the next guy, and the next guy, and you wont have any playmates left. If you want the board to be filled with more guys like RR, Still Looking, and yourself, it wont be any fun; you see, this is the endgame for the predators...eventually, they are out of prey and turn on each other, when becomes, no one will post there, lest their hands be stricken from their wrists for dissenting.

Alternately, guys like RR kill boards not enhance them. I'm not saying get rid of him; I'm saying use all that power and influence and face to face camaraderie to reform him. Like I said, I have read intelligent thoughts from him in the past--I know he CAN be a better man.
Spiral Architect's Avatar
You keep the boards going with your 450 post? Hilarious
Whispers's Avatar
No, Whispers, you wont hide or run, but you wont gain any friends either.

LMAO! I have more friends, drink more drinks with, eat more dinners with the ladies and men of this community than you ever will in at socials and with your ass kissing ways...... Ladies and Guys are always wanting to meet "Whispers" and find out what the guy behind the posts are and we not only become friends at times, acquaintances on others, many of us network and do business together as well.

Most of YOUR friends are simply interested in your wallet I would guess.

Guys like Beagle and 3day keep the board active and accountable...

LOL! Rather full of yourself huh? Well I will go so far as to say that guys like the two of you will serve as fodder for guys like me to drive view counts and sell ads as we have at it!

you are defending your buddies and proliferating the bullshit. Alienate us, and then the next guy, and the next guy, and you wont have any playmates left.

i've been here for over 12 years sir..... You guys come and go as do the ladies..... You are not unique or special......

If you want the board to be filled with more guys like RR, Still Looking, and yourself, it wont be any fun; you see, this is the endgame for the predators...eventually, they are out of prey and turn on each other, when becomes, no one will post there, lest their hands be stricken from their wrists for dissenting.

You are singing a song that made the charts 10 years ago on ASPD that a few bring up from time to time.... It's an oldy that never had relaevance in the overall picture...

Alternately, guys like RR kill boards not enhance them. I'm not saying get rid of him; I'm saying use all that power and influence and face to face camaraderie to reform him. Like I said, I have read intelligent thoughts from him in the past--I know he CAN be a better man. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
The man, in all his irreverence has probably got something for himself that you and others that kiss ass want so badly......

No, Whispers, you wont hide or run, but you wont gain any friends either.

Guys like Beagle and 3day keep the board active and are defending your buddies and proliferating the bullshit. Alienate us, and then the next guy, and the next guy, and you wont have any playmates left. If you want the board to be filled with more guys like RR, Still Looking, and yourself, it wont be any fun; you see, this is the endgame for the predators...eventually, they are out of prey and turn on each other, when becomes, no one will post there, lest their hands be stricken from their wrists for dissenting.
You give yourself, Beagle, Still Looking, RR, and Whispers far too much credit!! It is sheer lunacy to think that this will not all be here in some form or fashion long after all of us have faded into the sunset. I remember a time in yesteryear when there was no Whispers on the board in Austin and it operated just fine!!!

Alternately, guys like RR kill boards not enhance them. I'm not saying get rid of him; I'm saying use all that power and influence and face to face camaraderie to reform him. Like I said, I have read intelligent thoughts from him in the past--I know he CAN be a better man. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
It takes all different kinds to build a community (of sorts). They trick is getting everyone to tolerate everyone else. Hell, RR and I have had some EPIC battles, yet we still manage to tolerate one another in public and actually be social. Let's perhaps try to be more tolerant of one another.
Whispers is correct about one thing. RR and his alias's are not one except the Staff's problem. The guidelines say that if you have an issue or suspect that someone has multiple handles, then RTM it and when we can be sure of it, we will take action, but not until. I cannot operate on what I suspect. I have to have more than that to act. I enjoy some good fun and ball breaking as much as the next guy, but one has know when it is time to say when. Just a suggestion!! You can duke it out until the cows come home as long as you keep it inside the lines!!!

Beagle's Avatar
I enjoy some good fun and ball breaking as much as the next guy, but one has know when it is time to say when. Just a suggestion!!

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
I've had good fun and I'll promise this to be my last post except to pop back in in future to update on the other suspected RR handles after they get banned.
Still Looking's Avatar
I want Rockericks to come back as Still Looking 2 and go post in Houston. They love me there. But not as much as San Antonio.

Happy Holidays you guys. Had some free time while Im waiting to have my balls jingled.