Your definition please: Hobby Hubby?

David.Douchehurst's Avatar

A: Clients with whom I share a fondness and fun connection with and would enjoy meeting under any circumstances.

D: I didn't know there could be a D...but, I am still sorting through the fine print and legal contest rules. That is the 'encounter' that never happens.
For $ anyway. You both get as far as dinner and realize that you should have met on Funny world in which we live, ain't it? Originally Posted by Aphrodite
Duz this mean thet Ah shulda put out when ya bought me a burger? Ah mighta, but thar warn't no onyun rings in tha dealio, an' Ah don't usually put out wif out no onyun rings on tha table. Ah may be easy, but Ah ain't cheap.
DD - an egregious oversight on my part! To think of all the fun we could have had playing 'ring toss' !!
My ex-wife was vanilla when we met, but she starting being a provider, and I loved it! But alas, to find another provider to be my lady, my partner in crime, my girlfriend, what ever, proves more difficult then I thought, lol. Easy to get a girlfriend to provide, harder to get a provider to be your girlfriend. lol
I think once a person is repeatedly given flowers, wine, cunnilingus AND a wad of cash by attractive men, it makes "dating" less appealing.
And really, for those gentlemen who think that being a 'hobby hubby' means you get 'it' for free...think about it for a moment. Is there any husband anywhere that ever, REALLY gets 'it' for free?

For those who have stated they would like to fill that position - I told them it would cost them FAR less to pay per visit

Or, you might have ended up helping me move *wink*

Just sayin'

Now, where is Zeus...I have a 'honey-do' list for him...
I think once a person is repeatedly given flowers, wine, cunnilingus AND a wad of cash by attractive men, it makes "dating" less appealing. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Jenns: This is one of many reasons I enjoy your posts so much. This one made me grin all afternoon! By this definition I'm a sort of "hobby hubby" for my ATF. Relationships are each unique and each take their own twists and turns and the next thing you know you're doing toilet or auto repairs for her, or taking her out shopping for a gun.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
My ex-wife was vanilla when we met, but she starting being a provider, and I loved it! But alas, to find another provider to be my lady, my partner in crime, my girlfriend, what ever, proves more difficult then I thought, lol. Easy to get a girlfriend to provide, harder to get a provider to be your girlfriend. lol Originally Posted by brittany1980
Alot of providers here are here for the same reasons as the guys ..besides the 4 they just want no strings attached sex..I personally don't think dating in the hobby is very smart ..never leads to good things...
..I personally don't think dating in the hobby is very smart ..never leads to good things...

I sure don't want some one that feels I am attached to them in the romantic sense. I enjoy the fun I am having with the ladies I am with. I was married close to 50 years now I want the fun side with the sex as a major part. Yes I have a couple of ATFs (hobby wives) but I am sure we don't have an exclusive contract with each other. Each session I discover new exciting thing to do.
I pretty much agree with Tucson.

You can have special feelings with providers, and sometime the feeling may be mutual. But at the end of the day (or end of the hour :-) ) you have to remember there are boundaries that are in place for a good reason. To protect both sides.